Such ignorance about weight-loss, and such crue... - Thyroid UK

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Such ignorance about weight-loss, and such cruelty...

greygoose profile image
22 Replies

the human body just doesn't work that way.

I Wonder how many of them had a thyroid problem before the programme, let alone afterwards!

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greygoose profile image
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22 Replies
PR4NOW profile image

That just confirms what I've always been suspicious of, a completely unhealthy situation. PR

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to PR4NOW


gabkad profile image

Disgusting. It's like being a refugee fleeing a war except it's entertainment.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to gabkad

What sort of a sick person enjoys watching stuff like that! I hate that sort of show.

gabkad profile image
gabkad in reply to greygoose

They should get up off their duffs and go for a walk. Would do them more good than watching these poor sods get tortured.

It's like those celebrity chef cooking shows. The TV audience sits at home eating micowave popcorn or worse.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to gabkad

lol Well, watching the show is at least a step in the right direction.

juanra profile image

Sad it's legal to do that kind of shows. Sad there's people to watch them. Have you read this?:

Among other tv shows, there's one where fat and heart-illed people run 'till collapsing dead. The plot takes place in 2025, so Stephen King was quite optimistic.


greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to juanra

No, I haven't read that one. But nothing would surprise me. The Japanese have some quite horrendous shows/games, and I always Wonder if the people know what their letting themselves infor before they sign up.

Jazzw profile image

I'd wondered about the truth behind that show. If it really is the way it's described there, that's barbaric.

No one is ever going to apologise for fat-shaming, are they? I do strongly feel that at some point in the next couple of hundred years that history will show that most of the overweight and obese were not greedy lazy good for nothings.

I've struggled with my weight since puberty. My mother, obsessed with her own weight, was clearly mortified at the idea of having a podgy daughter and put me on a low calorie diet. I've struggled with my weight ever since, and food has forever been categorised as "good" or "bad", even though I know at an intellectual level that many of the foods that were deemed "bad" when I was a teenager have a valuable place in the diet.

Untold harm has been done by subjecting a generation to reduced fat spreads and artificial sweeteners. We shouldn't be surprised at the rise in autoimmune issues - we're eating and drinking stuff that shouldn't be called food or drink.

Hardly anyone was overweight when I was little - and when I myself became chubby I was one of only two chubby girls in my year at school. I've had a lifetime of feeling to blame for something that really isn't - surely couldn't be? - my fault. I didn't overeat sweets, bread, chocolate, crisps - I ate the same way as every one of my peers. I exercised as much as my peers. I don't even consider myself to have an emotional eating problem - other than when some diet tells me I can't eat this or that - then I get emotional about it, because the restrictions are often ludicrous. :-o

I was little more than 6lbs when I was born and was worryingly skinny until I was seven or eight. And then something - I've no idea what - changed. A virus maybe? Something environmental? The fact that my forever dieting mother spread "Outline" on my toast because she assumed that because it was ok for her, it was ok to give to her child? (Remember that, anyone? Disgusting stuff).

For all people like Katie Hopkins want to believe that losing weight is a question of eating less and exercising, I'm certain that's not the case. It isn't that we overweight folk lack willpower. Heck, I stuck to a 500 calorie a day diet for six months a few years ago (lost 5 and a half stones). If that isn't willpower, what is?? But I couldn't keep that weight off (or at least, I couldn't before I started taking Nature Throid - I'm cautiously optimistic after having the first Christmas in living memory from which I didn't emerge half a stone heavier).

I'm so worn down by the fat shaming. I read in the paper the other day that even that Dr Christian bloke reckons we should be giving all obese people gastric bypasses. Like that's going to solve the problem...

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Jazzw

I do so agree with all you say, Jazzw. I was a fat kid, too, one of only two in the class - and with hindsight, I'm pretty sure she was hypo, too, judging by other signs. Difference is, I was born in 1945, just after the end of the war, in England, where there wasn't much to eat! Everything was rationed so you couldn't pig out on anything except lettuce! Yet I was fat. The assuption was that I was over-eating. Did they think a five-year-old was getting chocolate buttons on the black market or something?

I couldn't exercise as much as my class-mates because I was always out of breath. and I couldn't run because I was always so terrified of falling on my nose - think I had neuropathy and adrenal problems even as a child.

So, yes, I know about fatty-bashing! However, think that science has already shown that that most of the overweight and obese were not greedy lazy good for nothings. There is the odd article to that effect from time to time. Here's one of them:

rebekah40 profile image

Here's the article on Gastric Band surgery by Dr Christian Jessen that Jazzw mentioned where he thinks obese people should be given to save the NHS money

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to rebekah40

I just read some of the comments on that article and they were mostly horrific.

rebekah40 profile image
rebekah40 in reply to humanbean

I didn't look at the comments, but I have now...yes they are horrific, to be honest the whole article was a bit sickening, such lack of understanding.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to humanbean

Not only horrific but most of them were illiterate! I couldn't understand what some of them were getting at. Education obviously needs improving in all areas.

What a stupid, ignorant man! Knows nothing about médicine or economics! I honestly don't believe that the majority of people eat themselves into obesity. How much would you have to eat, for goodness sake! It just isn't logical. There's so much prejudice in this area, and articles like that aren't helping anyone.

They admit themselves that the surgery is dangerous, but what about afterwards? People have a tendency to either starve to death or burst their bands trying to get a decent amount of food into themselves. And if they're hypo to begin with, they will soon be suffering from mal-nutrition.

Are they not aware that people eat food for a reason??? It keeps them alive! All this obsession about calories! Calories are not the enemy, they are necessary units of energy that we need for all bodily funcitons. counting calories is a nonsense and all this blah-blah about calories in vs calories out is the biggest nonsense of them all! Never has worked and never will because not all calories are created equal. It should be nutrients we are counting, not calories. Do you know that before the 60's nobody counted calories? That was a new-fangled thing that some Genius - probably a 'nutritionist' - came up with to make life even more difficult, and give women even more guilt complexes.

Of course, if you want to decrease the population, that would be a good way to go about it. But I think they're already doing a pretty good job of that with all the poisons they leak into the atmosphere and put in our food, toothpaste, water, etc. Not to mention all the dangerous drugs that doctors prescribe to kill people off quite legally. But maybe that isn't working fast enough, so they've had to come upwith a new idea! Angry? Who me? what gave you that idea!?!?!

I don't know. It's all just so... illogical. And that's quite an insult coming from me! The worst I know.

rebekah40 profile image

Totally agree! It doesn't make sense. A work colleagues some years ago had a gastric band partly because of insecurities over her body and because she felt unattractive. That say's a lot about the pressure that is put on people. I bet her GP kept telling her there was nothing wrong with her i.e. thyroid bloods 'normal'. Her meals or lack of them were awful - she could not eat anything unless it was mashed up, and the portions were so tiny. In the end she ended up back in hospital because of a complication with the band. So many people being kept ill and then having a band aid put on top and in this case a dangerous one.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to rebekah40

Sometimes I think the whole world has gone mad!

Never fail to be amazed at how cruel people can be. It's not clever.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to

I know what you mean. But so many people think that it's clever. They are encouraged by certain celebrities and reality shows to believe that it's clever. Until one day they find themselves on the receiving end, and then it's oh, that's not fair, how could you do that to me. Tell them that that's what they've been doing to others and the usualy reply is 'but that's different'! Well, no, it isn't different. What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. As they say.

shaws profile image

One of our members was offered a gastric band but not a decent thyroid medication or dose!

I watched one of the above shows and was horrified how the people were pushed, and pushed to do whatever was next. There was no 'easy' introduction. It is cruel.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to shaws


I've heard of so many people that have been offered/had a gastric band rather than given a decent dose of hormone. Quick fix! What amazes me is that they don't even research it but just leap into it. One woman I know said it had nothing to do with her thyroid anyway, because she had fibro!!! And woe-betide anyone who tried to tell her anything different! If the patients don't know about their disease, doctors can get away with anything!

hairyfairy profile image

It`s just another tv freak show, like big brother. I never watch them.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to hairyfairy

Me neither. But the point is, so many ignorant people do.

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