quick question.... I've reduced my Levo from 175mg to 100mg, now I want to add t3 in but is it ok to take them at the same time?
When to take t3 and Levothyroxine? : quick... - Thyroid UK
When to take t3 and Levothyroxine?
You can do but if you've never taken T3 before, maybe break into 2-3 doses through the day and take 1 of the doses of T3 with your levothyroxine.
Are you planning to take no more than 25mcg T3 to replace the decreased 75mcg Levothyroxine dose?
Yes I've split the 25mcg in to 4 doses, to take throughout the day, I'm not planning to reduce the Levothyroxine just yet, I'm going to see how I go with the 100mcg Levothyroxine 25 mcg t3, I started today on a split t3 at 12 noon, after a hour I felt surprisingly refreshed. Then about 2.30 felt like I did pre t3 and took another one once I got back home at 3.45. Felt good again so I'm feeling hopeful at the mo, just going to see how it goes.
Yes, it's fine. Just take a note of your pulse and temp before you begin so that if you feel hot etc you can take both several times a day initially and have a comparison. I've always taken doses together, T4/T3 and T3 only or NDT.
Reducing your dose by 75mcg is equal to 25mcg T3 approx.
Taking your dose once daily saves your remembering etc. etc.
Thanks shaw... I took my temp before and after.
Temp pre t3 36.4 then a hour later 36.6,
Same again on second readings, pulse has remand the same at 72bpm
Do I need to get my temp higher, or do you think that's about right?
I've no adverse symptoms , but like I said to rach above I feel surprisingly refreshed.

You just take your temp before beginning so you know your starting temp/pulse. There isn't any aim to get your pulse/temp to a particular spot. It's just that if you feel you're taking a bit too much that both pulse (if getting too high) or temp rising that you reduce dose down to the previous one.
The very best way to know if your dose suits you is how 'you feel'. If good there's no need to increase meds. Just enjoy a normal life.
That's probably the problem, I've forgotten how to enjoy a normal life I shall give it a go. Thanks shaw
Hi again, I had a really bad night sleep, I took my t3 at 7.30am, felt ok for a hour, feeling very tired again now, not sure if I should take another dose or wait. My temp is 36.4 pulse is 72, the problem is where I feel so tired, i can't tell how I'm feeling, if that makes sense...

Sometimes our temp doesn't come back to what it was before we were hypo. I now feel very well and cosy and I am fortunate not to have symptoms but temp is lower than it would have been.
I have never split my doses of either T4, T4/T3, NDT or T3 only.
If we don't convert sufficient T4 into T3 we might be too low. T3 has to saturate our receptor cells and Dr Lowe doesn't recommend splitting doses although I know many do. The more I reduced levo and increased T3 the better I became but my dose of T3 is not very high - about 30 to 32 mcg daily.Some who have thyroid hormone resistance and have to take T3 only have much higher doses to get into their cells.
I would remain at the dose today. Otherwise you will never get a stable dose and adjusting willy/nilly you'll get nowhere.
Decide on your increase and stick to it for about 2 weeks, then increase by a small dose and so on. T3 doesn't always work miracles but sometimes it does. The reason we take temp/pulse initially is so that we can judge if we are overdosing, i.e. If I feel quite hot - take my temp but it is still lowish and my pulse isn't much over my normal I am not overdosing so can relax and continue on my regime.
You say you don't split your dose, how and when do you take yours? Have you a link for Dr Lowe on t3 dosing? Even though I'm on 100mcg Levo, I am considering quitting Levo all together, but in the mean time I'm going to see how it goes with this for a week or 2 .

Give it a good trial of T4/T3 as sometimes its difficult to source your own T3 and if GP gives a prescription that's good.
I take T3 when I awake and wait approx 1 hour, sometimes a little less before I get breakfast. That lasts me till the next day or even longer (when I missed two days as) I had my blood test immediately after taking T3. Nearly gave GP a heart attack and persuaded him to give me another T3 blood test - then I left 2 days gap. Blood test was fine then. I've not made that mistake again.
Thank you shaw, you've wonderful and I really appreciate the advice! I want to do private blood tests, when I get them done should I stop taking the t3 before hand, so I get true reading?

Leave about 24 hours approx from the last dose and also fast. Then get test.
It's ridiculous what we have to do and study and read so much.
You can put the results on a new post with the ranges for comments.
Hi shaws, I hoping you can help me, I've Been 25mcg t3 daily, first I felt ok just like I said, but now I'm not feeling no different, feeling hypo. I split the tab in half, take one half first thing, then split the other 2 in half, I take one about 12.30 then the last one at 4pm.
I tried increasing the second dose to half a 25mcg but felt over stimulated. I'm not sure what to do next?
My temp is about 36.4, pulse 68-72 bpm only time I saw a increase was when I tried the increase. I'm wondering whether to quit Levo altogether. I just don't know which way to go.

I cannot advise as we are all different but if you felt o.k. on 25mcg initially and then began to have some symptoms, I would have added 1/4 tablet and wait two weeks to see how I reacted to this dose (1 25mcg plus 1/4 25mcg). I only take one dose per day and am fine but I do know some split. Dr Lowe said this (he took 150mcg daily of T3):-
And finally, why do I specify that the typical patient use one full dose of non-timed-release Cytomel for life? Because extensive testing has shown that this is safe, effective, and most economical—when used within the context of our entire protocol.
If you are also taking 100mcg of T4 the combined dose of T4/T3 might be a little high for you. If you are still taking T4 I would reduce that by half. Sometimes its difficult to tell the sensation of 'a bit too much' or a 'bit too low'.
Non timed release cytomel ? does that mean it's instantly works or something like that? I am going to stop taking t4 all together and get use to t3 alone and adjust dose accordingly. I already feel hypo on t4 even when I was my original dose. I don't think t4 is working for me at all. I need to get bloods done privately and ask my doctor for ferritin b12 folate, what else could he test for?
Don't worry about getting your temperature up, just as long as you feel ok. I've been overmedicated but never had a higher temperature than 36.5'C.
You are on exactly the right dose; ie 100mcg levothyroxine + 25mcg=175mcg levothyroxine (your former dose). Sounds a promising start; once you've established a steady T3 level after a week or so; those peaks and troughs should disappear.
Thank you so much.. I'm feeling positive
I was told always when you wake up on an empty stomach. T4 and T3 can be taken together. Not good or drink for at least 30 mins