Is it just me or this thyroid (or lack of!) that once you get one thing cleared up & stabilized something else pops up to knock you back down again! I have had problems with my low calcium levels following a thyroidectomy, these now seem to be coming up, tho further bloods need done. Now i am being tested for a condition called Anykolsing spondylitis. Has anyone heard of or has this?? Im fed up of battling against my body!
Is it just me????: Is it just me or this thyroid... - Thyroid UK
Is it just me????
MrsBargirl, hypoparathyroidism is almost always caused by bruising or damage during thyroidectomy because of the parathyroid glands' proximity to the thyroid gland. If it doesn't resolve within 4 months it is usually a permanent condition.
Ankylosing spondylitis is an arthritic condition unrelated to thyroid.
I believe that anklosing spondylitis is an arthritic autoimmune disease, often hereditary.
my surgery was 8 years ago, im getting all the different tests done for the A.S
As JANJAN2 says - AS is auto-immune in nature. Do you have gut issues ? Any inflammatory condition within the body is often helped by healing and calming the gut. Any condition ending in itis - indicates inflammation.
Increasingly there are books/websites/articles talking about inflammation in the gut being the cause of so much suffering. ( I have Crohns and Hashimotos )
Yes I agree, calming down the inflammation works wonders. I have no thyroid (TT 2000 because of thyCa) and was diagnosed with this AS condition years ago.. However I am well and try hard to eat 'clean' not 100% but most of the time. You can work wonders with your diet as in the past I healed horrible ulcerative colitis mainly through diet and herbs.