For a few weeks now I have been suffering extremely watery eyes. I know it is nothing major but it is driving me mad. Last week my dose of Thyroxine had to be increased. I am wondering if it could be connected to my Thyroid (and therefore should improve on my new dose) or I if I should look elsewhere for a solution. The doctor suggested allergies but I have not changed anything.
Anyone experienced really watery eyes? - Thyroid UK
Anyone experienced really watery eyes?

my doc said mine is related to thyroid and it is dry eyes...because eyes are dry they over produce tears...he gave me lacrilube which helps
My eyes water when they get dry. Weird I know but that's what happens. I use HycoBak eye drops and put them in frequently when my eyes feel bad, I tend to stop once they improve which is the wrong thing to do and of course they dry out again. Sensible people keep using the drops. I put them in as often as I feel they need it - don't limit myself to three times a day or that sort of thing. Other people will chip in with their favourite dry eye cures eg Lacrilube, I dont like hypromelose but am prepared to use pretty much anything else. I also like to use a face cloth soaked in hot as I can stand water then wrung out as a compress you can buy an eye bag that you heat in a microwave but the facecloth is just as effective. Better too if you can get preservative free drops / gel or whatever it is you decide to use.
Yes me too ... goodness cant believe yet another complication !!!
Me too, my doc also said its a hypo symptom. I also use Lacrilube.
I've found visco tears gel works best for me after trying several brands x
My eyes used to water, but stopped when my health improved on T3 only.