Hi ladies hyperthyroid has just invaded my life π’ I've lost 4 stone in weight and have lost nearly all of my hair π° I've still got more tests to go through and feel what else does this stupid thing want . Could you's please help me with any advise as to how I can get my hair back can I take vitims ? Thankyou
Not to good: Hi ladies hyperthyroid has just... - Thyroid UK
Not to good

Hi there just been told yesterday l have over active thyroid the doc has put me on carbimazole .l Am the same lost almost 2 stone in a short period of time .only started treatment so no hair loss yet but for your vitamins please get nourkrin it supports the hair cycle, l specialise in hair this will help and encourage hair growth good luck π
Vitamins don't help hair loss if it is caused by Hyperthyroidism.. get the thyroid levels back to normal and researching a natural way to combat autoimmune disease, is a good start. Mark Hymans website has good info on that.
What were the results of your blood tests and did your doctor test your ferritin, folates, vitamin D and B12? If so post your results with their ranges then people can have a look and see what they think.
My hair fell out when my Graves was very bad. I was taking a high dose of carbimazole for too long without my bloods being tested so by the time I saw the endo I had become quite under active. My endo said the hair loss was because I had gone from being very hyper to being very hypo in such a short period of time.
My hair fell out all over the place and from all over my head. My fingernails practically disintegrated and were incredibly painful too.
Eventually once my bloods got up to my optimal levels my hair stopped falling out and my nails went back to normal.
I knew my B12 was very low but within the range so I took Jarrows sublingual B12 (5000mcg) every day. I also took 1000mcg vitamin C with zinc every day because my pharmacist had recommended that I take it with my carbimazole and I took CoQ10 as well, and vitamin D because mine wasn't all that high. I made sure I ate a healthy diet, mainly chicken, lots of oily fish and fruit, berries and green vegetables.
I wouldn't take vitamins unless you have been tested and know your levels are low though.
Like Faith has already said 'get your levels back to normal and your hair will sort itself out' and you could try a gluten free diet that should help your autoimmune problems
Thankyou so much for your replies xxxxx I've not been fully tested yet waiting on letter from thyroid clinic . Although my GP has admitted he doesn't really know much about it but quickly referred me to specialist . I'm on 20g Of carbimazole and hopefully won't wait to long for full examination Thankyou I will hold off for now and Thankyou again xx
I like that your doctor admitted he didn't know enough about it and has referred you straight to an endo.
I was started in 20mcg and tested after four weeks. The results were sent to The endo I was due to see but hadn't met at that ooint. There was a long waiting list in my area - I waited from November until the last day in February to be seen - the endo obviously looked at the results and as nothing had really happened - my bloods were almost the same as before I started the carb - I got a letter telling me to double up to 40mcg carbimazole a day. It was another two months before my endo appointment and by the time I got there I was well under active - My TSH had gone from <0.03 to 8.00 which was what caused the hair problem.
I think it would have been better if I had had another blood test after four weeks on 40mcg but for some reason I didn't. So keep an eye on things, I wish I'd thought to ask for a blood test after the first month on 40mcg
So if it is going to take a while to get to see the endo ask your doc to check your bloods To see what is going on there's no point in becoming hypo if you don't have to.
Low ferritin can impact the hair cycle causing hair to get stuck in the telogen stage which leads to excessive shedding. This is called Telogen Effluvium. It can occur fairly rapidly and lead to an overall thinning.
However, if you never had hair loss prior to hyperthyroidism, then it seems likely that it is the hyperT causing it. Without treating it and getting it under control it doesn't matter what you take otherwise such as hair vitamins - it would be unlikely to change it.
One thing that is useful to find out is whether your hyperthyroidism is autoimmune in nature. In my experience autoimmune thyroid disease related hair loss is harder to treat than other hyper or hypo thyroid hair loss. I believe this is because an autoimmune process is going on in the body. So even if the sufferer gets their hyper or hypo thyroid status under control, the autoimmune process is still ongoing and underlying it (thyroid antibodies).
If you do turn out to have autoimmune thyroid disease, then working on reducing the antibodies/attack on your body may help the hair loss.
I am also a cosmetologist, hair specialist, skin, nails, the works. There is a product that WILL make you hair stop falling out. But as above you have to take your supplements. My hair fell out when I was hypo and grew back when my TSH was suppressed. I feel great now. I take NDT. PM me if you need hair help or otherwise Rita x x
I have hyperthyroid. T4 - 69 π
Started all last year in Sept.
I was losing lots of weight and I was losing hair (Luckily after the wedding) I changed my diet to gluten free and dairy free my hair grown back. No vitamins just food. It made a different if I don't eat the way I'm eating now I don't feel well. Diet made a huge different for me.