I have so many symptoms such as achy muscles, f... - Thyroid UK

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I have so many symptoms such as achy muscles, foggy head, carb/sugar cravings, fatigue, no energy or motivation.

DmxDex profile image
32 Replies

Pains in hands and feet which come on randomly, pins and needles in feet, sometimes feels as if someone has stab me through my foot, numbness, feeling cold, and cold hands and feet. Dandruff, dry itchy skin on head, kness , feet, elbow. Weak erections. Im 28 and have had these proba since my early 20s. Docs diagnosed depression meds either didnt work or made me worse, now im diagnosed with adhd. I take dexedrine which seems to worsen my symotoms. It wipes me out and worsen some of my current symptoms.

I also get alot of emotional problems, depression, anger irritability, low mood,

I have 2 tests done on the nhs both normal. But I havent be confident to tell a doc all my symptoms in fear of him assuming im a hypocondriac. Just not sure if to assume I have a thyroid issue. Feel overwhelmed.

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32 Replies
Trudes profile image

This all sounds awful and you must be totally fed up. Whilst reading your post 2 things came to mind which are both allergy related: hyperglycemia and candida. Maybe someone more knowledgable than me could offer further guidance. But do tell the medics everything as one symptom which may seem unimportant to you could well be the missing piece of the jigsaw they need to help diagnose. Good luck

DmxDex profile image
DmxDex in reply to Trudes

From what I have read candida is made up without scientific evidence.

Trudes profile image
Trudes in reply to DmxDex

Ask anyone that suffers from candida and they will tell you its real alright. You seem to be getting some goo and overlapping suggestionon this forum. Might I suggest you sit down with a pack of post it notes and write down every symptom, niggle, complaint you have. Then try and group them into 4 in order of the impact they have on your life. You then might be able to see the wood for the trees and focus on finding the cause of these first. It might help a GP too as it is a less emotional and more factual approach. We all have niggles but some we can cope with others not. Just a thought.

DmxDex profile image
DmxDex in reply to Trudes

My full list of symptoms


No motivation

Low energy/ fatigue

muscle weakness

blurred vision

Sugar cravings

foggy/ feeling out of it

Tingling in hands and feet sometimes

Pain in feet and fingers

Weak erections

Low semen count

Slow wound healing

Random cuts showing up which take weeka to heal


Itchy dry skin








Depression with no reason behind it


Anger/ irritability/ rage


Poor memory



Gas/ bloating

Lose stools


Bleeding gums

Mouth ulcers


Floaters in eyes

Unrefreshed sleep

Heart palputations sometimes

Breathing difficulies when sleeping or wake up breathless sonetimes

Muscle spasms in arms and thighs sometimes

Lighheadness sometimes

Vertigo sometimes

Dry hair


Tongue can hurt


Plus can feel itchy on the


Cracks on sides of mouth sometimes

Cold hands and feet sometimes even when its hot.

The ones that are the worse

Low mood






Skin issues


Muscle weakness

Those are the ones that really are stopping me from enjoying life.

Im 28 and have been like this since I was 16 progressively getting worse

Trudes profile image
Trudes in reply to DmxDex

Hey write these down, prioritise them, take them your GP and agree to concentrate on the worst to start with. It may be more than one condition is behind them and potentially stress is making some of them worse. Good luck I hope you get some answers soon.

DmxDex profile image
DmxDex in reply to Trudes

I wont hold my breath. It seems no one can help me. If I mentiom b12 they willl laugh it off. Same with thyroids and candida.

I havent had any real stress for a few months.

And reading up on candida apprently if candida enters your blood stream it will either kill you or land you in hospital. Weary of candida overgrowth claims.

ukangell profile image

B12 deficiency. Bet money on it. Pins and needles are Neuro symptoms as is anger and irritability. It can also cause low mood which drs then go and prescribe anti depressants for. Then they blame everything there on out in depression.

in reply to ukangell

Agree. Check out this link:


Page re symptoms: b12deficiency.info/signs-an...

Page re B12 and mental health: b12deficiency.info/b12-and-...

Page re B12 and male fertility: b12deficiency.info/b12-and-...

And this page will guide you regarding what you need to do next:


DmxDex profile image
DmxDex in reply to ukangell

I have my vitamin levels checked and they where all clear. I also did the candida spit test and it was ok, no stringy spit or floating to the bottom.

in reply to DmxDex

The tests aren't very good and the ranges are too wide. You need to get copies of all your results so far and post them up with ranges. A doc will tell you they're fine when you're right at the bottom of the range, sometimes even when you're below. Also they sometimes tell you they've tested your vitamins, when all they've actually done is an FBC (full blood count).

Also you are young, young people tend to have normal serum B12 results but still be suffering significantly from symptoms. The MMA test is a better marker for children and young people, and quite frankly older people too. Homocysteine is also useful. There is more info about testing here:


You can be referred to St Thomas' by your GP for Active B12, MMA or homocysteine testing, or if you fancy doing a private urinary MMA test (which is recommended as the most accurate in the book Could It Be B12? By Pacholok & Stuart) you can get one here:


But get your existing results first and take it from there.

H x

DmxDex profile image
DmxDex in reply to

Where is st thomas?

DmxDex profile image
DmxDex in reply to DmxDex

I forgot to mention I also get nasal drip and bleeding gums from time to time.

I recently got over a stomach ache which was very painfull, along with feeling alittle under the weather. Since ive recovered im very itchy on my head back legs and knees.

in reply to DmxDex

Its in London. Are you anywhere near London?

in reply to

And itchiness is reported frequently on both thyroid forums and B12 forums, I don't know why.

DmxDex profile image
DmxDex in reply to

Im in the midlands, but my friend could take me. Convincing my doc is another issue. Dont wanna pay private incase its clear. Would like a proper thyroid tesr aswell such as t3 and t4.

in reply to DmxDex

Unfortunately you do have to pay for the tests at St Thomas', the cheapest of the 3 is active B12 which is £18.

Your best bet is to just get copies first of the tests you've already had done and see where you stand. So in particular FBC (full blood count), B12, folate, ferritin and thyroid. x

ukangell profile image

Check out symptoms online at b12 deficiency.org

Marz profile image

You don't say if you have a thyroid issue. If so what dose are you on and what the most recent blood results are. It would be helpful if you posted them with their ranges. That way people will be able to comment more effectively....

Under Pinned Posts - and a little way down on the right of this page there is a heading - Everyone Read This - perhaps you would find it helpful....

DmxDex profile image

My thyroids came back as fine.

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to DmxDex

Sorry what is fine ? As others have said we need the results with their ranges....

DmxDex profile image

Yea 12 deficency sounds interesting but I have recently started taking a b12 complex

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to DmxDex

Do you mean a B complex - have not heard of a B12 complex ? If it's a B complex then there will not be sufficient B12 in there and if you increase you will overdose on other B's....

gizziesmum profile image

Sounds very similar to my coeliac symptoms.

DmxDex profile image

Yea I have been told to get test for that. My diet all my life has been processed. So I find it hard to beleive that hasnt had an effect.

So since I got over a stomach ache and generally under the weather my heads broke out in spots and I feel itchy all the time.

Also from time to time I get nasal drip.

I also get bleeding gums flare ups.

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to DmxDex

...bleeding gums - LOW VitD....

DmxDex profile image

When I go to my docs tomorrow and present all my symptoms and tell him its got nothing to do with stress or depression, how do I go about asking for the correct testing to be done for b12 deficency?

It states to do a serum test which I did 4 months ago which came back clear? Am I able to request further testing for b12 defiency on the nhs? And would having my blood test do in the morning at 9:30 give me an accurate reading?

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to DmxDex

What do you mean - it came back clear....all tests have results with ranges and in some cases we need the result with the ranges to guide you....

DmxDex profile image

Why do some of my posts keep disappearing

Reykua profile image

Hello DmxDex,

Just wondering if Diabetes has been ruled out? If not, may I suggest you request a Glucose Fasting Test as soon as possible to rule it out as soon as possible,

Wishing you all the best at the doctors.

Kirby profile image

Hi the problem is your symptoms overlap with so many other conditions as people have pointed out and it needs someone who's got time and energy to investigate further. The symptoms of hypothyroidism overlap a lot with fibromyalgia and ME. You will get some negative attitudes to these conditions but they are real. There are fibromyalgia boards too and the people are very supportive. Not everyone who has these symptoms is necessarily hypothyroid. I wish you all the best anyway.

stuartwwhouse profile image

Sounds very similar to my symptoms , and I was diagnosed with Hypothyroid Hashimotos in the end! , the problem is like the others have said the lab ranges are huge so you would have to be significantly ill for them to diagnose you that way! yet symptomatic by not being mid - optimal in the range. It does sound very Thyroid, B12 and Vit D deficient imo The trick is not to take NO for an answer!!

It might be worth getting a large dose of Vit D and B12 into you while you await the Dr to diagnose you as this will take a long time! Big Vits have loads of high dose vitamins that you wont get over the counter in your local stores like B12 sublingual Methylcobalamin 5000mcg (no less) will help, and research a high dose Vitamin D , in about a month see if any of the symptoms have stopped or less severe - good luck

Kliz profile image

What is your diet? What diet changes have you made? Have you looked into your gut health ?

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