Hashimoto's Disease : The Infection Connection - Thyroid UK
Hashimoto's Disease : The Infection Connection

These tests are not so accessible outside of the States though.....have read these things separately in various articles - but good to have them all together in one place....
Thanks GG...
Yes, I know how difficult it is. In Frnce, they laugh at you if you suggest any test out of the ordinary (like B12!) and get very condescending. What makes them think they have the right to laugh at people like that?!? They could at least have the good manners to hide their amusement from someone who is seriously trying to improve their health. Hey ho...
Some can be tested through Armin labs (I think)
Thank you very much. I will look into the other things. For now, I got the selenium and zinc covered.
By the way..I am struggling here. I'm still bloated, up on weight and very cold. Do I really have to wait out the 2 wks before I increase? I'm sorry, but patience is definitely not my virture!!!
Yes, you really do! You know the old saying, Rome wasn't built in a day? Well, neither was your thyroid problem. And as it didn't take a day to build up, it won't take a day to come down. Your body has to get used to the new amounts of hormone. Go too fast and you will stress it and bugger your adrenals. Patients is something you're just going to have to learn if you want to beat this.
Thanks for posting this. It was really helpful.
I would like a bit more info on how much of the vitamins and minerals to take to fight these infections though.
Thank you greygoose. I will check out your posts.
Thanks for posting this. Makes complete sense with my daughter all started with Glandular Fever.
Grey goose - have you been tested for EBV? Most people have had it but assume it's flu/cold and it doesn't last or affect the person too much.
Nope. I've had trouble getting tested for anything! Always had trouble getting doctors to take me seriousl : you're just fat! go away and lose weight!
I'm not going to start making a fuss about it now. Too late. And I try to avoid doctors as much as possible! They've done enough damage as it is. It's just that I like to do a little digging from time to time, and then pass on what I've found.
I'm trying to learn as much as possible so thank you for digging.
If I'd listened to Docs my girl would have been on anti depressants. We Have private healthcare as we're abroad so it's a bit easier but it's so disjointed and I'm trying to collate information and make sure we're not missing anything. She's being tested for Anti bodies tomorrow (new GP told me she should be tested to see if it's Auto Immune or not) and I will ask for a cortisol test as her pupils react exactly like Dr P says in the thyroid book. No one else in the family has this. And yet her cortisol came back fine according to the gynae. They have treated me like I'm an eejit but that's due to my Pernicious Anaemia. I get fed up telling them you can't overdose on B 12 and they argue that you can. So like you the thought of another argument is one step too far when I'm tired and run down.