Hi - I'm new to this site & wonder if anyone has been successful with drinking natural Polski Kefir mixed with linseed flour?
Kefir & Linseed Flour: Hi - I'm new to this site... - Thyroid UK
Kefir & Linseed Flour
Hello. What would you take it for?
Hi - What is natural Polski kefir ?
Hi welcome to the site,it's a pretty good site for any info! I have used the Polska kefir but never with linseed flour.I liked it a lot and found it seem to make me feel 'lighter' somehow, whether it actually did any good I don't know but I feel it did! Just run out and need to get more supplies tomorrow.
What is it and what are the benefits?

Try Google for info and suppliers,never used it but looked it up a while back.
Thanks cupi - I saw it shown as a good way to clean through the whole digestive system. I have a lot of mucus currently & am also waiting for blood test results re thyroid. I haven't been able to find this Kefir anywhere locally [ Halifax, West Yorkshire]. Where do you get yours from?
I drink kefir every day I use linseed in my breakfasts. I now make my own kefir. I have to say my tum is far healthier from drinking kefir.
You can buy starter kits online. Kefir has almost full range of probiotics and I used it when diagnosed with gluten wheat intolerance.
I make kefir and drink it due to its probiotic content being in the trillions. I also drink kombucha. I get a bit gassy immediately after if I have a lot. But it's a lovely drink and slowly repopulating my gut....hopefully!
I have offered some free water kefir on this site - no takers.
I have a supply of water kefir grains. I bought them from amazon and they are loving it here and just growing and growing. It seems a shame to throw them away.
Hi Penny
I'd love some if you're offering - I hadn't realised the Kefir I had seen in the polish shops is dairy and I have rather a lot of mucus currently - so don't have been restricting my dairy intake.
How do you "grow" water kefir? I'm a keen vegetable grower and have an allotment too so grow my own veg.
I'll wait to hear from you .......

If you grow your own veg, you no doubt have plenty, and could easily be fermenting some. Fermented veg contains lots of good bacteria and therefore has many of the benefits of kefir. It is very good for you, and also provides a way to preserve veg for use over the winter. I tried kefir, but after a couple of months I decided that it was too much dairy, and not good for my sinus problems. I'm now Fermenting lots of vegetables, and some fruit. I eat quite a lot of it every day, and it's a great way to avoid eating bread etc..
Thank you - I wouldn't have thought of fermenting veg!
Linseed oxidizes (goes rancid) very fast, so I wouldn't eat anything made with pre-ground linseed. You can buy and grind linseed yourself in a coffee grinder. Some people say it is a goitrogen, but has been shown to be good for constipation and breast cancer.
Kefir you can also make yourself from the grains (look on the web). I can see why Polish kefir would be any different from any other Kefir. You can make with milk or coconut water (or sugar water). Contains lots of B vitamins and is good for digestion. Can't see how it would help either hypo- or hyper- thyroid, though.
Kefir and other fermented products are very good for your body generally. They populate your guts with more good bacteria, and help your immune system and metabolic processes to function effectively. So they should contribute to your body's ability to do the best it can in relation to thyroid hormones, as well as everything else. The important thing is to make the fermented products rather than buy them. For example, if you buy sauerkraut in a supermarket, it is most likely to have been heat treated in some way, and will contain no good bacteria. You can buy things like kefir in health food stores, but it is expensive. You can also buy powdered kefir starter in health food stores, but it contains very little good bacteria compared to making it from live grains. So making it is the way to go, and it should be good for all of us!!!
Polish kefir from polish shops is cheap, 0,80p/liter. Is tasty too. You can make your own just puting some into fresh milk and leave for fermentation for one day in warm place. then put into fridge. Sourkraut and cucumber pickles in brime and herbs is also extremly helpful in digestion and loosing weight. Also polish maslanka-similar to kefir in taste. Just drink a bit only.
Thanks kuckner
If you have Hashi's ..i was advised to give up Dairy.
I make my own Kefir and it is the only dairy product I eat. The fermentation process feeds on the lactose to make the probiotic kefir, so you end up with a probiotic rich lactose free drink. I love it!
Thanks Jessiepup
I have a lot of mucus build up currently so am going to try to ferment it in water rather than milk - to start with