Random question, but does anybody else notice a really strange body/urine odour when they're particularly hypo? I've noticed that this smell from my sweat, or when I go to the bathroom, seems to appear just before my symptoms like mental confusion, fatigue and coldness get worse. It's a weird sweet but pungent smell. When I was very, very hypo (so much I could barely stand up) this smell seemed to follow me everywhere. Does anybody know what causes this?
Hypo smell: Random question, but does anybody... - Thyroid UK
Hypo smell

I have weird body smell too when I am doing worse, I smell like old hamburgers :S I connect that smell to hashimoto flare ups now that it is pretty clear I have it.
I used to wonder why I sometimes literally stink But I guess it is hormones and as we all are individuals then different hormones causes body odours.
So interesting! I wonder if only we can smell it ourselves or if other people can - nobody's ever commented on it before...
I have asked many people do I stink but they say I don't. Maybe it is something only we smell or people are too polite.
I unfortunately have super sensitive nose when it comes to some smells so it irritates me. For example smell of fresh celery makes my nose literally hurt. So I have jumped into conclusion that only I can smell my bad odour.
I Wonder if the smell is 'in your nose', so to speak. I used to get a funny smell that nobody else could smell that I associated with catarrh - which I used to get all my life until I was diagnosed. Haven't smelt it since. But, over time, I became convinced that this 'smell' was just in my nose. So difficult to explain!
I know what you mean and that can be true too. For example my mom smells shit everywhere when nobody else does. I believe it is unpleasant to smell that and she keeps crawling under bed and sofa and so on to find the source.
Unfortunately I pick not only my bad odour but other people's stress sweat. Yack! ! Then again I might not smell any food except celery and fried salmon and those smell awful. Coffee I do pick super easy too. If someone is making coffee inside I can smell it 30 meters away being outside when everyone else keeps arguing there is no coffee made.
Smell is a funny thing. But I really think a lot of it is linked to hormones. During my first pregnancy, my sense of smell was so acute, it was a nightmare! Especially going to work in the moring, everyone smelt of soap!!! I know sweating bodies would have been worse, but I just couldn't stand the smell of any kind of perfume. I Don't know how I got to work every morning without vomiting! Ugh!
But I think zinc levels have something to do with it, too.
Agreed! Now that I have been taking zinc I can tolerate perfumes a bit better.
My nightmare is when I give a lift to neighbour who is 50 and smells old sweat and perfume and hair spray. Used to be so difficult. Now it only annoys.
I did not have this before I fell ill so I do connect this with whatever I am suffering of.
Worst part is that some smells literally hurt my nose. I get this aching feeling behind my nose and that is something awful. Nobody understands it. And it is worse during ovulation so hormones do play a big part in this thing.
I think we smell more because thyroid issues can make people sweat more.
I know people who can wear clothes for more than one day but I sometimes have 2 changes.
I haven't noticed a sweet pungent smell, just the usual b.o.
I haven't noticed it for quite a while now, but for years, if I sniffed my armpits, I got a clear smell of cumin/coriander, even if I hadn't eaten any for months.
Yes when I was very hypo I had strange body odour from my armpits and urine. Not pleasant.
My urine has an unpleasant smell only noticed it last couple of months, anyone know if its due to vit supplements?
I can smell a 'plastic' smell on first morning urine and my hairdresser says he can smell a plastic smell when he dries my hair. This would account for the plastic lumps coming out on my skin.
I defy anyone to have read through all those comments and not had a quick sniff at themselves!