Could any one tell me please if a sore throat ( unable to swallow and feels like I have swallowed broken glass and it is stuck) and hypothyroidism is linked. Just got over one throat infection and now I feel like I have another
Hypothyroidism and sore throats : Could any one... - Thyroid UK
Hypothyroidism and sore throats

You might have a throat infection. Maybe go back to the doctor. Gargle with warm salt water in the interim. 1/4 teaspoon of salt in 1 8 ounce glass of water. Use up the whole thing and repeat every two to three hours. It's boring but it helps.
I'm now on my third such throat infection in the last six months. I used to get this a lot before I went on NDT. I can't help feeling that it has returned because something is wrong with my ERFA medication.
I went to the doctor last week but a full course of antibiotics (Amoxyllin) has made no difference. Gargling with warm salt water has made no difference either.
I also noted that between the three infections, my throat felt tight as though the problem hadn't completely gone away.
I find since being diagnosed that infections are more difficult to get rid of. Antibiotics, when its something that antibiotics can help, need a longer course than directed. 18 months ago I got a UTI and GP put me on some strong tablets but only three days worth as she said side affects really bad. I explained how I react but she wouldn't have it. This went on for three months! Thankfully I finally saw a locum who listened and believed and gave me 10 days of the same thing-success! Got thrush but that was easy to clear up thankfully.
I suffered with the most painful sore throat for months and months - it felt totally raw, and I was continually told that there was nothing to see, and therefore nothing wrong. I was given lansoprazole to treat acid reflux, which I dutifully took, but it seemed to makes things worse. After reading about it on this site, I found out that low stomach acid can be linked with thyroid issues, so I ditched the drugs and started taking a spoonful of apple cider vinegar in a glass of fruit juice every day. It took a while, but the pain eventually subsided. The feeling that I can't swallow properly is something I think I have just got used to.
Obviously, it you have a throat infection, it will need treating!
I seem to catch one cold after another over the last 10 years, & taking Levothyroxine hasn`t helped. I don`t know what else to do to boost my immune system.
I was hyper to start with and now swing between hyper and hypo (despite RAI in April). I know when my symptoms are getting worse because my throat gets sore. Like a previous poster, my throat doesn't just feel sore it feels like it's about to close up. I've scared myself stupid a couple of times waking up in the middle of the night gasping and rasping, convinced I'm about to expire. Not nice. You have my sympathies!
I get a sore throat for weeks and weeks when my antibodies are up.
Think a lot depends on if you develop a hoarse voice like I did, all started with sinus infections/sore throat. I was diagnosed with Reinke's Odema last month - swelling on both sides of my voice box. I'm hypo but can swing from hypo to hyper. Thyroid problems, sinus and throat can be linked. Antibiotics in the first instance did nothing for me.
Me too.......dry throat at the base and very sore...varies in intensity at different times of the day, also get loads of mucus from same place. Awaiting results of ANA tests etc......try manuka honey in warm water.
good luck
Thank you all I will give everything a try and let you know what happens thanks again
So what was the issue with sore throat. Getting same probkem with ndt and t3 (((
Are you taking Carbimazole Eliara2??
No I dont take carbimazole, what is this? It shouel help with sore throat?
Are you talking Carbimazole bbeangel?? X