Unfortunately, it doesn't mention thyroid disease.
Unfortunately, it doesn't mention thyroid disease.
It will not mention thyroid because thyroid is a general necessity and so are biotics. You just need to make sure your gut flora is as good as it can be to help your immune system.
Thank you, wiserlady.
DIFFERENT problems can be helped with different biotics. But the immune system is a whole encompassing thing, too broad andnot specific enough. The gut flora if right helps our immune system by 30% it also helps other things accordingto how good it is - allergies, acid reflux etc. I have just worked hard to buy myself a water distiller and now distil my water also getting a slow juicer and will be drinking a lot of vegetable juice, not a simple thing as all of the different veg can help in different ways and too much sugar is bad for you so fruit juice can be bad for you. But I want to improve my health so I work hard to be able to buy these things.
I didn't think it was good to drink distilled water. Because it lacks a lot of minerals and things. I believe people have died doing that. Or did you mean filter?
Distilled water means removing the chemicals and yes theminerals too. But most of our minerals that we need come from our food, very little from our water. And you can easily raise the ph of your water by adding alittle bicarbonate or some natural mineral drops, but you would be drinking totally clean fresh water with no additives otherwise. If you went to a lake and drank some of that clean water you would not die. I know a naturopath who is nearly 90 who has been drinking distilled water for years, he is totally fit and healthy with no illness at all. He can do things many younger people cannot do. Reversed water retains the minerals but it is not so good for you as not so pure. I research things thoroughly, I dont work hard and then rush out and waste my money. One of the reasons people drink distilled water is to remove fluoride which can affect the thyroid, others to help them avoid alzheimers, there are lots of other reasons too.
Thanks for sharing. They are all so expensive though and I have a cupboard full of things that are supposed to help. Have you taken any of these? Did they help?
I take a probiotic complex which contains four different ones - I haven't checked them with the list on this article. I can't say specifically that it helps with anything, but I Don't have any of the conditions on this list. I rarely have digestive problems.
Thank you so much for this! Mine settles for maybe four - six months [eleven months once!] - with probiotics taken throughout - then it all starts off again, huge bloating so bad that ONLY antibiotics takes it down... then the cycle repeats. Tried everything, so hoping to find something different here x
I found that having to take antibiotics for a few days unsettles it all, which makes perfect sense when you remember what antibiotics do. Always do your best to avoid taking them.
Thank you, yes I know but I have literally tried everything... its not just bloating, its fatigue, disturbed sleep, nausea, constipation/D and went on for 8 mnths first time round. I can tolerate all of that but the bloating doesn't go down at all throughout the time until I literally 'take it down'... gone within days with antibiotics... I loathe taking them However, I wind up looking a week away from giving birth: we went to view a house a couple of years back and a 3 y/o child of that house said, "What's in there?"... to the horror of her mother. I laughed because the girl must have looked and, even at her age, worked out that I looked more like her g'mother than mother, hence her puzzlement
I don't take any of their meds, always finding alternatives so this really does me in... then its gone and I'm great [except for the thyroid
] for months on end, 'til the next time...
Dont forget that if you take biotics you need to take a good dose every day each dayuntil they have taken hold. A lot of people expect them to become permanent in their system too easily and too quickly and you also need the prebiotics such as onion for them to thrive and multiply and last. Dont take shop bought sugary yoghuts even if they say they have live bacteria they are always the same ones, always just a tiny amount which they have added in powder form after making the yoghurt, very little if any benefit and usually not the biotics your system needs. The sugar in the yoghurt probably cancels out any help they might do.
Thank you again I once had to take 2,000 [2 x twice a day] mg of amoxicillin + 800 mg of Metronidazole [ 1 x twice a day] for 14 days... I got plenty and it worked a treat [for H.pylori] but been tested since and its not that further times. [Now I only take 1,000 mg + 800 mg and its exactly the same signs/symptoms. Probiotics I've been taking: Symprove morning, VSL #3 afternoon and BioKult before bed... most of the time, I switch them round and use other good brands also. When taking antibiotics, I've still taken probiotics at times in between the antibx. I've taken Olive Leaf extract and Oregano Oil caps [natural antibiotics] and other such stuff.
I only eat proper natural Greek yogurt and never the shop stuff: thanks, for reminding me! Yes, thanks again, prebiotics = important, I was using fermented sauerkraut but told fermentation might be a problem, so moved to Kefir.
If you remember anything else, I'd much appreciate.
Other thoughts. Make your own yoghurt. I do sometimes, far better for you. Sauerkraut is pointless if bought from a shop where it has been heat treated to destroy the good stuff. IF you need to take antibiotics for a while no point to taking biotics at the same time but take a lot of onion etc to build up and multipy the GOOD bacteria and then bombard yourself with biotics when you stop. Stop having sugar, dont smoke or drink.
Cut down as much as you can on refined and processed foods, tinned foods. Frozen veg is far better for you than so called fresh that has been shipped and hanging around and lost a lot of it's nutrition. And I still say that juicing and making smoothies from veg to drink each day helps with any problems and in prevention of problems. They saythat it helps with lots of things, and anyone who juices at least 4 times a week has a 75% less chance of getting altzheimers.Likewise DISTILLED water is better for you than spring water and much better than tap water.
No point to dying young and getting in a state because you saved up and put your money in a bank instead of spending on things that would improve your health.
Thank you again. I barely have sugar now, a little in berries, stopped smoking in 2003, barely drink either and careful about cals. Cook from fresh. I have all kind of juicing contraptions and juice to make lollies [tons of spinach, much less frozen berries, small amount of Greek yog and touch of double cream]. I have one that saves the pulp and that can be used to shape into 'crispbreads', mixed with nuts and seeds, so no gluten either. I never eat bread, rice or pots. I've never done distilled water... thank you! I know its just the damned bloating... and the thyroid... and the adrenals, ha ha... one day it'll all be fixed. Take care now... sounds like you already do
Just a thought. Maybe you get candida that comes and goes. In which case you need to totally cut out sugar until it has not got hold of you at all. That includes fruit, honey etc.
Linda C, I see that bloating is one of your problems, I too have had a lot of this lately. I once went on a yeast intolerance diet and it helped a lot, but everything went wrong again at Christmas and New Year when I overindulged. One of the things one must avoid on this diet is dairy and definitely bread and cheese. (soda bread is ok) I was thinking of doing the diet again. This diet was advised by a local homeopath before I knew I had a thyroid problem. The diet was not meant to be permanent.
I was reading the other day that even folk with good digestion find that onions, garlic and beans are really hard to digest. Garlic is definitely a no, no for me.
PositiveP, it certainly can be! I steer clear of onions and beans [of all kinds] because I too heard that but not garlic for flavouring. I don't touch bread, pasta or rice and pretty much no root veg... most of the time I'm fine on dairy/cheese but its 'up again' and no idea why. Once its up, it stays there [as said above] until its 'taken down' with antibiotics which I loathe taking.
Sadly, I [kicking and screaming] learned not to overindulge [well, once in a blue moon... as you say Christmas/New Y]. Problem with any 'diet' is that once its stopped everything seems to unravel again. Change to diet seems to have to mean a change for life Oh well, at least we're still here to complain about it
Very interesting indeed. Didn't know you could match strains to certain conditions. I did notice an article in the paper over the weekend saying that probiotics didn't work ( which I absolutely do not believe!) apart from one called Symprove - I looked it up and it gets great reviews but it is very expensive and while I know you can't / shouldn't put a price on health that's a bit steep for me so I'll stick to the ones I've got at the moment which I think work.
I took Symprove for four months and it did not do anything for me.
Perhaps if you took them with prebiotics they would take hold and help.
When you find one that lists biotics that work well instead of paying an arm and a leg for the expensive one, where they probably spend more on advertising and marketing and publicity than on the product, make a list of the biotics it contains and find a supplier that sells you the same thing for a much cheaper price. For example, a lot of people are now buyng these expensive capsules to help with frequent urination. They cost about £40 - £50 for a few capsules. Yet all they contain is pumpkin seeds, so just buy pumpkin seesds, which cost a fraction of the price. Other idiots buy special tablets and capsules which are advertised on television at great cost to help with hunger, yet they are just fibre, and you can get fibre capsules elsewhere for a tiny fraction of their price.
Some people did get Symprove on NHS! I tried - spent a fortune on Symprove, VSL #3 and BioKult [not so expensive] and saved the box tops... threaded them onto a string and used to take them to the docs every time I went saying, "That's £20+ a bottle a week, that's a fortune with ice box shipping + that also helps"... why do I have to buy these when someone is being prescribed a gluten free pizza costed at £32 each to the NHS? I can't eat pizza either because I've a real bad gut". I don't usually do that kind of thing but I wanted to make the point that having to pay in the region of £175 a month for probiotics for a HUGE bloated gut is a freak_ing joke when the NHS pays for pizzas Apologies and rant over!
You can get good online offers of Symprove, e.g. 3 boxes of 4 bottles for the price of 2, which is a good saving.
Hi Fruitandnut
Yes certain strains of probiotics work for different conditions. So lactobacillus Salivarius is great for the Ear nose and Throat, lungs. L paracasei great for the removal of parasites, once you have undertaken a cleanse.
I imagine Symprove must have had an interest in it somewhere along the line even if the wasn't obviously sponsored by them.
I'll carry on with my regular health store antibiotics 😊
Doh! Probiotics 😉
There are 10,000 species of microbes - and each one has its own DNA which translates to more than eight million genes. That means for every gene in our bodies there are at least 360 microbial ones....
From Dr David Perlmutter's book - Brain Maker. He talks about pre-and pro-biotics as being the way forward in medicine - but they have not quite sorted which ones to go with which condition. It seems faecal transplants are the best known way of restoring balance in the microbiome at the moment - again from his book !
Coming to a Clinic near you - and faster than you think ! Already happening in the UK and Europe but not so much as yet in the US. He sends patients to Europe.
Good book - good read !
I've Read about that just the other day - it sounds a bit grim but if it works and cures people I dare say it would be worth getting over the squeamishness of it all.
Roll on the day when they (probiotics) are easily available and are sold linked to specific conditions.
I've seen a video of the making of a faecal transplant. If you have a dog and have to pick up after him, or if you change babys' nappies it's not as grusome as all that. Done worse. And then it is inserted as an enema type thing. Not so bad. I'd be willing to give it a shot if the case arose.
I would too. I know that some people use friends or relatives or members of their household as donors and do the job at home without involving doctors.
From the reading I've done it seems doctors are much more squeamish about it than patients. But then I've always thought that doctors simply don't understand desperation. And I've always thought that was a failing in a doctor!
...and as we have animals GG - we are more in contact with the bacteria our gut needs. We have become too clean - along with the over use of anti-biotics - which also has a VERY negative effect on the micro-biome. Whilst on the subject of the other end - dogs lick their bums to collect excreted B12 Always knew they were more intelligent than humans ! Gut problems do not seem to exist to the same extent in under developed countries that we perceive as not being clean !
Oh marz, you did make me laugh! Wish I was flexible enough to lick my bum! Not that I'd do it, of course! Would just like to be able to do it. Then, perhaps, I could tie my own shoe laces! lol
Yes, you're right, us pet owners are much more in touch with nature. And I could never be accused of being too clean having a dog! lol Just clean enough. I would never use one of those dreadful anitbacterial hand thingies - unless I was absolutely unable to use normal soap (like in hospital... do you know, they give you a bed pan, then take it away and just leave you. I said hey! I want toilet paper and I want to wash my hands!!! They looked at me as if i were mad and brought me a couple of sheets and a bottle of hand cleaner, but they would have been perfectly happy to just leave me like that. And then I go touching things and eating... it doesn't bear thinking about!) OK, unintended rant over. lol
You mean no loo paper with the bedpan? Yes, all those antibacterial sprays etc as a child we used to play with the dogs, the horses, goodness knows what else - my brother and I once found a stolen handbag that had been dumped. In the compost heap. I often wonder what sort of game we were playing that nvolved turning over the compost heap - we certainly weren't searching for the stolen bag. My kids had a 'buggy' free range sort of upbringing and I've never food poisoned anyone in 45 years of marriage. Good old soap and water done to a rendering of 'Happy birthday to ... ' does the trek.
As for 'lick your bum' that made me laugh as well, although I have to say that since I've started treatment for my inflammatory arthritis I find to my great joy I can actually reach that region easily now 😉
Yep, that's right. Bed pan and no loo paper. Next day, I had to ask my son to go out and get me a roll! So embarrassing! But he bought me top quality paper, not like the stuff they had in the loo. lol So, that was alright.
HITLER'S doctor was the first who did this. And it helped hitler a lot - shame. Nowadays doctors in the usa pay people for their faeces and sell them and transplant them to poorly patients who need help from them. You have to be perfect, not overweight, not ill, and have a perfect gut flora, to be accepted for this.
Prebotics are essential. IF you do not take prebiotics your biotics often just pass through the body without any effect and without multiplying. I eat a lot of bits of onion when I take biotics so that they flourish. It is a much cheaper way of taking them. Take ONE biotic with a lot of onion is the same - to your stomach as taking five biotics without it. Nowadays a lot of biotics come with a prebiotic included in the capsule.
Excellent information as always from my favourite Goose.