So, after three calls and a personal visit, I got a copy of my results. When I called about them on Thursday, I was told they are all "normal - no action."
If I'd believed that six years ago, I wouldn't be here now.
On this occasion, MCV has come back sufficiently below range for the lab to have added a four line note explaining what should be done now. Basically I need a ferritin test. I asked for one last week and was refused on the grounds that it was "all right last year". It would appear that it may not be all right now.
I despair of the NHS, I really do. It makes me sad that I have to fight them every step of the way.
Next week I will need to book a telephone call with a(nother) doctor, probably go up and collect a blood form, take time off work again to get the test done and then have the same hassle getting the results.