My pharmacist recently compounded by T3 as it works out to be much much cheaper than Cytomel. Has anyone used compounded vs cytomel or other prescription by Paddock (generic) and found a difference?
Compounded T3 vs Prescription Cytomel or Generic - Thyroid UK
Compounded T3 vs Prescription Cytomel or Generic

Suzanai, compounding is rare in the UK so you may have to wait for non-UK members to respond.
I lived in the USA for 15 years and tried most things. I did Synthroid alone (felt rubbish), Synthroid + Cytomel (better and almost human plus it made me happier) and eventually compounded T3 (the ultimate for me). When I moved back to the UK I found a GP with a private practice who now monitors me on the NHS but writes a prescription privately that he faxes to a pharmacy in the USA. Of course, I pay for it all but it works out at about just over £1 a day.
Message me for more details.
Hi Jane. Thanks for this. I would be interested in some more how much compounded T3 are you taking for example. My main concern is facial and other body swelling ....classic myxedema. My labs are normal so there is some thinking that I have a cellular resistance problem causing the hypo signs and symptoms. I have read mixed reports on the compounded vs cytomel but I am also wondering if I am just not at a high enough dose on the T3. I am taking 135 mcg.
I have found compounded to be much weaker than the Mexican, temperatures crashed very quickly on what was supposedly the same dose. Compounded is also very, very expensive.