Hello. I have had terrible trouble with acid reflux ever since I started taking Levothyroxine for a number of years. Two doctors told me it was not related and did nothing different. I have tried cutting out food, naturopathic measures but nothing has really worked. Has anyone had this experience and can share if anything was done to help acid reflux while on Levothyroxine? Thank you!!
Acid Reflux: Hello. I have had terrible trouble... - Thyroid UK
Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is extremely common when hypothyroid
What are your most recent thyroid results
ALWAYS test thyroid early morning, ideally just before 9am and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test
Do you always get same brand levothyroxine
How much levothyroxine are you currently taking
How long on this dose
Also important to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12
For levothyroxine to work well we need GOOD vitamin levels
Do you have autoimmune thyroid disease, also called Hashimoto’s, usually diagnosed by high thyroid antibodies
Thank you so much for your reply. I don’t really know my thyroid numbers. Is there a certain number that will balance my system that gets rid of the acid reflux?
I have been on Levothyroxine 75 mcg same medicine for 5 plus years. I just asked my doctor to try the brand name Synthroid. My insurance refused to pay so pretty expensive but I am willing to try anything at this point. After taking it I felt better but the acid reflux is back now.
Good suggestion to test for vitamin deficiency. I am taking B12, magnesium and vit D everyday though with no improvement of the acid reflux.
I don’t know about Hashimotos. My doctor has not mentioned it.
Thank you again for responding. It’s so frustrating having to figure out my condition by my self. So glad for this group!!
75mcg is only one step up from starter dose
Approximately how much do you weigh in kilo
Guidelines on dose levothyroxine by weight is 1.6mcg levothyroxine per kilo per day
A few people need a little less, sometimes people need higher dose
Unless extremely petite, most people need to be on at least 100mcg levothyroxine per day
Levothyroxine doesn’t “top up” failing thyroid, it replaces it,….so it’s essential to be on high enough dose
Being on too low a dose frequently results in low stomach acid, poor nutrient absorption and low vitamin levels……and acid reflux, bloating….etc
ALWAYS test thyroid early morning and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test
Come back with new post once you get full thyroid and vitamin test results
where can you get at home tests?
SlowDragon refers to thyroid function testing which the charity supporting this forum offers discounts for with certain UK labs. Your bio advises you are in Australia but I’ll supply the link incase you have moved.
no still in OZ, perhaps I'll contact them and see if they know of resources down under, thanks all the same it may lead to something FYI I take 150 thyroxine 5 days a week and 200 on weekends. I lost most of my thyroid function during radiation treatment.
Some people find lactose-free formulations are better tolerated.
Unfortunately, Synthroid contains lactose.
Not sure where you are but I have at least partial information for many countries.
helvella's medicines documents (UK and Rest of the World) can be found here:
helvella - Thyroid Hormone Medicines
helvella has created, and tries to maintain, documents containing details of all thyroid hormone medicines in the UK and, in less detail, many others around the world.
This link takes you to a page which has direct links to the documents from Dropbox and Google Drive, and QR codes to make it easy to access from phones.
Like many others with hypothyroidism, I too get acid reflux. Worse when thyroid meds not at the right level. However, one of the things I have found that really helps is to cut out caffeine. Can't live without tea and coffee so I drink decaff versions. Don't forget that chocolate, some fizzy drinks and cough medicines also contain caffeine. Don't bother with antacid meds, they won't solve the problem when you are hypothyroid.
I wish that was the case for me. I cut out basically everything with no improvement. I have it all day and night. I have a few miracles days that I don’t feel the burning in my throat. So frustrating. I am grateful for this group to be able to talk about it.
Acid reflux is usually blamed by most people on excess acid in the stomach. This might be true in a very small number of cases. But in the majority of cases it is too little stomach acid that causes the problem.
There are two valves in the stomach. One lets food in at the top and one lets the churned up and partially digested food go out the bottom of the stomach.
In a healthy person with no gut problems the circumstances under which the two valves open relies a lot on the acidity of the contents of the stomach. The stomach is supposed to be acid. But if it doesn't get acid enough the two stomach valves can start to act unpredictably, and open at inappropriate times, leading to acid going up the oesophagus i.e. acid reflux.
In hypothyroidism stomach acid levels start to drop. Indigestion, heartburn, and other stomach and gut problems become more and more common amongst sufferers as the problem worsens.
A much fuller explanation of how acid reflux can occur can be found on this link, where the author is looking at the problem suffered by people with SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth), but most of it applies to people with thyroid disease too :
1) chriskresser.com/what-every...
On that link there is an option to download a free e-book. You should take a look. Alternatively you can read the same information from the e-book from a series of six articles.
The first link is above, the remainder are :
2) chriskresser.com/the-hidden...
3) chriskresser.com/more-evide...
4) chriskresser.com/how-your-a...
5) chriskresser.com/how-your-a...
6) chriskresser.com/get-rid-of...
I realise I'm suggesting a lot of reading but I thought it was well worth it when I read them.
Something you can do in the meantime is to try increasing the acid in your stomach and seeing if it helps.
Some people use Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother (ACV) e.g. Braggs is a popular (but expensive) brand. Your local supermarket may well have other options.
Mother of vinegar is explained here :
Some people use lemon juice or lime juice to do something similar.
How to use vinegar or other options :
The acids mentioned must be diluted with water.
1) Start with half or a whole teaspoon in a small glass of water. If this doesn't help you can increase the amount of acid in stages up to a maximum of about 1 - 2 tablespoons in water.
2) Use a straw to reduce the contact between the acid and your teeth.
3) Start sipping your chosen acid and water about five minutes before you start eating. You want to make it last throughout your meal.
4) At the end of your meal rinse your mouth out with plenty of plain water to remove as much acid as possible. Don't clean your teeth (yet) because acid softens tooth enamel and you don't want to brush away your enamel.
5) Saliva neutralises acid in the mouth and hardens up the enamel again.
6) An hour after you finished the acid and water you can clean your teeth.
Another alternative to vinegar or other acids is to take betaine hydrochloride + pepsin. You can read up on why and how to use it in the following links :
Thank you so much for all the information. I have tried all these. None work for me unfortunately. I even ate upside down, tried all kinds of potions and oils that the internet is selling. I think it has to do with my thyroid medication but just can’t get much help from my doctor because she doesn’t think it’s linked.
Thanks for this info, been battling AR or Gerd for a few years now, last 2 or 3 weeks have been getting severe symptoms when I walk, you know them all I'm sure. I downloaded Chris's ebook and ordered his Paleo book. Can I ask do you have gerd did you go through this journey too?
Hi there. I have it pretty much all the time now for many years. It's sometimes subtle and sometimes it just burns, feels like a lump and soreness in my throat. At times it gets bad and I have very sore throat and chest pain. I try yoga poses expanding my chest with arms up. That helps sometimes. youtu.be/js1CHMHf7e8. Gut breathing helps sometimes youtu.be/XUty6UI8RsE . I have many others I try : ) I also drink apple cider vinegar before meals and take Betain HCL with meals. It has not stopped acid reflux but it lessens it for me. I am trying to avoid PPIs since they have bad long term effects as well they really don't heal the problem but can create new ones.
I did what I could - but thanks to the fact I can't stop taking PPIs because I need them to protect my stomach from painkillers that will damage my stomach lining there isn't a lot of the recommended things I could do. What I have found helpful is just understanding the process behind how digestion and stomach acid work.
I have been on Levothyroxine for 6 months now for hypothyroidism but have suffered from acid reflux for over 25 years. This has always been attributed to my hiatus hernia for which I have been prescribed Omeprazole. However I try to take it as infrequently as possible and instead watched what I ate for triggers. Found my worst symptoms were always after eating any bread products. The reflux would occur about 30-60 minutes afterwards and cutting out bread from my diet has made a huge difference. I am fine with cream crackers and pastry products so it cant be due to the wheat. ? Related to yeast. Also cannot tolerate peppermint tea or instant coffee but fresh ground coffee is fine.
I have had gerd/acid reflux for a few years now, and associated it with either my gallbladder being removed, or cancer treatment from 10 years ago (throat cancer) and I have used thyroxine since that time. this is eye opening.

which brand of Levo are you on?
Are you on any other meds that could contain lactose?
I see you are dairy free, but are your meds?
I was on HRT for a few years and used to bubble and burp and be sick into my mouth when doing up my shoes and had no idea till GP stopped it, put me on T4 and it was coincidentally lactose free and I gave up dairy,
I found out when my pharmacy changed my brand and I suddenly within hours had all the symptoms again.
Hope you get on top of it, all the other advice you have had really helped me recover too 🌱
I am now on Armour and I still have acid reflux so that wasn't it for me. I wish it was. Thank you for replying on my thread. I am not on any other meds. I take a lot of different vitamins. I don't think dairy is an issue for me. I've just eliminated everything just so I know those are not the causes. I am just trying different things to cure my self. So far not successful.