Hi. For anyone that has been recommended a Partial or Total Thyroidectomy for nodules on their thyroid or RAI PLEASE ask your endocrinologist about Laser Ablation. This is a low cost and minimally invasive procedure carried out in Italy and a couple of places in France. It means you can keep your thyroid! My thyroid is functioning normally but because I have a multi nodular goitre including one 4cm nodule which is causing problems swallowing I was only offered total removal or RAI. Neithers an option especially after reading about lots of peoples harrowing experiences dealing with the aftermath of life without a thyroid.
If your thyroids healthy then please talk to your endo about this and ask them why they don't offer it to us in the UK!
I'm in contact with Daria at Modilite who's putting me in contact with surgeons at a couple of hospitals. I have an appointment with Mr Robert Carpenter at St Barts on the 3rd Dec and will ask home about the Laser Ablation then.
If they can't remove the nodule completely then they'll shrink it. Anythings better than total removal.
After months of research i'm so pleased I found this and I wanted to share it with anyone who's in a similar situation.
Links here
A video: youtube.com/watch?v=09mM7bk...
The company that make the machine: modilite.info/
A thorough explanantion of the procedure: inkling.com/read/randolph-s...