Off topic but interesting article:
OT: Research into viruses & inflammation as cau... - Thyroid UK
OT: Research into viruses & inflammation as cause of Alzheimers

This was fascinating! thanks so much for sharing. also really demonstrates how human nature really gets in the way of scientific progress!
Very interesting but I believe the inflammation is the body's reaction to the underlying cause of the pathogen/virus. It would be better to treat that cause rather than the effect of inflammation. Furthermore that could/should be done naturally, if possible, to eliminate side effects of chemicals in drugs.
But somehow I don't think controlling Big Pharma will do that?
Thank you so much for this. Both my Mum and her sister became ill in their later 50s/early 60s with early onset Alzheimer's. It was excruciatingly painful to see two intelligent women so reduced by such a cruel disease. Both died at the age of 71. If the trial shows that the hypothesis has been correct all these years, the people who tried to hamper progress will surely be disgraced. It's often the mavericks (or so regarded) that have the spark of enlightenment, as we know from this forum! But they are also the ones often denigrated by the die hards who can't see beyond their own professional strictures.
Very, very interesting article, Josisemum! I read every single word of it and have posted it on my Facebook page. I just hope scientists/researchers/NIH will get their heads out of their arses and follow this theory...