how does propanolol interact with levothyroxine - Thyroid UK
how does propanolol interact with levothyroxine
This is a link which may give you the information.
I assume you are having palpitations. Did they occur before taking levothyroxine or afterwards?
Hi There have been small studies about Beta Blockers. I was Hypo long before had to start beta Blockers, already discovered the published findings myself. It effects the blood results but not the thyroid. So, take the beta Blocker after the thyroid test.If you do not get on with that Beta Blocker, it caused me problems, there is a dearer one ,Nebivolol , much better.
Propranolol affects conversion of T4 to T3.
I have TSH T4 and free T3 tested about 6 weekly, sometimes m ore. I was on Propranolol for a long time, before changing to another Beta Blockers, actual thyroid stable all during that period i.e. before and during.Sometimes personal expense is best.
That's interesting Jackie. I was put on a betablocker and on the morning of my bloods only stopped the thyroxine. In what way does it alter the blood results?
Hi If you take it that day before a blood test ( take after )it lowers all the thyroid results,particularly gives a temporary T4 and FT3 result. Taking it afterwards makes no difference whatever. I have 6 weekly bloods done because of my heart, and liver which effects T3 and T4 , so over many years I am in a position to know, rather than a few tiny studies which show the same thing any way. Not enough spent on ay thyroid research as the drug companies pay for a lot, thyroid drugs NHS are so cheap so no money for research. Unlike heart drugs, very expensive, so all research is heart related in this context
best wishes,
Thanks Jackie. That's good to know. Not on them anymore as BP was so low-shouldn't have been put on them in the first place! Will try to find my readings from that era.
There are several papers showing a direct antithyroidal activity of this drug. It can be used to help mild hyperthyroidism, to bring back FT4 and FT3 values into the normal range. But the drug doesn't react with thyroxine itself, merely the production process in the body;
Cell Biochem Funct. 1993 Sep;11(3):159-65.
Propranolol has direct antithyroid activity: inhibition of iodide transport in cultured thyroid follicles.
Murakami S1, Nasu M, Fukayama H, Krishnan L, Sugawara M.