On block and replace for graves. Was taking carbimazole 60mgs and levothyroxine have had to stop because the hospital phoned me this am and said my white cell count very low. I'm scared because no one has said it's ok to just stop taking the drugs suddenly, are there any side effects? Also what happens next, how long does it take for white cell count to recover, I don't fancy getting an infection. The hospital didn't say very much has any one else gone through this and were you alright? I've been on drugs for 9months at 60mgs.
Stopped block and replace suddenly as white cel... - Thyroid UK
Stopped block and replace suddenly as white cell count very low, how quickly will my bloods recover? Scared I'll get a serious infection.

Carbimazole has a short half life - which is why many patients are advised to take it in two doses each day. That is, it doesn't even last a full 24 hours.
Others will surely know far more about the rest of your question.
Sometimes people with hyperthyroidism find that when they stop block and replace treatment their system settles down and they no longer need medication. Others become hyper again straightaway, and others become hyper again but only after a period of months or even years. It's not easy to predict. I hope you are one of the people who are OK without medication.
Instead of block and replace you could up and down dose according to monthly blood results, I did this and came down from 40mg daily to 5mg every other day........ bloods fine, just did 10k, first ever..... so fingers crossed for you....
You must be quite experienced to know when to up and lower your dose. Not sure if it's wiped out white blood cells whether they will take me off carb all together. Well done you for your 1st 10k that's something to work towards.
not experienced, done a lot of reading.... found giving up wheat and caffeine completely really helped, (now having a cup coffee daily,) cut down on booze and going for monthly massage and acupuncture when I could afford both did me wonders...xxx
Have been spending most of my time reading up on TED as had to have a course of IV steroids they were wanting me to have radiotherapy too but at moment that is on hold, that haven't had time to read up on thyroid stuff. It all seems to have happened so quickly! Will certainly start reading up on diet and stuff. Thanks
That's quite a hefty dose of Carbimazole! But when on B&R, they usually tell you just to stop the medication dead, and see how you go. Maybe you need to change the Carbimazole for PTU, another anti thyroid medication. Out of curiosity how much levo are you on?
I'm on 75mcg of levo was unaware that 60mgs of carbimazole was a high dose all new to this so feel a little bit clueless will need to read up. Was very panicked when the Dr told me to stop taking all meds straight away as could end up with a very nasty infection due to lack of white cells in blood. Have to go for another blood test tomorrow and then they will decide what the next line of treatment is.
At the peak of my B&R I was on 40mg Carb and 125mcg of Levo but we are all different. The problem is that if the Carbimazole is to blame (which it probably is) you will need to come off it. I'm not sure if PTU has the same effect on the white cell count, maybe do some research on that medication and check if the high dose of Carb may have been the problem? Have you felt better on the B&R?
I have felt better on BnR but had no choice had to go on it as I developed TED and have just finished 12 week course of IV steroids. The Drs said that if they just controlled my thyroid with carb the ups and downs could make my TED worse! So I suppose my body is still reeling from a hefty input of steroids as well. Spent most of time researching about radiotherapy for TED as consultant wanted me to have that but luckily at minute that's on hold.
Not much info out there about TED so have been spending lots to time researching that and very little about thyroid, diet, drugs and lifestyle.