Another good reason NOT to go low calorie - Thyroid UK

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Another good reason NOT to go low calorie

greygoose profile image
20 Replies

The REAL CAUSE of Adrenal Fatigue – it’s not what you think

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greygoose profile image
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20 Replies
Ruthi profile image

Its a nice theory, and certainly starvation will cause the same symptoms. But honestly, I eat as much as I want, nutrient dense, grain free and my adrenals are still in overdrive!

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Ruthi

Yes, because you have a thyroid problem. This wasn't written for people who already have hypo - as I understand it - the hypo adds in another variable, but the 'theory' still stands - low calorie is not good for anyone.

All this business of counting calories was introduced in the 60s - about the same time as the thinking that fat was bad for us, I believe - but it's just a red Herring, because not all calories are created equal. Fat is one of the highest calorie nutrients, but one of the most essential, which should suggest to anyone that counting calories is a nonsense. Calories are just units of energy, and we need that energy for every single bodily function - not to mention the exterior activities - so, if we don't consume enough calories, something has got to go wrong. Already having a thyroid disfunction - for whatever reason - just makes it even more important to get enough calories.

queridalady profile image

Interesting....thanks Grey. The more I read things like this, the more I think that I unwittingly drove my Thyroid into the ground with my eating habits and lifestyle.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to queridalady

Hmm... Seems to be a hypo symptom that hypos blame themselves for everything! lol Not saying you didn't have problems with your eating habits and lifestyle, but there are so many other things that can affect the thyroid that the chances of it being your fault are very slim. Unless you were anorexic, that is very bad for the thyroid - but who choses to be anorexic.

Ruthi profile image

How can we be blamed for eating what we were told to eat? In fact how can doctors blame us for our condition, and our failure to get better when we do what we are told? We have been systematically lied to, deceived and blamed for things that are NOT our fault! And if the docs give us a regimen that is impossible to adhere to, then its NOT OUR FAULT!!!!

Meanwhile the NHS still exhorts us to eat low fat, low calorie. Its downright criminal!

If you want to be thoroughly depressed, but free of at least some guilt, then watch

'The men who made us fat' and 'The men who made us thin' on youtube.

We are the victims of big business, big food and big pharma.

Rant over.......

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Ruthi

You're absolutely right - on all points! But when a doctor blames me, I think that says more about him than it does about me. Doctors blame the patient when they don't have the knowledge to help them. It's a cover-up, that's all. Not to be taken seriously by the patient.

But it's the reason we have to do our own research and take charge of our own health. Doctors can no-longer be trusted - actually, I don't know if they ever have been! My expériences of doctors, right from a small child, have been pretty horrendous. I was told I was just 'unlucky', but I think it was more than just bad luck, I think it was an indication, that in the main, unless you've got a broken leg or something visible, doctors are pretty damn useless! And the less we see of them, the better we fare.

JoyceA profile image
JoyceA in reply to greygoose

I was having a miserable day today but you've just put a smile on my face Greygoose :-). I couldn't agree with you more about doctors.

I was also blaming myself for the thyroid issues due to low carb diets in the past but your other post absolved me of that blame too :-).

Many Thanks for sharing your wisdoms with us.

Joyce x

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to JoyceA

You're more than welcome, Joyce. So happy I made you smile! :)

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Ruthi

Let's take the power away from those men. But we can't sit back and remain ignorant about our conditions. We have enough tools to help ourselves and with all our collective minds we can help each other regain our health.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Heloise

Yup! And that's exactly what we're doing! :)

Jazzw profile image

Another great find, Grey. I'm sure I was reading something the other day (brain fog terrible at the moment, so no idea where!) that said that the body's proper reaction to eating too much food is to up-regulate: make the metabolism go faster. In a healthy person, that's what it does. I don't know if anyone saw Katie Hopkins' attempt to put on weight for her experiment in "proving all you need to do is eat less and move more" - but she really struggled to put *on* weight, despite eating 1,000s more calories than she normally would. I think in the end she had to force herself to eat something like 7,000 calories a day to put on weight! Of course, she took no notice of that part of her experiment - the bit that should have proved that overweight people were overweight because they ate too much.

I don't blame myself so much these days. I don't even blame the medical professionals - they only gave us the advice they thought they were supposed to give us. On paper it made sense that eating fat was the problem. But the way I look at it these days - if fat is so bad for us from an evolutionary perspective, why are Vitamins A, D, E and K fat-soluble vitamins? Clearly we're supposed to eat fat, and plenty of it.

greygoose profile image

And, also, if fat is bad for us, why is it necessary to have fat to make food palitable? Not to say delicious! Obviously, so that we eat it! lol Well, I never did give up eating it - although I confess I did have skimmed milk in my tea, when I drank tea, because I preferred the taste to full-cream - and I did go through a phase of eating sunflower seed oïl margerine because I thought all that vitamin E would keep me Young lol (and do you know, I do believe it did!). But I still ate the fat on my ham - oh love that ham fat! And used lard in cooking, etc etc.

But I'm not sure it did look good on paper, because it was very faulty science. (Or so I've read a lot of times since.) I don't pretend to be a scientist, although I always thought doctors were supposed to have a scientific bent... I once said to one when he was prescribing me more and more pills to over-come the side-effects of the original pills, 'you know, this isn't a very scientific approach, don't you think we ought to find out what's causing the Dizzy spells in the first place?' He just looked at me as if I were barmy. And, of course, he didn't do anything to find the cause, just kept prescribing pills for 'Dizzy spells of unknown origin - warning! may cause Dizzy spells'! I kid you not.

As for Katie Hopkins, I don't know the woman (don't think I want to!) but she was obviously on a mission, and nothing anyone does or says to someone on a mission has any effect. She wasn't a very good scientist, either, was she. But they've all been brain-washed! We've all been brain-washed to a certain extent on one thing or another to do with our food . The other day I spoke to a very intelligent friend of mine, teaches English at university, got a maths degree, etc. I asked her why she didn't have full-cream milk. She looked horrified! Becuse, she said, it's full of fat! Who in their right mind would want all that fat in their body! I said, well, everyone... in their right mind. lol It was as if she thought the fat in the milk would go straight to the fat layers of her body without a detour. Like lining a mould with chocolate or something. So many people are totally oblivious of the way the body works - including most doctors!

Jazzw profile image
Jazzw in reply to greygoose

Ah, full fat milk. Full fat milk is 4% - yes, 4% - fat.

In a world where 5% fat or less is very low fat, why ever did anyone think we needed skimmed milk??

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Jazzw

lol I have no idea! Actually, I didn't even know it was 4%. Still, that's better than nothing!

Glynisrose profile image

If I cut my calories I PUT ON weight, its something to do with the body's ability to convert any food to fat to store it. I'm in a vicious circle and don't know how to change it...

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Glynisrose

That's normal. Try increasing your calories.

It's also something to do with your ability to convert T4 to T3. That takes extra calories when you're hypo. Your T3 has to be optimal before you have any hope of losing weight.

Before I was diagnosed, my doctor (oh dear, they are so ignorant!) put me on a liquid diet of 700 calories a day for six weeks, I think. It was hell! And instead of taking off the 10 kilos I was supposed to, I put on three. Of course, they said, I was cheating, wasn't I!!! Not only did I put on weight but I became so depressed and the feelings of failure were almost over-whelming. It did me so much harm both mentally and physically. And it didn't help my teeth, either!

Glynisrose profile image

My endo prescribes NDT but won't increase it as its 'too expensive'.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Glynisrose

Tell him that is unethical! Honestly, words fail me... Isn't that illegal? Under the law, aren't you supposed to get the treatment you need to make you well? What about all the contributions that have been stopped from your pay ever since you started working? Aren't you entitled to get something back? I think I would have thrown a hissy fit if a doctor had said something like that to me!

Well, the only solution is to buy your own, then, isn't it. He can't object to you self-treating if you're paying for it yourself and he is refusing it on grounds of cost. Honestly, that leaves me speechless!

Glynisrose profile image

Personally I think all he cares about is his drugs bill!! I have tried challenging him but it does no good. He threatened to discharge me and stop my supply of NDT. I supplement by buying some extra.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Glynisrose

Good! That's the only way. How dare they call themselves doctors when all they care about is money, and not the wellfare of their patients! They are a disgrace to the profession!

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