When I tried to ask Dr she just laughed at my distress and said 'it could be worse' - I just want to know if it is ever going to get any better - can anyone share their experience of this symptom
Can anyone tell me how long before my symptom (... - Thyroid UK
Can anyone tell me how long before my symptom (almost constant menstrual bleeding) might start to improve. It's been 7 mths so far :(

Ditch the GP and make a formal complaint to the practice manger or senior GP partner. Laughing at your distress is not in keeping with the courtesy and respect demanded of GPs in the GP contract. See another GP at the practice and ask for a referral to a specialist.
That is disgraceful.
This is what the GMC requires of GPs:
"Establish and maintain partnerships with patients:
46. You must be polite and considerate.
47. You must treat patients as individuals and respect their dignity and privacy.
48. You must treat patients fairly and with respect whatever their life choices and beliefs.
49. You must work in partnership with patients, sharing with them the information they will need to make decisions about their care. "
I suggest a formal letter of complaint to the Practice Manager.
That is what I did when the GP told my elderly Mum, who was in great pain from a prolapsed womb and in tears, "that's nothing, you can't complain about that, I've seen them hanging down between people's knees ........."
Good luck
Thanks both. I did write a P&C letter to the practice manager at the time but she just passed it to the GP who in return sent a letter apologising for any 'misunderstanding' there may have been and proudly telling me how she had 'successfully' diagnosed and treated me!! Have registered with another GP at surgery but don't want to go back before my year is up (told to come back in a year for another blood test) as I'm too my nervous that he will be similarly dismissive. I just get really frustrated sometimes, bleeding all the time - is it ever going to get any better?
She hasn't successfully diagnosed or treated you as long as she hasn't explained what is causing your bleeding or stopped it.
I really think you should go back to a GP. This needs investigation and treatment and apart from anything else you are probably anaemic too.
I was prescribed a course of birth control hormone to control my periods. I was 13 so my mother wasn't thrilled.
Is a never ending period a symptom of hypothyroidism then? That's a new one on me.
You poor thing. I've had a couple of never ending periods (at least, that's how they felt - they probably lasted 3m or so). Both times it took a course of something - Primolut?? - to get them back on track.
I can't believe she laughed. Stupid cow - I'm pretty sure she wouldn't put up with a period that lasted 7 months. She'd have referred herself to a gynaecologist!

Hypothyroidism can upset regularity and undiagnosed hypothyroidism can cause them to stop. Not heard of hypoT causing continual period though.
Iv been bleeding for a few months now, not always blood, sometimes just dark stuff or light pink. Did put a post on here but didn't get any replies so thought it was just me. Going to the docs on Thursday to ask him about it..
I had a 14 to 21 day cycle with bleeding lasting for a good seven days. I only had a four day gap between periods at the end of last year, so it felt as if it was never ending to me.
However, since increasing my levo my last three periods have been 28 days, 30 days then 26 days. I feel a lot better as well.
I spent years with constant periods and they were really heavy. I have loads of investigations and and they found nothing but they never tested my thyroid until recently or always said it was 'borderline' and only tested the one hormone. In the end when I tried to tell them after years of infertility and suffering to 'take it all away' they gave me a Mirena Coil and it was the best thing I ever did. I highly recommend it to anyone. If you suffer from any painful periods or heavy ones or in this case constant ones ask for a MIrena. They can put it in at the surgery. It lasts for 5 years, it takes a couple of months to settle down but then I go for months without any periods at all then just get a bit of 'colouring' then nothing at all, no pain, nothing. It is wonderful. No PMS, no mood swings, no mess, heaven.
You are one of the lucky ones, more people have side effects from having a mirena coil than dont.
I have never heard of any bad ones, thankfully. I am on my second one. Admittedly to start with it was uncomfortable and slightly painful but no where near as bad as the periods i had been used to. I also had a rest for a couple of months between them as i was mistakenly advised i still might be able to have a baby but it was not to be so had a second one fitted to ease some of the pain and problems etc. Also there are different Mirena's i think for different things from what i understood. but i was and am just lucky in this case, just not in the rest of the health things. still trying to fight for the thyroid treatment even though i have had all the symptoms for well over 25 years and they even did tests on my pituitary 20 years ago but they were 'inconclusive' so they stopped looking, hey ho, got a telephone consult with the gp this afternoon, lets see how that goes.
I had a period that went on for over a month, and was so extremely heavy I didn't want to leave the house. Dr at the time wasn't very helpful....first iron supplements, then progesterone (which finally stopped it) the she wanted me back on the pill.
I switched to an integrative doctor who checked free t3 and t4 and gradually increased my dose (now 3 times higher than when I had long period and dealing with a Dr that went by tsh only).
Have also been put on pregnenolone and progesterone as hormone levels so low
Does your Dr go by tsh only? If so ask them to check the free levels....also adrenal fatigue could be an issue with adrenals struggling to convert the sex hormones....
Many thanks to everyone for all your posts - I'm quite overwhelmed by the number of you - lots for me to think about - I will keep you updated - cheers - J
Have you had progesterone level checked? It's meant to be checked on day 21, but not sure if bleeding continually.