The constant blood tests: The doctor stopped my... - Thyroid UK

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The constant blood tests

thyroidx100 profile image
15 Replies

The doctor stopped my Thyroid medication because I refused to take yet more blood test for awhile, but was eventually forced to take one, one and half weeks ago after constant blood being taking, my veins have become very weak, and thick veins collapsed. It is so painful. I have no Thyroid, does anyone else have the same issues? .... please help.

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thyroidx100 profile image
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15 Replies
Clutter profile image

Thyroidx, I've not experienced problems with collapsing veins but once you are optimally dosed and stable you should only need one, two at the most, thyroid function tests a year. Drinking plenty of water, a brisk 15 minute walk and keeping warm before a blood draw will usually make it easier.

shaws profile image

I am very sorry for your plight and quite understand your fears and Clutter has given good advice.

Many people don't like injections or having blood drawn. Make sure you drink more water than usual the day before and the morning of the test and it should be much easier and less painful.

You cannot do without your medication and the doctor would be worried that you might not be having the proper dose of levothyroxine and would also be held responsible. Make an appointment and show him your arm and he might be able to make a suggestion for the next time.

Get a print-out from the surgery of your latest blood tests with the ranges and post them on a new question for comments.

Next time a blood test is due, make the appointment as early as possible, and leave about 24 hours approx between your last dose of levo and the test and take levo afterwards.

How do you feel at present on your dose of levothyroxine?

ScotsLassLondon profile image

I have one vein that works for blood draw. And I was getting bloods taken from the same spot every other day for a 8 week period recently so I can understand your plight (unrelated to thyroid). Some people have finer veins and less at the surface than others. Is it the doctor taking your bloods? In my experience they are extremely clumsy and harsh on veins (leaving them bloody/bruised, collapsed and hurting for up to a week after) when drawing compared with the expert vampires (that's what I called them when I was in hospital as a teen - it was always a relief when they were taking the bloods and not a house doctor) aka Phlebotomists. Could you request a phlebotomist take the bloods and that they use those tiny butterfly needles used for children? May help for when you HAVE to have it taken.


waveylines profile image

I agree with scotslasslondon 😊😊 I have had a lot of blood draws recently for a different medical reason. I always go to the hospital to have my done -the phlebotomists there are great & take my blood with minimum hassle, pain & much less bruising. My GP practise nurse doesn't have the fine needles so couldn't do it and the GPs don't get the daily practise the phlebotomists get who are highly skilled. Xx

I think its outrageous that you doctor stopped your thyroid meds when you have no thyroid. Couldnt he examine you and go by how you feel to see if your meds are working well. Taking your pulse and temperature would be a good guide but most dr are too ignorant to know even that. I am cross on your behalf.

Winegum2 profile image

I'm cross too. what he did is very dangerous! With no thyroid hormone at all in your system, you could eventually end up in a coma. I think you should change doctors and report the other one to the medical council.

annie-7 profile image

Hi thyroidx100, I totally sympathize with you, I would change doctors and report the one that's withholding your thyroid hormone. I have lousy veins and I am dreading my next endo appointment. At my local hospital they don't have a specialist (Phlebotomist) there to take blood, only healthcare assistants, (who I am sure are fine for most people who don't have a problem with their veins), but for me, not much help.

When I have blood taken, I have the smallest butterfly needle, but it still takes many attempts. I only have one good site left. So, I have decided to only do finger prick blood tests at home, my doctor is ok with that.

NadeNud profile image

I have no thyroid and a doctor cut my medicine from 100 to 50. After 5 weeks my TSH was 24 and I had my first experience of the pain and fatigue of hypothyroidism (which a different doctor tried to convince me was depression!!).

I hope you still had a personal supply....people with TT must never stop taking thyroxine as you must already know, it's essential for every cell function in our bodies.

I remember hating being monitored as I felt like a child. Since last year, I welcome the understanding that blood tests can give us.

I hope you feel better soon

nerossa profile image

Blood tests are a necessity. We have so many vessels and blood tests don't make us weak. There may be a psychological element to your distaste for the tests and the doc was using threats to gain compliance. The truth is they can't prescribe certain medications without supporting blood work or they can be sued for malpractice or cause harm. It wasn't nicely done, agreed. The answer lies in helping you come to terms with the necessity of the tests. Taking anti-anxiety medication before the tests, going with a friend, finding a reliable lab with a good technician who uses butterflies...I have terrible veins. I always bruise and they end up drawing blood with butterflies from my wrist and hand after jabbing me all over and with my Lupus, they've taken as many as fourteen vials in one go without even a single of juice. Sucks, but it's a necessary evil.

faith63 profile image
faith63 in reply to nerossa

With Thyroid is not necessary to do it as often. I totally disagree with you.

sulamaye profile image
sulamaye in reply to nerossa

If someone has had chemo or lots of intravenous antibiotics in the past, as I have, the veins collapse making blood difficult to take even every six months. Having it done frequently exacerbates the problem. There is nothing psychological about that!

What the hell was your doctor playing at as he / she should know how dangerous that can be. If you have become weak from constant blood tests he should be looking more at the tests already taken because there could be a reason for it.

Some times my veins refuse to give the blood and I always feel weaker when blood has been taken as they have to check my diabetes too however I only have tests every 6 months now so my veins get a chance to recover. I can only advise you to insist on a second opinion as something does not seem right and the doctor could be making things worse by withdrawing your medication.

faith63 profile image

YES!!! I have been stuck 50 times since 2001, when i got sick. Put 1x a month at Endo's offices for 3 years and i said no more. I still don't feel well and i know better now. Before all this lab obsession, they went by symptom relief and thats how it should be done especially if on ndt or t3 only. My veins are all full of scar tissue now and i am petrified of blood draws. I stopped seeing an endo and started ordering my own meds.

thyroidx100 profile image

Thank you all so much really made my day and helped me. I am not feeling good, severe headache and nausea and vomiting so my hubby phoned the doctors again. Yesterday they finally dropped my medicine off, cutting several of them, but despite taking them I am still feeling the effects of not taking any medicine. Although I have my medicine now, I cannot believe the doctors did this to me, or would do that to anyone regardless - lifelong medicine, or any medicine for that matter, is not to be shoved to the side and disregarded as if it was not necessary.

I hope I feel better soon and the doctors do not do this to me again.

Once again, thank you all so much for all the help and supporting comments. I am now changing doctors hopefully to a more supporting practise.

annie-7 profile image
annie-7 in reply to thyroidx100

Hi again thyroidx100, so glad to hear that everything was sorted out. I hope all goes well with new Doctor and that you feel better soon.

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