I have been unwell now coming up to 5 years and now have Hashi's...I tried all the usual ways to get better, T4 then NDT, then T3 then T4, T3 combo. Being on 'T4 only' made me VERY unwell as my body was not converting, last year was the worst of my life. I had to give up work, had pretty much lost everyone that was close to me, I would spend up to 4 days house bound, could just about manage a 5 minute walk to the shops, that's not including all the aches and pains, low in mood, angry and ready to give up and all the other numerous symptoms.
I kept hearing 'gut health' is important but I like so many just wanted a pill that worked and to get me back to how I used to be...I removed Gluten end of last year, I then started looking at other aspects of my diet, I also removed sugars,dairy, tea, coffee, booze and went back to the basics of cooking, nothing at all processed. I did this for several months and it was very tough but not as tough as the life I did 'not' have anymore prior to the massive change in my eating habits.
After a while I started feeling more energised, less aches and pains, at this time I was on T3 only, my mood started lifting I wanted to start doing things again!
Fast forward to now....Yesterday I travelled to Brighton, I had my hair cut along with lunch, I then walked the 30 min journey to my hotel, got ready to go out meet friends for drinks then I went to see alive band stayed up till late and still managed to get up bright and early for my scrummy breakfast and then had some retail therapy before my journey home this afternoon.
Maybe it does not sound a lot and prior to becoming unwell this was the norm for me whilst holding down a busy stressful job.
Its totally amazing that a year on how my life has changed by changing what I put into my body, I am now well enough to start working again, only a few hours a week but its so nice to feel human again.
My diet is still gluten free and I still cook from scratch, I have introduced foods back into my diet and everything in moderation, my body appears to cope with this.
It is not a cure as such and I know I will never be the person I used to be but I am lot closer than I have ever been. I am no longer existing but what I have learnt is that there is no quick fix and changing your diet is very tough but the payback is 110% worth all the effort. I have also started to lose weight and have lost my bloated moon face, still along way to go but anyone that knows me have all noticed the improvement to my health and vitality.
I would say to anyone please look at your gut health, as for me this has been what has gotten me back onto my feet, the T3 and supplement also help, but T3 alone was not enough for me.
If only 1 person reads this and feels inspired and can feel even half way close to how I feel now it will have been worth posting this. I want to say also that I have possibly underplayed the hellish journey I have been through but I know a lot of you will understand and I do not want to dwell on those 'lost years'...
Best wishes to you all....Deborah