Recently having almond milk (for a change ) seem to remember that almonds contraindicated for hypoT? Does anyone know if this applies to almond milk/? Almond content only2%.
Almond milk: Recently having almond milk (for a... - Thyroid UK
Almond milk
This may relieve your mind:
So back to the original question: Is drinking almond milk in large quantities something can could pose a problem? No. Almonds are not known to be a significant goitrogen, but I suspect what you heard (or what someone else heard and misinterpreted to you) was that drinking a lot of soy milk can interfere with thyroid function, possibly leading to goiter. This is true.
Thanks shaws. Knew about soy (no prob. for me as I don't like it anyway) Don't know where I got the idea about almonds, but as almost every thing in the milk is anything but almonds - don't suppose it will be adverse! Very grateful for your quick reply and reassurance anyway.
Foxglove, almonds are goitrogenic. But, not every hypo is affected by every goitrogen. So, if you don't feel any adverse reactions when drinking the almond milk, carry on doing so. I would be more concerned by the other ingrédients!
Have a look here on the subject of goitrogens :
Thanks for reply, as far as I can see the "jury" seems to be undecided on almond milk Like everything probably o.k. in moderation so I shall just have a small amount every other day till used up. Other ingredients maybe not of the best but don't appear to affect thyroid adversely!
Well, no, the 'jury' knows that almonds are goitrogens. And if a particular goitrogen disagrees with you, even a little is too much - cooked or not. But if you haven't been having a bad reaction to it, then it's ok for you. Too much waffle is talked about goitrogens, I'm afraid. Everything is not ok in moderation - how about poisonous mushrooms? Soy is definately not good in any amount, but other goitrogens... Just dépends.
Never thought about the poisonous mushrooms though I would think that the amount would have something to do with the outcome even in this case. Peanut allergy also springs to mind but I think a lot of allergies in the mind! But I'll give the poisonous mushrooms a miss. not meaning to be flippant - I know you're trying to help and I'm sure your knowledge and expertise (experience even?) greater than mine. much thanks
I do have a considerable experience with goitrogens, yes. I couldn't eat strawberries, walnuts, corn, pears nor, of course, soy.
But if you think that most allergies are in the mind, there's not much more to be said, is there - except that a goitrogen reaction is not the same thing as an allergic reaction. But neither of them are 'in the mind'.
Of course allergies and goitrogen reaction not the same and I probably meant brain rather than mind. Isn't brain in control of everything including hormones. Sorry you've had such a profound experience with soy etc. - must be difficult to deal with!!!.... sympathies x
This is also another excerpt and link:
Almond milk is considered to be a goitrogenic food, i.e., it contains chemicals that can harm the thyroid when consumed in large amounts. For people whose thyroid function is low, it's best to drink almond milk in moderation.
Thanks again shaws for taking the trouble to reply with link. Unfortunately greygoose took my Q. rather more seriously than I meant. Story of my life in many ways, maybe I'm not good at explaining!!! Only use almond milk EXTREMELY moderately - honestly
It doesn't matter how serious your question was, the answer is the answer. I can laugh at lots of things, but I don't find almond milk in the least bit funny! (Only joking, of course, but why ask a question if you're not serious and waste everybodies time?)
Sorry, sorry sorry - you appear to have been upset. Didn't intend that only wanted a simple answer to a simple Q..... I'm an uncomplicated being.
I don't think that I in any way indicated that almond milk funny(even if you WERE only joking) and I am extremely grateful for your help (really)