This is atrocious!
Harmful Acid Reflux Drugs Approved For Babies - Thyroid UK
Harmful Acid Reflux Drugs Approved For Babies

Yes, its the new disease that babies never had before.
My grandson was diagnosed with GERD by a (French) paediatrician. But at least he was only given Gaviscon which is unlikely to have such drastic long term effects. My daughter was a super, SUPER anxious mum - so much so that they were considering a psychiatric referral for her. I think the very fact she had the gaviscon comforted her and took the heat out of the situation.
I have read this article, and I'm Disgusted but certainly Not Surprised. These Pharma companies have no Morals even where the treatment of babies and children are concerned. It's all about Profit and PolyPharmacy, even from that young age. I think doctors just play follow my lead and prescribe what they're told to.
I have GERD and Barrett's Oesophagus Disease and took PPI - Lansoprazole - for many years. I mentioned to the consultant Gastroenterologist I had Hypothyroidism when he doubled my dose to 30mg daily. He told me not to take them daily, but only if I felt I needed them as they interfered with the Thyroid gland and medication ! (I don't touch them now after researching them regarding the thyroid). I read about Barrett's on the MacMillan website and was alarmed to see that - "PPIs are often taken for life, and are very safe to take over a long time." !!! Not for me they're not and I certainly wouldn't rush to give it to a baby either.
I Don't think you can believe anything a doctor says, anymore. They all seem to be in BIg Pharma's Pocket and unable to think for themselves. Why did they spend all those years training if they were just going to prescribe dangerous drugs no matter what is wrong with you, and not find out the root cause? They might just as well be wooden puppets!
Goosey, I did mean it sarcastically! I really don't think babies have changed, only the world they come into.
No worries. Just didn't want you to think I bought into that rubbish!
Surely, paediatricians can see the difference between a baby regurgitating because of being held poorly (pressure on the stomach) and projectile vomiting?
The grandson of one of my friends was not keeping milk down and it turned out he needed surgery. Poor kid then later was diagnosed coeliac and multiple biopsies showed eosinophilic esophagitis. This despite being 100% gluten free. So who knows. A kid like that would have died 100 years ago. Cause: unknown.
When my daughter had colic I made her a dilute tea with 20 anise seeds, 6 carraway seeds, dextrose and 3 ounces of water. She drank it, farted away for a while and fell asleep. Kitchen medicine works. Just people have forgotten about it, if they ever learned.
Ahhhh Gripe Water! I used to love that when I was a child, not just a baby. But when my kids were babies, it went out of fashion. Ho hum.
But whatever the reason baby is not digesting, I cannot see any justification for giving PPIs.
The more I learn, the more I believe that giving things that suppress the bodies own functions have to be wrong in the majority of cases. The body is the way it is for a reason. Admittedly, sometimes it can go wrong, but showering people with beta-blockers, PPIs, calcium-chanal blockers and all the other blockers at the drop of a hat is just making BP richer and us sicker.
Doctors do not fully understand the way these things work and Don't appreciate the harm they can do... OK rant over. lol