I have been feeling really good recently since starting B12 and ferretin supplements apart from when my period starts. I bleed heavily for a week and have the most awful right sided migraine which completly wipes me out. Can anyone suggest something which could ease the symptoms. Doc has prescribed me transametric acid tabs to ease the bleeding but there is a risk of clots so i wont take them. Scans and smear tests are all clear. Had hormone test for perimenapause which also came back normal i am 46. Any advice would be appreciated.
Help for heavy periods with migraines. - Thyroid UK
Help for heavy periods with migraines.

Tranexamic acid would do the trick. Is there a reason why you're especially scared of clotting? Because clotting is what usually happens when you have a period.
I once found a brilliant explanation of how it works but can't find it now. The best I could find was this: netdoctor.co.uk/womens-heal...
"During your period you shed the lining of blood and tissue that has built up in your womb in preparation for implantation of a fertilised egg. When you bleed your body forms blood clots to stop the bleeding.
"Blood clots are made of red blood cells and platelets bound together with a substance called fibrin. Once they have fulfilled their normal purpose of stopping bleeding, the body dissolves clots by producing another substance called plasmin. Plasmin breaks down the fibrin and allows the clots to break up.
"In women who have heavy menstrual bleeding there are higher than normal levels of the enzymes that produce plasmin in the lining of the womb. This causes blood clots in the womb lining to dissolve and increases the volume of blood that is shed with each period.
"Tranexamic acid stops the production of plasmin by blocking the action of the enzymes that produce it. This reduces the breakdown of fibrin and stops clots dissolving, which in turn helps to reduce bleeding."
I'll keep looking for the article I read and if I find it, I'll post. But both my sister and my Dad's girlfriend (who's just a bit older than my sister, LOL) both swear by tranexamic acid. It works and the risks are very low.

Hi LilyMay sorry didnt make myself clear. I meant clots caused by thrombosis. My mum had a clot in her lung which she recovered from and her 2 brothers also. It says on the packet there is an increased risk of this and now im scared to take it. I am taking painkillers but they just ease the pain and the migraines are awful. I am hoping once my ferretin and B12 rise i will get some ease but thank you for the info.
Hi Annette,
Have you had a recent blood test for your thyroid gland as female problems are rife when you are undermedicated/undiagnosed.
This is a link for information:-
Hi Annette I sympathise. Ive had these for 8 years. Im 47. Always the same time. My bleeding has improved with increased iron. I tried progesterone cream a few years ago and it saw them off for a few months but I was self medicating and concerned about long term. Havent tried it since but have just bought some more to try. Ive got Hashis with low normal t3 & t4 levels. Not on thyroid meds. After the thyroid summit talks am trying gluten and dairy free. If you find the answer please let us know.
I'm not really knowledgeable in this area. However, my experience is that by optimising thyroid meds and addressing adrenal problems this has made things manageable. Before it was awful. I used to be bad for 5 days and terrible (can't cope!) for 3 days (inc. migraine).
Also by doing an elimination diet I found out which foods I was intolerable to and this has also helped.
I used to be just like you. I still get the right sided migraine sometimes but not every time and is not as severe. I've met a few people who get that and I didn't even realise it was connected!
Getting my iron, folate and B12 helped but I think the main thing has been getting my thyroid sorted out. I am now on t3 only which is the only thing that works for me. It has taken many months but my periods have gradually become very much easier.
Magnesium supplements also helped me.
Tranexamic acid helped me but it did make the cramps a bit worse but ponstan forte helped with that. Better than flooding every month.
I hope you find what works for you. It's horrible having to deal with all that
Carolyn x
Hi Annette
Leslie Kenton's book Passage to Power is the most rewarding read. You will find 'Chaste Tree' mentioned- the most amazing herbal tincture! When I was 53 I began having clots and a bad time. This tincture was miraculous, no clots whatsover and and bang on time each period until I decided I'd sorted it, so stopped! Clots returned etc! I then discovered that one must use a tincture for at least 6 months +
re the migraine I sympathise as suffered them from age 12 until I had all my amalgams removed in my 50's - wonderful!
All good wishes
Hi Daffy, Did you find a good dentist to remove the amalgams? Would be glad of details as I want to remove mine too.
Annette, suggest you try progesterone cream. Serenity is the standard brand but there are are others on Amazon.
HI Healthseeker, re removal of amalgams: it is very expensive but you have to find a dental surgeon who is dedicated to this work. I suggest looking at drmyhill.co.uk Search her site for chemcial poisoning. Her staff may well have a list of special dentists trained in this. All goos wishes Daffy
I had similar problems with migraines every couple of weeks lasting for three days. I was eventually prescribed Pizotifen which is a preventive treatment, just one tablet each day. Never have migraines now apart from flashing lights when overtired but no pain. Only downside is weight gain but we're used to that with thyroid!!!
Heavy bleeding is a hypothyroid symptom. Better to treat the cause than to control the symptom. I would find a dr who will consider this and treat you even if you test in the low side of normal. Obviously it’s not normal for you. I know, been there and now being treated with Armor Thyroid. Made all the difference in the world.
I’m 41 and had horrendously heavy periods for the last 32 years. Looking back at the poison I put in my body (pain killers etc) to help elevate the pain
I had a Mirena cool fitted and feel fine. I missed my last period (definitely not pregnant). I’d suggest speaking to your Gp about getting one fitted. I am 14 months in. The fitting was painful but I didn’t have painkillers that day as suggested but drove myself home. Spotted for a few weeks then literally had 3 day periods. I took 2 sets of pain killers as opposed to the usual 4 sets a day for 6 of my 11 day periods.
I cannot express enough how well it’s worked for me. Plus the hundreds of pounds I’ve saved on products.
I’d suggest you seriously consider it and speak to your Gp