Ringing in ears anyone else?: I am busy moving... - Thyroid UK

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Ringing in ears anyone else?

thyroidgriffin profile image
123 Replies

I am busy moving lately & am new here, but please if u have this symptom let me know bec I am trying to figure out if it is related to my thyroid issues or not...not my worst symptom, but a most annoying one & getting worse!

Also numbness & tingling in hands...would post my recent labs but cannot get them after almost 2 mos now!

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thyroidgriffin profile image
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123 Replies
silverfox7 profile image

Yes and yes! Tinnitus-ringing in your ears is a thyroid symptom and I agree very annoying. I've heard that adding T3 is helpful and the tingling in hands and feet could be a sign of needing more B12. You really must get you latest results though. I would write to the practice manager and ask for them, you have waited long enough. Welcome to the forum though and hope you are getting settled after your move.

danceforever profile image

yes ringing in the ears does go with thyroid issues, and can be very distressing.

But the ringing can also be from your nervous system being upset, which also goes with thyroid.

It is a very good idea to find a good chiropractor to keep an eye on your spine, which also takes a battering from this illness, as do the muscles.

If your muscles get very tight...(which they do with this condition) they can press on the nerves, which will in turn happen in the neck, face, jaw and ears.

When these muscles become very tight, it can cause the ringing in the ears to become worse.

We cannot get rid of the ringing once it has started ,but we can ease it if we can keep the muscles more relaxed.

When you first start having to deal with the ringing, you need to always have some sort of back ground noise going on, until you gradually become more immune to the ringing.

Numbness and tingling goes with this condition too, because your blood flow has slowed down considerably.....hence tingling and numbness.

Exercise is essential daily, to keep the blood flow up, and to help relieve all these awful, crazy symptoms.

I know no one feels like exercising with all this fatigue, but we have to do as much as we can to try and keep on top of things.

Good luck.xx

Rudegirl profile image
Rudegirl in reply todanceforever

Danceforever.. That's very interesting, last week I dislocated my hip whilst Hoovering, luckily it popped right back in but I've had to take some time off of work.. Just yesterday I decided after a week I should try Hoover again.. This time my neck, collar bone & shoulder are in exctuciating pain.. I didn't know that these problems could be related to thyroid .. I have suffered from tendinitis for about 10 yrs, I've had nerve tests, seen specialists, all to no avail .. After all those years Ive newly been diagnosed with hypo...

shaws profile image
shaws in reply toRudegirl

Does the info in this link ring a bell?


Rudegirl profile image
Rudegirl in reply toshaws

My sister has been living with fibromyalgia for 30yrs .. She has no problem with her thyroid.. All her aches & pains are exactly like mine, but no one has mentioned fibromyalgia to me.. Think I need to bring this topic up at my nxt GP visit on Tuesday.. Thanks for the info!

shaws profile image
shaws in reply toRudegirl

Before the blood tests were introduced in the 60's along with levo, we were diagnosed according to clinical symptoms and given NDT till we were better. There was no fibromyalgia, CFS, or ME in those days. It appears that around 10 years after the new blood tests and people's TSH wasn't in a range to be diagnosed, complaints arose and about ten years these diseases were named.

Dr Skinner, being a virologist, was asked to investigate a lot of patients who had symptoms but no diagnoses and could it be a virus that was causing these? What he found that many (he was trained as a medical student in clinical symptoms) were actually hypothyroid according to the symptoms but not the TSH. That set him on a course of action that led many on this forum to see him as they were mainly undiagnosed or couldn't get well on levo. He began the World Thyroid Register. Sadly for us as he was a stalwart died last year.


Dr Lowe also treated fibromyalgia, etc but with thyroid hormones, mainly NDT or T3. He wouldn't prescribe levo whatsoever.

So, as far as I gather, thyroid hormones helped all of the above with these diagnoses so maybe you would feel better with the addition of T3 or NDT.

thyroidgriffin profile image
thyroidgriffin in reply toshaws

Thank you that is logical,as I do not recall fibro,cfs,etc. being terms used. Here in the US, fibro seemed to coincide w the silicone breast implant class action lawsuits & is still a controversial dx. Can u clarify what ME is for me? So far I have been refused thyroid meds bec my TSH is normal. It was my ionized Ca, vit D, & v high parathyroid hormone that led to dx &removal para adenoma 2011

shaws profile image
shaws in reply tothyroidgriffin

ME is short for Myalgic Encephalitis or CFS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome appear to be interchangeable names.



Medical people have lost their important skill in diagnosing patients by their clinical symptoms. That's why many self-medicate nowadays. They are being let down and suffer which could be alleviated. There has to be a reason for all of these symptoms, we don't just pluck them out of thin air.

An excerpt:

We’ve included more patients in your study than the Quebec researchers used. Because of this, we have more TSH levels and metabolic rates to work with. That should make it easier to find a correlation, if in fact there were one. Clearly, though, our numbers don’t show a correlation.

What our study shows is that the TSH level is not an accurate gauge of a patient’s metabolic rate. This finding is consistent with what we regularly see when we do metabolic evaluations for patients. We often find that a hypothyroid patient on T4-replacement—with an "in range" TSH level—has a metabolic rate that’s abnormally low. Often, the patient’s metabolic rate is severely low, sometimes as much as 50% below normal.

For this all-to-common undertreated patient—who suffers from chronic hypothyroid symptoms—the TSH level is simply not an accurate gauge; that is, the TSH level fails to correctly tells us what thyroid hormone dosage will give her a normal metabolic rate.


thyroidgriffin profile image
thyroidgriffin in reply toshaws

Thanks read this will read more later too...how do I mark a link or post for reference on my smart phone...do u know?

shaws profile image
shaws in reply tothyroidgriffin

I'm sorry I don't have a smart phone. Maybe bookmark it on your computer. Hopefully someone will know, or put a quick post asking that question.

danceforever profile image
danceforever in reply toRudegirl

A lot of people don't seem to realise just how many things go wrong with a thyroid condition.

Life becomes a struggle for many, and yes, the nervous system takes a battering.

We need to relax a lot more than the average person, and take it seriously.

Baths, walks, yoga, massages....because our muscles are forever in 'fight mode'.

Take care and good luck.


danceforever profile image

I also meant to say, I see you have been moving house.

the stress of this move will make all your symptoms worse, so as soon as you can, try to relax and get some rest.

Even if it is only for 5 mins , every hour.

Breathe deeply, and force yourself to relax those shoulders.

That will help to ease the muscles in the neck, to ease the noise.


Susie05 profile image

If you are also feeling dizzy at times then go and see your doctor . I was diagnosed with Ménière's disease which I was told is found in people with thyroid problems . There are a whole list of associated ailments that come alone with the thyroid.

JellyJac profile image
JellyJac in reply toSusie05

I have menieres disease too, however no link to thyroid was made by either the private consultant, the walk in doctor or the two GP's at my surgery that I saw regarding vertigo, head pressure, hearing loss and tinnitus.

Actually felt like the nerves in my ear are being squeezed, and my head is full of water.

Susie05 profile image
Susie05 in reply toJellyJac

It is amazing how many of those with Ménière's also have thyroid problems . I have been able to manage it so far with weight loss and exercise .

JellyJac profile image
JellyJac in reply toSusie05

The weight loss and exercise are slowly helping..

Susie05 profile image
Susie05 in reply toJellyJac

Results The 50 patients who met the criteria for MD were identified from a database of more than 2000 patients with dizziness seen over a 5-year period. Of these, 16 (32%) were taking thyroid hormone supplements in contrast to 2 (4%) of the 50 matched controls (P<.001). The median age of the patients with MD was 60 years, and 5 (19%) of the 26 patients younger than 60 years were taking thyroid hormone supplements, compared with 11 (46%) of 24 patients 60 years or older (P<.05). There were no statistically significant differences in the severity of hearing loss, pattern of hearing loss, or prevalence of bilateral hearing loss between patients with MD who were taking thyroid hormone supplements and patients with MD who were not.

Conclusion Ménière's disease is associated with corrected hypothyroidi

Marz profile image
Marz in reply toSusie05

..I think it is auto-immune isn't it ? So do you have Hashimotos as well ? In which case there will be a connection :-)

thyroidgriffin profile image
thyroidgriffin in reply toMarz

I think I do..how it wld ever be dx here is the issue..no endos reputable except at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota,which wld be like u going to China for me here

Marz profile image
Marz in reply tothyroidgriffin

.......surely you can have a blood test for the Thyroid Anti-bodies - Anti-TPO and Anti-Tg.... then best to follow the auto-immune protocol. Lots of good books and websites if you are interested...

Frannie58 profile image

Dance forever I am interested in your comment on seeing a chiropractor and effects of hypo on the spine, could you enlarge please? I have found tinnitus has improved slightly with B12, I do get very knotted in the neck/shoulder region and hadn't thought of that affecting ears before!

traceytired profile image

Ringing is one of my symptoms. I actually medicate according to my tinnitus. I know my hormone levels are low when the ringing is screaming at me, and that's when I need to take some medication. I'm on NDT and the ringing subsides within about half an hour of taking a tablet.

Jackie profile image

HI The more likely explanation is that the tinnitus is caused by atrial fibrillation which can have early onset due to thyroid problems. Check the pulse 3 times a day. If uneven ask G{P for a 24 hour or 7 day ( better) home monitor. If diagnosed means a cardio and and endo for treatment. Try pulse for 2 weeks.


boo16 profile image
boo16 in reply toJackie

Jackie, I believe that you are a nurse, as am I. But please do NOT start diagnosing posters with heart disease. Leave that for the professionals: Doctors, GP,s and Cardiologists. We have enough to contend with without you scaremongering!......

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply toboo16

Hi Actually, I did not diagnose but said worth considering. MY A.F. was missed for 30 years.


thyroidgriffin profile image
thyroidgriffin in reply toJackie

No offense taken..valid avenue I have been onto that last few mos as a precaution

lola1956 profile image
lola1956 in reply toboo16

Thanks as it scared me for a minute ...but I've just researched abit and numerous other reasons to have tinitus

thyroidgriffin profile image
thyroidgriffin in reply toJackie

Thank you. I am planning a complete cardio soon..tests r ordered. My heart rate is actly lower lately bec I am on max dose of Atenolol beta blkr bec BP will not come down...ultrasound just ruled out renal stenosis, & ruled out diabetes. Have gallbladder polyps, cystic liver (hence they assume I drink but I do not, even a glass of wine n I feel like I am going comatose last few yrs), need a hysterectomy,had a clear colonoscopy 2 yrs ago, and never was high bp like this or high lipids before last few yrs...I am worried for heart so am watching n testing but dont seem to have a fib,thgh runs in family. I live in the south USA. I am missing the one vital organ needed here to be taken seriously...it begins with a "p" and ends with "nis".

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply tothyroidgriffin

HI Make sure you have the home monitor test, vital with cardio and not always done.

Best wishes,


greygoose profile image

Hi thyroidgriffin, whilst both these symptoms can be directly related to low thyroid, tinnitus can also be due to low magnesium, and the numbness/tingling can be due to low B12 - which are both due, indirectly, to low thyroid.

When you're hypo, you usually have low stomach acid, which means you have difficulty absorbing nutrients like B12. Nutrient defficiency can cause all sorts of horrible problems and make you feel very ill. It is really necessary to have as many vitamins and minerals tested as possible - vits B12, D and folate, iron, ferritin, magnesium, zinc, iodine, etc. As many as your doctor is willing to test. Unfortunately, doctors have no idea about nutritional deficiencies, so arfe often unwilling to do these tests. It can be a struggle, but Worth the effort, because getting them sorted out can make you feel so much better!

Hugs, Grey

thyroidgriffin profile image
thyroidgriffin in reply togreygoose

Yes...I am bone anemic, but take b12 n folic acid shots...need refills...tried self medicate w iodine from internet for a year...kicked out fatigue n need to sleep in day actly but I got scared n stopped it

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply tothyroidgriffin

You should not take iodine without knowing that you are deficient, anyway, because too much is as bad as - if not worse - than too little, and can make things much worse. Do your research on things before taking anything.

bestbuddy profile image

I developed tinnitus as a child (and some hearing loss).....along with painful joints. Both are with me permanently. I have to ignore the tinnitus as best I can but it is not an easy thing to do and some medications exacerbate it. I have a number of auto immune conditions to juggle though I suspect there is one major trigger which has been overlooked since my mum used to take me to the doctors in the 60s with 'growing pains'.

annie-7 profile image
annie-7 in reply tobestbuddy

I spent a lot of time being dragged to the doctors as a child, as I rarely slept and can remember awful pains in my legs, and, you guessed it diagnosis of "growing pains!" I also have tinnitus (since my teenage years) it's often worse at night. I find that a fairly quiet fan (with a timer, so it doesn't drive your partner bonkers) helps to "tune out" some of the tinnitus.

bestbuddy profile image
bestbuddy in reply toannie-7

I am being treated by a rheumatologist for lupus type disease and an orthopaedic surgeon for the damage to my shoulders....mmmm, coeliac too...now what is the missing link?

123happy profile image

Hi guys,

I have ringing in the ears, reading on the muscular stuff is interesting, because I seem to have developed Siatica ! In my back and down my legs, feels like something is gnawing my leg off at night, this is only since I've had underactive thyroid, of course I'm " medicated " on Levo acoording to my GP nothing wrong with me, bloods are fine, here's some Prozac, do one. Grrrrrr.

lola1956 profile image

Hello I too have tinitus . .came on with everything else that gets collectively called hypothyroidism . .it's troublesome at times but I try to zone out from it as much as possible . ...easier with time hopefully

Jazzw profile image

Another tinnitus sufferer here, although I've had it since childhood (another reason to suspect I've always had thyroid issues). And tinnitus was the symptom that finally confirmed that my OH had become hypothyroid (like so many others here, a high but in range TSH meant the doctor said thyroid was fine.)

Not sure why tinnitus and thyroid should be related, though I suppose the ears and the thyroid aren't far from each other...

Rosy_Holly profile image

I have underactive thyroid and I now suffer from tinitus. Thank you for the post did not know this could be connected to my thyroid problem.

Ruby1 profile image

Yes I have an underachieve thyroid and ringing in my ears - tinnitus, but so do other members of my family who don't have thyroid problems so I think mine is genetic (two siblings now have hearing aids for deafness, not tinnitus - they are in their 60s).

My tinnitus is definitely affected by stress and can also be worsened by drinking alcohol - red wine is a sure fire way to make it worse. I try my best not to think about it, like lola1956 :) otherwise it can drive you nuts!

Terricotta profile image
Terricotta in reply toRuby1

Mine too increases with stress.

Terricotta profile image
Terricotta in reply toTerricotta

...In fact, if I'm particularly tired I have noticed that my tinnitus increases.

patricia125 profile image

i am suffering with that too.well the ringing in my ears. ive had thyroid probs for few years now but never this. they have just found the antibodies which should be up to 100 is now 625 this is changing things quite a lot so think it is that . dont see the dr again for 4 months.so still do not know what the answer is.so cant help you either sorry .good luck

Hypopotamus profile image

B12 deficiency!

Poshpenny profile image

mine went away when I started a GF diet. It was one of the ways I worked out there WAS a problem with my thyroid, despite Drs telling me I was normal. I don't think tinnitus, blurred vision and weight gain are classic coeliac symptoms which clear up or improve on a gf diet, but I'm happy to be corrected!

bossbird profile image

Hello sounds like possible careless tunnel in your hands which I have occasionally now but had it a lot before I fist added t3 to my t4 and much better again since changing to armour,

Yes I think tinnitus is related I have it too and getting worse as I age and there is others on this forum with the same issues

Cara20007 profile image

Hi! You will find lots of help here it's a really good forum. I have terrible ringing in my ears, frozen shoulder, really bad aching hip so I can hardly walk some days but that comes and goes, abnormal Ecgs, split thumb nails and feel rough yet I saw my doctor yesterday and she said she couldn't increase my Levo as my TSH is normal :/ she did offer me a steroid injection for my shoulder.

thyroidgriffin profile image
thyroidgriffin in reply toCara20007

Ys..i have had frozen joints n trigger point inj,steroid inj,etc. Most help from VOLTAREN GEL topicsl...buy it by the case since off pain meds..and massage,chiropractic but cant afford that anymore

in reply toCara20007

Hi cara, try and avoid steroid injections. I've had many into joints, and now my adrenals are shot. The steroid puts them to sleep, read up on this.

I had a frozen shoulder years ago and the best thing for it was an ultra sound type treatment in physiotherapy. It worked like magic, only 3 sessions cured it. I understand how painful that is, you have my sympathy.

MariLiz profile image

Definitely get your B12 tested! It was the low levels of that causing my tinnitus. Since starting my injections it's the one thing I feel has improved the most. (I am also hypothyroid). I used to get up in the night and wander round the house searching for the source of the noise. It always sounded like hissing in the water pipes/ central heating, or an electrical buzz! Drove my hubby mad, getting him up to listen too! It was just me and my ears, and low B12! MariLiz

Paulaw22 profile image

Yes I do! At first I had severe pain in my left ear but since I had the left side of my thyroid removed I have it in my right ear. I have pain during the night but the buzzing in both ears during the day. I also have tingling in my arms and hands.

Paulaw22 profile image

To the credit of others on here I do have B12 problems maybe its that? I do also have palpitations but my hearts ok had it checked.

Yup, B12 problems may relate to the pins and needles. Try methylB12 which is sublingual, easy to absorb, and may help even if your serum B12 is high on tests. Maybe your body is having problems metabolising it. Check it out online for yourself.

Secondly, if you have pulsatile tinnitus it may link to anemia, and if you have low serum ferritin short of anemia, any type of iron deficiency, get your stores up, that can't do any harm, and you might find it helps. (Pulsatile tinnitus, you can bascially hear your heart beat in your ear). I can't find any good recent research on this on pubmed, and no one seems to have looked yet to see if pulsatile tinnitus is associated with low brain iron. But it is very interesting that so many people with hypothyroid, which is linked to low iron, report tinnitus here.

Glynisrose profile image

Its called Tinnitus and is quite a common symptom of hypo. I deal with mine by listening to it intensely, then stopping listening to it!!

anamnesis profile image

Hi Thyroid Griffin, If you have ringing in the ears (or like white noise), it is that your body has become sensitive to the energy around you. I first noticed this 6 years ago and then had a spontaneous kundalini experience (look it up!). I had tingles and strange sensations in muscles and shoved it to the back of my mind as I did'nt understand what was happening. Now, 6 years later, I finally realise that my thyroid condition is also only a symptom of a much deeper problem I've had since adolescence - that of energy imbalance and deficiency - caused by years of stress to the adrenals. Adrenals can be stressed by environmental toxins, bad relationships, protein starvation, alcohol...... Now I am studying the meridian systems of the body and meditating to draw in more energy and balance my adrenals, I can feel things are getting better. I feel more relaxed upon waking and not like I drank 2 bottles of red! I can walk for more than 10 minutes down the road and not need a lie down afterwards. I wish I had listened to my body then and not been afraid of this static noise - electricity - it is your body desperately trying to reconnect and strengthen your field! I understand that this may seem far fetched to some of you but it does make perfect sense. After all the thyroid is the regulator of energy, the adrenals are the batteries of energy and if you've spent your life giving away or suppressing your energy, then it's gonna cause a deficit! Please look into the work of donna eden and study adrenal health and .....top yourself up!! x

MSC56 profile image
MSC56 in reply toanamnesis

Having had a huge Kundalini experience myself about 2007 I have to say this is not necessarily why I developed Tinnitus which has been coming in off and on for about 6 months and even though I am sucking a B12 daily and also taking T3 only (as well as carpel tunnel for 18 years now) I would think the Kundalini would have corrected all the issues. Which of course, it does not. Nevertheless, good luck studying eastern philosophy.

Terricotta profile image
Terricotta in reply toanamnesis

Hi anamnesis, I can understand what you're saying. I have had to suffer immense stress over the last few years and I know when my adrenals are under performing as a result of this. I haven't managed to top myself back up yet, but am working on it. I have read somewhere (must fish it out) that tinnitus can be related to the amount of steroid hormones (particularly cortisol) in your system. This would explain the connection between stress and the intensity of the tinnitus I still experience at times.

thyroidgriffin profile image
thyroidgriffin in reply toanamnesis

will..i know my adrenals are shot..esp after 25 yrs of meds n misdx

Rudegirl profile image

Yes.. I'm hypo & have it, my friend is hyper & has it! ..

thyroidgriffin profile image
thyroidgriffin in reply toRudegirl

My friend is hyper..yin yang...we seem to find ea other..Jack Sprat cld eat no fat etc..my friend is too thin cant eat,I am fat now and eat little but starving all time...cant believe that she actly forgets to eat...no appetite, while I am raging hungry but vege diet over 30 yrs,no sugars,soda,alcohol,little fats,little carbs...and I am so full of belly fat and high lipids...just cruel...one doctor actly laughed when he saw my belly and I said I do not drink and eat fats...said then I have to be diabetic,but did 5 hr glucose and was not,so he offered to do colonoscopy but I went to get that from someone who did not find the sight of my big belly amusing...it is heartbreaking to me...I have always been in shape, and it is just my belly...why isnt that a tipoff to some doctor!

Joybells123 profile image

Hi...yes I have terrible ringing in my ears. Also numbness and tingling of hands....I wake up in the night and one hand is completely numb. Still trying to get diagnosed....about to contact private endo...good luck with the house move and symptoms x

Marylyn profile image
Marylyn in reply toJoybells123

Numbness & tingling in hands & feet ,tinnitus all signs of Vitamin B12 deficiency ,Google Sallys book "Could it be B12 ?" Our life saving book after 12 drs including 7 specialists due to b12 level in norm range both hubby & I were misdiagnosed now permanent nerve damage numb feet ,hearing & memory loss.I urge all of you to ask for Vit b12 & D folate,ferritin & homocysteine level.Treatment is essential if B12 levels below 500.

thyroidgriffin profile image
thyroidgriffin in reply toMarylyn

Very helpful..is that same as just a vit d level?..I had less than a 10!...but I supplement that n last time was normal..waiting on recent tests..will note your comments thks

Polaris profile image
Polaris in reply tothyroidgriffin

Although you say your Vit. D is normal now, that was a very low score, and doctors don't seem to be prescribing high enough doses, especially as you say you are bone anaemic. Apparently, most of us are now deficient and we are not taking enough. This video gives advice on safe higher doses.


I'd also recommend the book, "The Miraculous Effects of High Doses of Vit D3 and K2..." By Jeff Bowles, as well as "The Calcium Paradox - How a Little Known Vitamin Could Save your Life" by Katie Rheame. The following also seems to indicate why it is so important to take K2 with higher doses of D3:

"Laura Jones, a global food science analyst at Mintel, says recent research has revealed Vitamin K2 has much broader health benefits than previously thought, and is increasingly being seen as a bone health ingredient."

I have Hashimoto's and have found that, supplementing with B12 sublingual spray and a high dose Vit. D3 & K2 has made a huge difference to my energy and well being.

jellynpain profile image

I suffer constant, awful tinnitus. Hearing tested & excellent result. Diagnosed CFS/ME, FM, atrophied thyroid gland, micro pituitary adenoma .....also problematic spine, damaged discs.

Could never suss out which one may be causing my horrid humming

thyroidgriffin profile image
thyroidgriffin in reply tojellynpain

Cervical discs for me r a factor, but it is so much so soon it has to be coming from other things bc my neck is the same really

helbell profile image
helbell in reply tojellynpain

I'm like you Jellypan. Also have balance4 disorder and wonder if that is due to Hashi's or tight neck/cervical spine muscles.

Reykua profile image

Yes thyroidgriffin, I have all your symptoms but was told by my GP and Rheumy that it was connect to my Fibromyalgia - go figure!

MSC56 profile image

So Ladies and Gents: How many of us have this, all hands up? I see I am in good company. I just developed my tinnitus as I said above, it was coming in a bit here and there. I bought B12 Methyl and suck one daily as this is suppose to get into your system faster. I take a ton of supplements and 25mcgs T3 x 2 daily. I might up my T3. I have terrible cravings for sugar which is a whole other story but indulged this X-mas and was stressed out so no surprise I am paying the price! Between adrenal, thyroid, mold, mercury fillings, diet: GAPS, Elimination, AIP, Paleo and just plain healthy eating...where is the cure? I mean is this IT forever? I really hate this latest symptom (what else can you call it??) of Hashimotos which is what I have too. I am age 58 and really don't see my senior years listening to a constant high pitched sound!! I am now trying a Homeopathic remedy called Calc. Carb. 30c and is it working, well, I just realized I need to take it inbetween meals 3 times a day and 4 times a day to begin. I am also really fed up with just not getting WELL!

Marylyn profile image
Marylyn in reply toMSC56

If your B12 level is low under 500 you will need injections the hard part to find a dr who will treat you on symptoms not a flawed blood test.The sad thing if not treated leads to permanent disability.

helbell profile image
helbell in reply toMarylyn

What is the best thing to do if I have been on supplements that skwed my B12 test....so far, I understand come off them?

thyroidgriffin profile image
thyroidgriffin in reply toMSC56

I am reading about myself..mea culpa mi hermana

thyroidgriffin profile image
thyroidgriffin in reply toMSC56

What is the definitive test for Hashimotos..doctors here do not even want to hear that word..i just know i have that n want to prove it by a test

Marz profile image
Marz in reply tothyroidgriffin

Having your anti-bodies tested - Anti-TPO and Anti-Tg.....

helbell profile image
helbell in reply toMSC56

My tinnitus got to an unbearable level in the beginning but it is very tolerable now, and when it goes up is a good sign of urgency to rest. I think the neck muscles also have a lot to do with it.

Do be careful with the sugar thing as, I expect you know, we are more susceptible to insulin resistance and types of diabetes. Can't factor our parasthesias either....gawd!

Margo profile image
Margo in reply toMSC56

MSC56 I sympathise with your frustration, I am on T3 have 4 weekly B12 injections and still I have tinnitus which has got worse. It started after a TT (thyroid cancer) eleven years ago and has steadily got worse, alongside with hearing loss. I am curious about your homeopathic remedy, did you have to visit a Homeopath? When you say it is working well, has it lessened the tinnitus?

skimordiegirl profile image

I have it, but I also have a lot of vision issues and dizziness issues too

Margo profile image
Margo in reply toskimordiegirl

I have the same skimordiegirl. Have had Posterior Vitrious Detachment x 2

skimordiegirl profile image
skimordiegirl in reply toMargo

Margo, mine is neurological. Both eyes are perfect.

Deeseona profile image

Hi, I have an underactive thyroid also and been on Levothyroxine for over 15 years. I started to experience continuous tinnitus since having a bad bout of what was diagnosed as labyrinthitis/Vestibular Neuronitis which lasted 4 months and was severe. I had no idea it could possibly connected to my thyroid problem, or numb and tingling hands and feet. I also experience a lot of back and neck problems. Seems like many things are affected by the thyroid condition. Unfortunately when I mention things such as low B12 etc to my GP I am contradicted and they try to keep costs down re what they feel are unneccesary tests. Sad that GPs know so little re thyroid problems...

Polaris profile image

Like others here, I agree that these symptoms could be linked to B12, especially with the numbness and tingling in your hands, which could be a sign of neurological symptoms relating to this deficiency,

Here is a link to Dr Chandy's B12d.org site, which might help assess symptoms. Hypothyroidism/B12 def. is often linked both ways.


Terricotta profile image
Terricotta in reply toPolaris

Definitely neurological.

thyroidgriffin profile image
thyroidgriffin in reply toPolaris

Thank you will ead it..also dbling up on my b12 shot n had pharmacy call for folic acid inj refill last week..of course no response

Marz profile image
Marz in reply tothyroidgriffin

You may wish to read up on Folic Acid v MethyFolate - OK the latter is more expensive but may be better for you...


I also have a feeling that the B12 injections you have with the Folic Acid are not Hydroxocobalamin but Cyanocobalamin. We have both here in Greece....but I have the former :-) small adjustments may be the answer.... I see also that you are a Veggie so I would inject weekly and balance all the B's out with a GOOD B complex.

thyroidgriffin profile image
thyroidgriffin in reply toPolaris

Excellent will print n bring to my rheumatologist,who will probly tell me to stay off the internet again

robinebc profile image

I am 31 female blood pressure 110/72 pulse 72

I weigh 159 and i am 5"10

Maybe someone on this thread can help me out. I am extremely frustrated. On December 5th i was a t work preparing my students for presentations. Everything was fine. I missed lunch and all of a sudden had crazy ears ringing and got a migraine. I have seen an ENT (Who said TMJ) and rushed me out. MY Internal Medicine/family doctor says anxiety and panic. I am now seeing a neurologist. I also get these waves of pressure and scalp pain. I also saw my cardiloogist who said blood work looks great cholesterol is beautiful and echo was normal and chest x ray normal along with EKG. The neurologist says occipital neuralgia and says stop worrying. I had a clean Ct scan of brain and i am waiting for Mri of cervical spine and MRA results that I will actually get today at my neuro appointment. God has reassured me that he has this but I am just wondering if anyone has this. I am losing my mind and just frustrated. Can anyone help?

Marz profile image
Marz in reply torobinebc

Check out the above link on B12 deficiency....

thyroidgriffin profile image
thyroidgriffin in reply torobinebc

Please let me know after mri how it went...did u have mri head n spine w_wt contrast btw?

Glad your ct was clean...ps..what about the mra part of the head..did u get that too?

robinebc profile image
robinebc in reply tothyroidgriffin

I got MRA results they were clean

MRI of neck showed c5c6c7 nerve compressions.

Im so overwhelmed. Ahe is sending MRI of brain ..im so scared. Still trusting God. She said some people get it and its more annoying than anything.. said she doeant think its somwthing to worry about.

thyroidgriffin profile image
thyroidgriffin in reply torobinebc

Yes but you got the scans out of it...nerve compression maybe cld be helped by a collar, or a good chiropractor if all else is good do u think..did u injure your neck or lift heavy things recently

Marylyn profile image
Marylyn in reply torobinebc

google Sallys Pacholok book "Could it be B12? "This book led me to get a diagnosis & treatment. Mind you I had been to ED X5 seen 5 specialists, total of 13 drs .2 brain & thyroid scans all to no avail. Nightime tremors ,vibrations, tingling, nausea, pins & needles in hands, bp raised, headache pain at back of neck. screeching ear noises .pulsesatile tinntinus ,memory loss, painful feet which now are numb.

chest pain felt like I was stroking out. Thank God 6mths later a holistic GP diagnosed b12 deficiency with genetic mutation MTHFR which is newly discovered.So ask your dr for VITB 12,iron ,folate ,ferritin, VIT D , MMA.Homocysteine levels which if high a risk of cardiac conditions. Don,t give up on getting answers there are some wonderful support groups on line.

robinebc profile image
robinebc in reply toMarylyn

wow..thank u.. im planning on visiting a holistic dr this friday..im ready for answers. I have noticed around my cycle i am short of breath, tired, cranky and chest tightness. I have been to cardiologist with echo tsh test and nothing. I have scheduled aa stress test ..im acared. Blood pressure is always low. I also got mra, mri and cervial mri results back of brain last week . Everything is clear but cervical spine c5c6c7 compressed nerves. Im ao tired of paying money and no answers. But i do feel a bit at ease im ok. However someone had mwntioned maybe im anemic and b12 deficient

Heloise profile image

Hi Griffin, unfortunately as you can see from all the posts, it is quite common. Mine is in my right ear only and sounds like someone shaking a light bulb near my ear. I think it is inflammation causing pressure and when I open my mouth the hissing gets even more solid sounding. There are a few supplements advertised specifically for this but I've never tried them. But I have taken other vitamin supplements like B12 and nothing has ever taken it away.

robinebc profile image

MIne has worsened when I drink or when I work out. and that is why i saw a cardiologist. They even looked at my veins. feeling weak in legs and arms. so weird

hbkaneonite profile image

I have had tinnitus since i was 15 so i didn't think mine was related to my thyroid. certain pitches of sounds set it off. especially my boyfriend's laugh! I get a high pitched whine in my ears for up to an hour after. i can't really stop him from laughing though :-)

thyroidgriffin profile image
thyroidgriffin in reply tohbkaneonite

Ok thanks..that made me laugh...Taylor Swifts voice can irritate my ears..but my son plays drums n dsnt bother me..haha

kucner profile image

I have ringing right ear for ages. Plus low iron. Plus hyperthyroid- i suppose cos wild fast metabolism: i am skinny, loosing my water with night excessive urination what i suppose is due to vasopressin -lack of thirst brain deffect. Now i got a refferal to an endocrynologist to resolve that puzzle...

Karen1976 profile image

Hi thyroidgriffin, it's defo one of the joys of having an underactive thyroid, known as tinitus and I have it too. Comes and goes and I don't know that there's a cure as such. Numbness and tingling in the hands and feet is a sign of low vitamin B12, have u had it checked lately?

Susie05 profile image

Other and since then I have requested blood tests and adjust my medication according to how I feel as they over medicated me for the first 4 months after having him .

Flowers2 profile image

I had what you describe exactly. My B12 was low (not out of range) but I persuaded the GP to give me a trial of B12 injections (oral made no difference in 2 years of taking it with tablets or sublingually). The B12 injections made a huge difference to my energy levels, sight, tingling and ringing in the ears. It can't harm to go and ask for a test and get some injections if you can persuade your GP. Good luck.

Flowers2 profile image

I had what you describe exactly. My B12 was low (not out of range) but I persuaded the GP to give me a trial of B12 injections (oral made no difference in 2 years of taking it with tablets or sublingually). The B12 injections made a huge difference to my energy levels, sight, tingling and ringing in the ears. It can't harm to go and ask for a test and get some injections if you can persuade your GP. Good luck.

thyroidgriffin profile image
thyroidgriffin in reply toFlowers2

Yes..he doesnot believe in it, but since my old obgyn,who is gone now,used to give it to me w folic acid he writes it reluctantly

May72 profile image

The ringing in your ear sounds like it could be tinnitus. I have suffered with this since my late teens (which is many moons ago) I wouldn't like to say it is related to with the thyroid - I was diagnosed with my thyroid problem in my early forties. Does anybody else think the same?

Nan123 profile image

It's tinnitus, that you have, I have had it for over twenty years, there is no real treatment for it, unfortunately! It is related to your thyroid problem, however, I did not know that myself till last year when I joined this site. I hope that is helpful to you.

Hi, not only incredibly loud tinnitus, but unexplained hearing loss in my left ear. I have a hearing aid and the only thing that gives me relief from the loud white noise sound is to put my hearing aid in. Then I can only hear the engine running noise in my right ear. It's all so loud I can hear it over the TV and I have that on really loud. The noise fills up my head. I wonder if there's an auto immune connection? I had no idea you could lose hearing through auto immune issues, no one mentioned that to me. I've had this since 2000 and no amount of thyroid meds, B12 injections, and all the other supplements have unfortunately made no difference at all.

thyroidgriffin profile image
thyroidgriffin in reply to

So sorry..had one allergy mold specialist say related to autoimmune and mercury fillings..cant afford to remove all those now, but am going to try a methylating supplement she sells soon. Will keep all posted on that if it helps..just dont get excited about any med opinions anymore

Marylyn profile image
Marylyn in reply tothyroidgriffin

I have Vitb12 deficiency with genetic mutation MTHFR since I have had methyl injections & methyl folate the tinnitus has improved ,the pulse in ear has stopped too as I have started iron supplement.I have mod hearing loss due to nerve damage from lack of VIT B12.

thyroidgriffin profile image
thyroidgriffin in reply to

Ps was told a hearing aid or device cld not stop tinnitus..is that wrong, bec I wld wear an antenna to have a little silence for awhile

in reply tothyroidgriffin

The hearing aid won't stop your tinnitus thyroidgriffin, in my case my hearing therapist told me my deaf ear is straining to hear so the hearing aid gives that ear a rest. It's the only relief I get, the louder volume of hearing coming in through the aid drowns out the tinnitus in that ear. I then just listen to the engine noise in my right, which is a bit lower in volume.

Mine has just got louder and louder, the masking device I had, even on full volume doesn't mask the sound now. I think it's all about training your brain to hear something else ;-) I've given up on it ever improving to be honest.

I do have low cortisol, it's been tested, so I always wonder if that is contributing too.

thyroidgriffin profile image
thyroidgriffin in reply to

I willhave to ask re masking device..was in rt ear now both almost all time...i thought low cortisol was good!

in reply tothyroidgriffin

The masking device was OK when I just had tinnitus in my right ear, thyroidgriffin, I could easily drown out the irritating noise. Now it's all much louder I don't think it will help, not sure if they can be reprogrammed as hearing aids can. The sound is way way above the current setting on the masking aid.

No, low cortisol can be dangerous, if you go into an adrenal crisis it's a medical emergency. You say in a previous post your adrenals are shot? Did you get an adrenal stress profile done?

thyroidgriffin profile image
thyroidgriffin in reply to

ogot an abdominal ct scan post op when my parathyroid hormone pth did not come down after the adenoma was remvd in2011feb...they were lkng for an adrenal adenoma but found none so said adrenals normal

The cortisol test was junk to me...saliva in a container at a given time only once...i wanted to test it at intervals esp 11pm when somethng goes amiss but they wld only do it one way

My cortisol acc to that was normal...waiting to see recent tests 2 mos ago no results will have to travel out of town n go in person to demand them i guess...only the private pay md called me w her tests MTHFR dble mutation genetic ...she sells methyl assist supplement..sounds like a joke to me but will try it after this move, if the move does not kill me

Hard to think..just found this forum in middle of moving n flareup n high bp etc.

in reply tothyroidgriffin

I'm sorry you've been going through such a lot.

I used a private lab to have my adrenal stress profile, the test should be over 24 hours. The lab I believe is in the US, are you in the US? Genova Diagnostics. It's 4 samples of saliva, seems a bit daft to only do one?

Your DHEA is also tested..

PiggySue profile image

Hi Thyroidgriffin

I had ringing in my ears, but after I was diagnosed with low iron (and my ferritin was 13.6 -range 10-200) and was prescribed that it went fairly quickly. I take B12 as well as the iron now and my hearing seems to be getting a bit better.

Do you have a sore mouth? I found that the two symptoms went together and are symptoms of anaemia.

Ask for an iron and ferritin blood test. If it is that then it should not be too hard to treat.

Good luck - it is a horrid sensation! (It was like the morning after a loud gig in the 80s but without any of the fun!!)

thyroidgriffin profile image
thyroidgriffin in reply toPiggySue

..no concert high..I am allergic to iron by mouth but can take folic acid inj..iron used to cause ringing when I took it ironically how I found was allergic to it..what a conundrum

Marz profile image
Marz in reply tothyroidgriffin


This indicates that it is common on this forum. Both hubby and I have Hashimotos - he suffers with Tinnitus and wears a hearing aid and I do not suffer.... :-)

rosemaryanne profile image

I noticed ringing in my ears about 10 years ago. Had a load of tests but no cause was found. My hearing was found to be very good for my age. It is definitely worse when I am tired or stressed. 3 months ago I was diagnosed hypothyroid. When I started reading up on this I discovered that the tinnitus could be a symptom. I also have occasional asthma and IBS so sometimes I feel like I'm under attack from myself!

Since moving is one of the most stressful things you can do, it is bound to have an effect. I find yoga helps a lot.

Joybells123 profile image

Hmmm interesting re iron levels and ringing in ears. I am taking vitamin supplements (100% RDA iron etc) but my doctor agreed that my iron levels were still not high enough (he didn't advise what to do about it). I don't want to take too much of stuff though...because I think that can be detrimental too - right? Can you take too much iron....what would be a safe amount of iron, and vitamin B12? Can anyone advise? Many thanks.

PS. Thank you all so much...I was freaking out before I found this forum. Your support means a great deal.

henrythewasp profile image

I had the ringing in my ears for years before diagnosis,got diagnosed,started Thyroxine and i don't get it now.

sandbell0 profile image

It seems to be a common problem. My husband has had it for a while and when I researched it there does seem to be a link between tinnitus and thyroid issues

Jen40 profile image
Jen40 in reply tosandbell0

I'm 40, I was diagnosed with Ménière's disease 9 years ago after a long bout of labrynthitis & now have thyroiditis which seems to be getting diagnosed as graves. I have continual tinnitus which varies in severity day by day & accompanied with fullness & pressure in the ear (right). I've had multiple other symptoms for past 3 years years, so maybe thyroid has been off for a while! I also had an sle type Auto immune rheumatoid arthritis is all over when I was aged 20, so agree with views above, must be somesort of link? my b12 & all other bloods fine except inflammatory marker (which is sky high) & TSH

thyroidgriffin profile image
thyroidgriffin in reply toJen40

Thanks..what was the test for inflamtry marker ?

Judyjam45 profile image

Since I have been diagnosed with thyroid problem, tinnitus is a symptom, as it’s hearing loss. I have started the treatment at a hearing centre in Bowmanville. There I had a hearing test and the test revealed that my left ear has a lower capacity than my right one. I had normal thyroid functions for years, but now I have developed difficulty in swallowing. I have pain and ringing where I sometimes feel like I am completely deaf. I am also fitted with a hearing aid ( nulifehearing.com/hearing-a... ) for my problem. It would be better for anyone with tinnitus to get your thyroid blood tested before the condition gets worse.

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