Hi Everyone
I have posted here before. Long story short, I developed hypo symptoms after stressful event last year but all labs were within normal limits. I began T3 a few months ago and am on a high dose (without any real changes) as doc suspect thyroid resistance and we are using high dose once a day protocol as per Dr Lowe.
I recently had labwork performed (did not take T3 for 24 hours before test) and the results are as follows:
Free T3: 6.4 (2.3-4.2) - high
Reverse T3: 2.9 (9-27) low
Does anyone know if this indicates that I am "pooling" ie: the T3 is not gettign into the cells due to low ferretin or cortisol issues or is it at all possible that I as not taking enough as I do not experience any hyper symptoms on a high dose. Any thoughts would be appreciated.