Hello, I'm a 22 year old mum to two (breastfeeding, the youngest is 16 months). Since November I've been experiencing heart palpitations and a fast pulse (140bpm). They are happening more and more often. I got rid of them completely by drinking enough water (I noticed they were mainly happening when I have a dry mouth). But 5 days ago the palps came back randomly! Happening every time I stood still or sat down or anything. A big thud. My pulse was also very fast. I went to a&e, had more tests, they said I'm fine and to take beta blockers. So I started them today, and so far my pulse is lower and no palps. I'm unsure on my thyroid result from last night other than 'it's fine', but my thyroid test from 4 months ago (had it tested due to the palps) is 1.24.