Does anyone know how often your suppose to get Thryroid Levels checked. My levels have been checked twice but my thyroid was abnormal but levels wasent high enough for me to be put on Thyroid medicine. But haven't been checked for two or three years now. Recently last few weeks I've been thinking I've got to get checked. Well two days ago and Today October 20, 2017 I've been coughing constantly and feeling like I have a frog or something in my throat and no matter how much I try or how hard I do it, My Throat WILL NOT CLEAR. Its getting no muy nerves n hurting my chest n throat for coughing SO HARD. Does anyone know if this has to do with Thryroid? Ir does anyone el se with Thryroid problema hace this problem? Help??
Can anyone help with me with my questions?? How... - Thyroid UK
Can anyone help with me with my questions?? How often does Thryroid levels hace to be checked??
How often are you supposed to get your Thryroid levels checked???????

You should go now asap to ask your GP for a thyroid blood test. Ask for a full screen, T3; T4; TSH and antibodies to thyroid to screen for Hashimoto disease. Doctors often reluctant to prescribe replacement therapy if your borderline, but really u need to insist. Also get your vit D, B12, Iron and if possible selenium levels checks (last one might be impossible). Normally if you're stable of thyroxine replacement it's checked annually but if just started therapy it's checked every 3 months until correct dosage ascertained
Get a new blood test. It has to be at the very earliest possible, fasting (you can drink water). If you were taking thyroid hormones you'd allow a gap of 24 hours between last dose and test and take afterwards.
Ask GP if you can have a full thyroid check as most seem to do only the TSH and T4. Your TSH might be sufficiently high enough now for your to be prescribed 50mcg to start with 25mcg increments every six weeks, preceded by a blood test until TSH is 1 or lower.
If GP or lab wont do all of the following, you can get them done through one of the private labs and I'll give you a link.
Blue Horizon or Medichecks
You need TSH, T4, T3, Free T4, Free T3 and thyroid antibodies.
GP should also test B12, Vit D, iron, ferritin and folate.
Get a print-out of your results, with the ranges (ranges are important as labs differ in their machines).
Post them on a new question.
It depends on the person, early days you should be tested regularly every 6-8 weeks or 3 months at most, later on at least yearly once on a steady level, I get a reminder letter from my Drs to make an appointment for a blood test.
You should get your doc to palpate your neck for swelling, lumps etc too.
I get all my blood tests done at 6 month intervals. I am diabetic so it includes glucose levels and cholesterol levels. So if th6roid is your only dodgy area, then I woukd suggest yearly of twice yearly.