Do I need to go as far as sticking with the flouride free toothpaste forever and to avoid Tea completely?
Flouride - how bad is it for the Thyroid? - Thyroid UK
Flouride - how bad is it for the Thyroid?

I've just changed to flouride free toothpaste, after reading this article:
Hope it helps!
...try to keep out the SLS too - Sodium Laurel Sulphate to make it frothy ! I believe it is a derivative from the petro-chemical industry. Fluoride - a toxic bi-product from the aluminium industry. We sure live in a charming world full of nonsense....
I know we accept that fluoride is bad for the thyroid (I too use fluoride-free toothpaste) but I've been unable to find any evidence to prove that this is true. My dentist has uat as well and when I told her about the fluoride thing she showed interest in reading more, so I looked for some study I could send her and failed to find any. So perhaps it is more anecdotal than proven - ? (I should also say I'm not a scientist, so my understanding of and ability to interpret what I read in that area is less than comprehensive!)
If anyone knows about the science behind this I'd be grateful for more info (still hoping to show my dentist so I can back up my decision to stop using fluroride).
Maybe do a search on PubMed - there seems to be quite a bit there but didn't read any.... also Fluoride was a treatment given to people with over-active thyroids in days gone it does suppress activity....
Thanks Marz. I did (there are hundreds, maybe thousands, so I can't claim to have read them all) but didn't find anything.
I've heard that about using it as a treatment but that treatment isn't supported by any evidence I can find. - maybe this will help - just had a quick look and saw it mentioned dentists ! Evidence based stuff is often skewed and the good stuff rarely gets into the public domain. That is a changing !
Quick search found these articles:-
probably not enough evidence - but refers to the Merck index.
Meanwhile Vitamin D helped my teeth - no fillings for 2 years!
My take on flouride is that you have to have a dodgy thyroid to begin with, another thing is not being able to get rid of toxins like ordinary folk - whether it's just 'cos everything slows down, or no sweating or other things in the mix - just my thoughts (well, if they're not allowed to spray it on fields I don't know how they can add it to water and toothpaste!) J

Thanks spareribs! I had a quick look - it's just the sort of thing I was looking for - but I'll have a closer read later to see if there's anything obvious she might dispute! xx
My last dentist, refused to believe there is anything wrong with using fluoride rich toothpaste, she even tried to give me a prescription for it despite my telling her I had thyroid issues and that fluoride was bad for it. She then told me she too has thyroid issues and has no problem using ordinary toothpaste.
... I changed dentist (she wasnt very good anyway lol)
Hello Susymac,
I must admit I haven't mentioned it to my dentist, I have had enough of dealing with Docs without getting a double dose with the dentist. I have been using Flouride free toothpaste for about 7 months, but it doesn't seem to be as good as Flouride rich toothpastes, that's why I asked if it was important to avoid it and it is now clear that I must avoid Flouride. Glad you found a better dentist

Some non-stick coating is based on polytetrafluoroethylene which contains fluorine atoms covalently bonded. Fluoride is the negatively charged F- ion.
Very different to each other.
Not all non-stick pan coatings have any form of fluorine or fluoride.

As Aluminium is the third most abundant element, making up around 8% of the earth's crust, avoidance is difficult.
TMI warning
I confess I never used my slow cooker or coffee maker or teflon irons/pans or use foil or plastic clingfilm or toast bags - yuk almighty! (or flora/marg which is basically just plastic not food) or the redundant microwave. Cereal was to fatten pigs, I am chubby enough!
I'm very old fashioned at 52! (thanks to Mum, but lard I haven't got to grips with, I should I know as it contains a high Vit D content! but still brainwashed that a quick fry with olive oil is fine)
got the gadgets - but don't need them! I even peel potatoes with just a knife! and buy (or grow) dirty carrots, my cabbages are a bit holey -which means they pre-tested as edible.
I wash everyday with a little soap - as I don't sweat I don't need roll-ons (the kids daren't use their sprays near me either!) and discovered I DON'T actually have dandruff after stopping head n shoulders - shock horror! and bathe every other day with epsom (mg) salts, in very hot detoxing water.
I do unfortunately have loads of amalgum fillings (covered by crowns) due to a very enthusiastic dentist in the '80s when pregnant (me not him) - my daughter had hers removed (with a dam & vapour extractor) it took a while and 2 stone lost for her to feel better.
We are being poisoned from every direction (but bodies are expecting some poison) - but we can identify causes and remedies - sadly this is not given the importance it deserves. Jane
(I get boots own non-fluoride - sadly I gave my kids fluoride tablets from the dentist )
Thats added to my list of things to avoid. Thank you very much
I'm curious how you managed to get tested for aluminium poisoning? but so glad you found out (hugs) J x
(&Rod - I read something lately saying it wasn't found/used much until recent times - of course I forgot where I read that! but I'm sure it was only yesterday! - another groundhog moment)

I recently opted for a metals screen to see my levels.
Thank you for this - I will get new cookware. I have often wondered about the Aluminium in the pans. You have to be so careful these days. I have always had issues with the food industry.
Could I ask which pans are ok? My aluminium levels are fine at present but was thinking of changing my pans to ceramic?
I use stainless and enamelled, as well as a pressed iron pan for frying. I always struggle with anaemia so the iron pan will help hopefully.
My mum uses some ceramic to cook but it sticks terribly, worse than stainless. The casseroles aren't bad though - if there's some moisture in what you're cooking they work okay.
Thanks. My joints are shot in my hands and wrists so sadly cant have heavy pr I would def be having le creuset
that reminds me, I couldn't lift pans, even empty ones because of wrist pain (was on the list for bilateral carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel (elbow) surgery before I found out I was low in Vit D) now I can easily and without pain - so tempted to have a swing at certain people just to prove it (oops - I wouldn't really!) J

I was low in Vit D but not now, i avoid heavy pans and tipping out now so maybe i shall try but i do love my ceramic frying pans so must try and get the pans
come on TKMaxx !!
If you google
you will find a writing by Barry Durant peatfield about fluoride and the poisonous effect it has on the thyroid.
Jo xx
Couldn't agree more, Dr Peatfield is a wonderfal man, I have argued with my Endro and Docs - without Dr Peatfield I doubt I would even be here
Dr Peatfield actually resigned his medical licence before he could be hassled by the GMC hence the reason that he cannot prescribe.
Jo xx
Are there any support sites for ex GPs who are 'agin the system on Thyroid' like 'Friends Of ' etc. where applause can be given. I know [practising] GPs can't advertise and he probably doesn't need it professionally but moral support can go a long way!

Barry Durrant-Peatfield MBBS LRCP MRCS was NOT struck off by the GMC.
As Wiki says (I believe accurately), Durrant-Peatfield took the decision to voluntarily erase his registration before the end of the case.
Also look into glass cookware. Expensive though.
I remember reading about this in Dr. Peatfield's book.
Re fluoride: I find drinking tea makes me feel worse about 1 hr later. So may have to knock that on the head. Also looking into a reverse osmosis system. This not only filters out fluoride, but also heavy metals, herbicides, etc.
Hello BrecklandRanger,
We do have to be careful with fluoride - but giving up Tea - that is my only enjoyment left, after giving up Gluten, Dairy & Soya.
I do remember reading that now in Dr Peatfield's book now you mention it.
What is the reverse osmosis system?
Reverse osmosis is a self-contained unit that is attached to your water supply. It is a purifier that uses several filters to rid your water of common contaminants, especially fluoride. They typically cost £100-£150 for a unit. The filters need to be changed approx every 6-mth (approx £40 ea.).