People in pain? What are the symptoms of people that have it, I'm confused as I have 3 symptoms but no pain. Please if anyone suffering can they enlighten me thanks
I've read there is a connection with people tha... - Thyroid UK
I've read there is a connection with people that suffer with PCOS and hypo. How are people tested, is it bloods or ultrasound? And are

I have both, PCOS can be checked by ultrasound to see if there are any cysts ( I think that's what they look like on a scan) attached to your Ovaries, blood test can show the difference between male and female hormones to see if there is an in balance. I don't get pain from PCOS just symotoms. Lack of periods hair growth weight issues. My thyroid started to play up 3 years ago am not sure they are linked together, just unfortunate . I have a stong belief that my thyroid is due to a head trauma and not genetic unlike mt PCOS which is genetic
Sounds like a few hypo people do have this extra as well
I've got lack of periods and really bad oily greasy face with acne and someone mentioned this to me and to get my testosterone checked too, thanks for your advice x
PCOS can be connected to the thyroid gland. A young woman in Japan had multiple cysts which disappeared on treatment for her thyroid gland. This is an excerpt of the article:-
The case I describe below is of importance to women with polycystic ovaries. If
they have evidence, such as a high TSH, that conventional clinicians accept as evidence
of hypothyroidism, they may fair well. But the TSH is not a valid gauge of a woman's
tissue thyroid status. Because of this, she may fair best by adopting self-directed
care. At any rate, for women with ovarian cysts, this case is one of extreme importance.
In 2008, doctors at the gynecology department in Gunma, Japan reported the case
of a 21-year-old women with primary hypothyroidism. Her doctor referred her to the
gynecology department because she had abdominal pain and her abdomen was distended
up to the level of her navel.
At the gynecology clinic she underwent an abdominal ultrasound and CT scan. These
imaging procedures showed multiple cysts on both her right and her left ovary.
The woman's cholesterol level and liver function were increased. She also had a
high level of the muscle enzyme (creatine phosphokinase) that's often high in hypothyroidism.
Blood testing also showed that the woman had primary hypothyroidism from autoimmune
It is noteworthy that the young woman's ovarian cysts completely disappeared soon
after she began thyroid hormone therapy. Other researchers have reported girls with
primary hypothyroidism whose main health problems were ovarian cysts or precocious
puberty. But this appears to be the first case in which a young adult female had
ovarian cysts that resulted from autoimmune-induced hypothyroidism.
The researchers cautioned clinicians: "To avoid inadvertent surgery to remove an
ovarian tumor, it is essential that a patient with multiple ovarian cysts and hypothyroidism
be properly managed, as the simple replacement of a thyroid hormone could resolve
the ovarian cysts."[1]
Thanks so much shaws that a very interesting fact. I know my estrogen was checked in January but not sure if testosterone was checked. They have put me on HRT as think I'm early menopause but made my face really spotty and greasy. The GP said I had low estrogen under 50 do that is ehy he put me on HRT. Just trying to get to the bottom of still feeling tired lack of periods, anaemic and acne fomeone mentions pcos which made me look into this further, thanks do much x
Yes. Connection. And PCOS is also connected to high cortisol. All endocrine imbalance. Once thyroid is out, the whole endocrine system can become less than optimal. Ovarian cysts are very common in hypothyroidism.

Thank you do much for explaining x
Short video from functional medicine.