Iv`e been reading articles on the internet claiming that being hypothyroid can lead to alzheimers disease. Naturally this is a terrifying thought because My thyroid is slightly underactive although I`m on medication for it. What are the odds that this will result in alzheimers?
Hypothyroid & alzheimers?: Iv`e been reading... - Thyroid UK
Hypothyroid & alzheimers?
I am sorry you are worried about the connection and I have also read a similar report.
My own personal view is that it might be due to not being given sufficient thyroid hormones plus some T3. The reason being that many doctors/endos keep the patients' doses within 'a range' and don't allow the TSH to be low or suppressed which some of us need to feel well.
Also, they rarely test Free T3s and it might be low in some people because they don't convert T4 sufficient to T3. T3 is the hormone required by all of the receptor cells in our bodies and the brain contains the most.
Hi fairy, I wouldn't worry unnecessarily about that but keep in mind, keeping the brain functioning well for many reasons as Shaws points out is the point. Usually your body will go into survival mode (when ill) and will probably use T3 first where it is essential unless it is blocked for some reason. You must look this holistically. I like both these men for their comprehensiveness.
Vitamin D is also important to prevent Dementia/Alzheimers - read the link below about research that was done indicating LOW D can be a problem....
....and still Docs do not test.
The Big Pharma industry have pulled out of finding a cure - as it is all about preventative medicine I am afraid. Healing the gut is important as gluten molecules can penetrate the blood/brain barrier and cause inflammation. Read up on Dr Datis Kharrazian - he has a website and excellent books.
Dr David Perlmutter recently did a brief clip about research into VitE and Alzheimers - sadly I did not save it. So Google him and you will find it
The above link talks about brain shrinkage in the absence of B12.....
I'm terrified of getting dementia. My brain has really taken a hammering over the last few years with all the health problems I've had, and my ability to plan things and to use logic has diminished hugely. My memory has improved over the last 6 months or so but I don't expect much more improvement. I'm so scatterbrained, and it annoys and frustrates me immensely.
The reason for posting is that about 4 - 6 weeks ago I started adding a generous teaspoon of coconut oil to my breakfast coffee. I find coconut oil goes rather well with coffee. And I've found that my mental abilities have improved quite substantially since adding the oil. I've been trying to lower my sugar/carb intake while increasing my healthy fats. I have a long way to go, but I am getting some mental/psychological benefits already.
I have good levels of vitamin D, B12 and folate, and I take T3 alone. I'm sure they all help brain function a lot, but the oil has been a revelation.
Thanks for posting Humanbean, was just enjoying my coffee, and have now put a generous dollop of coconut butter in it, and will continue to do so.
I hope it helps. I have found that increasing my healthy fats and oils has reduced my appetite (as well as making my brain work a bit better) and has reduced my cravings for carbs. I've even managed to lose a couple of pounds - a rare event! My diet has been far too high in refined sugar and carbs for a very long time, and I've been worried about developing diabetes as well as worrying about dementia. So I'm glad I've found something that finally helps.
I am trying to lose a few pounds, but have had a horrible Monday. Passing a baker's could not resist a cinnamon pastry and scoffing as fast as my mandibles would allow. Bad news, I am non-gluten and sugar free and I have just blown it. Oh well tomorrow is another day!
I have the same problem with ice cream. It's definitely my downfall on many occasions!
Hi Margo,
I've just been doing some reading today, about increasing one's intake of saturated fats - and coconut oil is particularly high in saturated fat. There is a total divide amongst experts on this subject, but there is a possibility it will raise your total cholesterol and your LDL. This doesn't bother me in the slightest, but I thought I should pass it on in case it bothered you.
^^ One link from each side of the opinion divide - there are thousands more!
Raising my cholesterol and LDL doesn't bother me either Humanbean. I am on page 67 reading Grain Brain by Dr Perlmutter. If you haven't read it, it is a MUST. It has been mentioned many times on this site, decided to borrow the book from the library yesterday. Fascinating!
There is a connection between low T3 and reduced cognitive abilities, which could accelerate the onset of dementia.
Short-term memory loss seems to be one of the first signs.
I do not think that you will find any confirmation of a direct link with Alzheimer's Disease.
I think that I may have one or two articles/papers on T3 and cognitive function, so I will have a look in my thyroid e-library and post links if I find anything.
Amazingly I was about to ask the very same question as both my Mum and my aunt developed early onset 'Alzheimers' though curiously they couldn't fine any brain shrinkage in my Mum beyond that normal for her age.
Given that she had a lot of hypo symptoms but undiagnosed (usual story - values within 'normal' range) I've been wondering if, in fact, her dementia was due to hypothyroidism. As has already been stated, the link may be more to do with Vit D deficiency - which is also highly likely in my Mum's case.
I'm not sure if the Alzheimers Society have any relevant information. I've been meaning to contact them. If I find out anything of use I'll let you know.
A Dr chandy beleive that there is no dementia just B12 deficiency. I dont agree with that sweeping statement but I do know that inspite of my age I was on the way to being diagnosed with presenile untill I had some B12 jabs self adminsitered according t Dr Chandys advice. B12 should be given to anyone showing signs of dementia as blood tests unreliable but sadly it isnt done. I think because drug companys would rather people were treated with new expensive alzeimers drugs.
I believe there may be a link between T3 deficiency and cognitive decline/dementia. Both my mother and grandmother were eventually diagnosed as having low thyroid function but in both cases they had, by that time, developed very severe symptoms including dementia. My grandmother died of a massive stroke shortly after diagnosis but my mother has gone on develop severe dementia - diagnosed as Alzheimer's based on her symptoms but she hasn't had a brain scan which I believe is the only way of providing a definitive diagnosis of AD.
I have had a positive result from the DIO2 test (inherited the faulty gene from both parents) - so it seems likely that my mum has problems converting T3 to T4 too. She was given levothyroxine after she was finally diagnosed hypothyroid - at the time, her GP said her cognitive decline may have been the result of low thyroid function but the drugs made no difference (of course, if she is a poor converter, levo wouldn't have helped). She is now in the final stages of the disease after almost 15 years.
There is no proof of a causative link between T3 deficiency and dementia that I am aware of but I have seen several pieces of research suggesting a correlation. Of course, not enough research being done to find out if undiagnosed thyroid deficiency is contributing to the high incidence of dementia. The medical research community don't seem very motivated to explore this possibility unfortunately.
Personally I think that its a lack of T3 that causes most dementia, at least the simle treatment of T3 is cheaper and more efficient than ignoring it.
My friend who died recently after years of early onset Alzheimers was diagnosed as having NO activity of his thyroid a year before his Alzheimer diagnosis. I am sure there is some kind of link.
I believe you are right mstp, and the medical profession know that too, but it isn't
In their interest to do anything about it.
Its interesting that we read that thyroid illness is more and more common and that alzheimers is at epidemic proportions - along with B12Deficiency. It could all come down to one simple thing - the way we eat.... Even then Docs are unable to diagnose B12D even when it is staring at them on the screen....and all those guidelines that are rarely read.... It really is a sad state of affairs.
Alzheimers is autoimmune and so is Hashimoto's and when you get one autoimmune disease, you get others, because the immune system is bad.
Mine isn`t down to autoimmune because I had a test for antibodies, which was negative. I think that maybe I just had a poor thyroid from an early age, because I always put on weight more easily than other people my age ever since my teens.
Some interesting info on Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia, although not specifically related to hypothyroidism :
A short film : youtube.com/watch?v=QqcJSxs...
And a much longer film by the same person who created the short version :
Despite the cartoon characters used in the films, the intention is to provide serious information.