for hypo.i have been quite ill and was borderline sometime ago,was put on levo after a phone conversation with gp.Will ask for a copy of results.Is there anything i should keep in mind when seeing gp?
Visiting gp for first time since being put on Levo - Thyroid UK
Visiting gp for first time since being put on Levo

Forgot to say i am 50 of the Levo.
If you are having clinical symptoms he should give you a rise in levothyroxine.
If you've already had a blood test before your appointment tell him you want a copy of your blood test results for your own records each time. (just in case the receptionist is not forthcoming).
Hopefully you've had B12, Vit D, iron, ferritin and folate taken and it's unusual for a doctor to diagnose and prescribe over the 'phone but that's better than none at all.
You should have a rise in levo and tell him you are symptomatic. Make sure he doesn't adjust levothyroxine to try and keep your TSH 'in range'. Tell him you have to have a TSH around 1 or below. If he queries say that NHS Choices ThyroidUk has advised.
Yes all my folic acid and others tests where very good, i think i was given the levo because of my symptoms,they were getting worse and i think that gp thought it was the very low iron level i had, 7(-)and after having an infusion my iron had not improved.I am feeling better,no i should say a small improvement since another different iron infusion and my levo being doubled to the 50,so will be interesting to know if its the iron(which i think it is)or if its both.My gp is always very happy to get a copy of my results so hopefully will have some in a few days.
Fairyeyes, if TSH is over 1.0 ask for a dose increase. Read Treatment Options in and print it off in case you need to show it to your GP.
If ferritin, vitamin D, B12 and folate haven't been tested ask whether GP will do them. They're often low in hypothyroid patients and can cause muculoskeletal pain, fatigue and low mood similar to hypothyroid symptoms.