Recently diagnosed hypo. Started on 25 levo and at first visit to endo it was upped to 50. I am having a lot of trouble with an aching throat as if my glands are swollen. Also suffering a very dry mouth and the base of my frenulum? has 2 swollen, sore lumps. Is any of this common or is it just me!
Aching throat: Recently diagnosed hypo. Started... - Thyroid UK
Aching throat

I had a very sore neck, it was tender to touch and I hated clothing touching it. Also a very dry mouth due to not being able to breathe through my nose properly. All has improved now i am on treatment. 50mcg is still a pretty small dose, so as it increases you should feel better.
Thanks for that. That was only my 1st visit to endo. Got to have ultrasound on thyroid soon. Funny you said about not being able to breathe through nose because I've noticed I am breathing through my mouth more. Sometimes wake in the night and my tongue is stuck to the roof of my mouth. Really just this really aching neck that is getting me down.
I don't know if it's common but I can tell you that I get a similar feeling. I get like a weird dull ache in my neck/throat that just lasts a few seconds and then goes away. It comes and it goes,some days it is more noticeable. Today for example it is constant, I've been getting the dull ache feeling every few minutes. Very bizarre!
Sort of permanently feel as though I have flu coming.
Have you had a test for thyroid antibodies? I couldn't bear clothing or bedding near my throat. Couldn't see an obvious lump but went to doc and asked for TPO test which came back very high. Then read about autoimmune and went on gluten and dairy free diet. Antibodies have come right down. Neck area not quite so sensitive!
Has anyone looked at your salivary glands? At the mild end of the spectrum infections can occur and cause the symptoms you describe. One can also develop stones, detectable on ultrasound, in the areas under the jaw (submandibular ) and either side of the head, just under and around base of earlobes (parotid).
That spot you refer to as the frenum if its lower jaw under the tongue, is where the sublingual glands hang out.
I have similar dry mouth problems as well as hypoT. On 150 T4 but the two don't seem to be connected in my case but can be with Hashis and thyroid antibodies and Sjogrens!
Don't assume it's all thyroid and do get it checked out.
Take care and I do hope you get to the bottom of it. Xx
I think I may get this too, along with the dry mouth, and I can't breathe through my nose either. There are days where I can barely swallow. The pain in the front of my neck, when it's there all day, is like someone is sticking their thumbs onto my Adam's apple and around, and pressing down. When it's intermittent it's like a shooting pain, but a dull pain, if that makes sense? Sometimes, when my mouth is very dry, my gullet feels like it's being squeezed when I try and swallow. I don't know if this is hypo or ENT and entirely separate? Is it at all similar to yours? I can't even stand my hair touching my neck, never mind clothes, I have to scrape it up in a bun or it makes me cringe, it's so sensitive
GP has diagnosed depression and CFS, so isn't interested if I see him with other ailments!