I didn't realise there was flouride in my cuppa! Should I avoid drinking tea? Can I buy flouride free tea?
Maybe I should just stick to herbal/fruit teas!
I didn't realise there was flouride in my cuppa! Should I avoid drinking tea? Can I buy flouride free tea?
Maybe I should just stick to herbal/fruit teas!
Personally I wouldn't worry. I drink tea like it's going out of fashion and it certainly won't be the decider between feeling well or not. I do drink decaf tea only though!
It might be worth reading the post further down about Fluoride in water supplies etc
There is a difference between SODIUM FLUORIDEwhich is added to our water. And CALCIUM FLUORIDE which is what occurs naturally in tea!! Our bodies need calcium fluoride.
Our tea bags do NOT contain sodium fluoride! sodium fluoride added to our water and toothe past etc is a whole different ball game.
My grandfather thrived on tea and lived to 90. 😀
thanks for that extra bit of info joesmum. I have learned something new to day. Long may the learning curve continue!
Tea grows well in soil containing fluoride - so as joesmum says it will be the natural sort
If you make the tea with tap water it may have sodium fluoride in it of course ...
Hi Sewnsew, you don't need to worry about fluoride in your tea. Fluoride is everywhere, in soil and water, and occurs naturally. You would have to live in a bubble to avoid it. Some areas have naturally occurring high-fluoridated water and it hasn't killed anyone yet! It's a bit of an old-wives' anxiety and has yet to be substantiated by any research, even when added artificially. We've been fluoridating for a long while and other than discolouring (mostly children's) teeth in high doses, it does no harm. Certainly any natural fluoride in your tea will do you no harm at all. The caffeine is doing much worse!
Thanks everyone, I thought my cuppa was under threat. I do have a couple of coffees a day but I'll continue with my cups of tea and hopefully live as long as Joesmum's Grandad. Cheers😉