Are there many irish republic members here on t... - Thyroid UK

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Are there many irish republic members here on thyroid uk

Mauds profile image
24 Replies

Would love to hear from someone here in Ireland about their experiences dealing with doctors and endos here in Ireland. Why can't our doctors prescribe T3

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Mauds profile image
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24 Replies
LouiseRoberts profile image


I've pinned this for you to keep it in view for a while... :)

If you email me, we have a list of Private GPs with an interest in thyroid problems - there are 2 in Ireland..



Mauds profile image
Mauds in reply to LouiseRoberts

Thanks Louise just sent you email

seabass123 profile image
seabass123 in reply to LouiseRoberts

Could you forward the Irish list. Thanks in anticipation.

Noelle Hester

my email is <private email address>

[ Edited by admin to remove email address. We strongly urge people NOT to post their email addresses here for their own safety. Any member can send you information by the Private Message system. If you wish to exchange email addresses by Private Message, that is fine. ]

LouiseRoberts profile image
LouiseRoberts in reply to seabass123

Can you drop me an email. ta



Mankyle profile image
Mankyle in reply to LouiseRoberts

Hi there

Have just had partial thyroidectomy 4 weeks ago having multinodular goitre, hyperthyroid and most symptoms of graves according to my endocrinologist surgeon. Happy with surgery. My main symptom for last 6 years is insomnia and now post op I am back to 1-2 hours sleep at night. Ironically have 10 month old baby angel who sleeps all night. Only got diagnosed during pregnancy. Otherwise have been told that insomnia is something else. Getting bloods done again next week and even referred back to consultant physician. But i know I am going to be told it's something else. I'm convinced it's my thyroid as have done meditation counselling mindfulness you name it and I still suffer insomnia! Sorry for the rant. Would love to get the two Irish gp names. Want to know what blood tests I should be requesting and be informed.

Thanks for your help in advance!


LouiseRoberts profile image
LouiseRoberts in reply to Mankyle

Hi Niamh

This is a very old thread and your comment is not likely to get spotted. I suggest that you post a new post of your own.


Mauds profile image

It's horrible I don't know where to turn. I'm having an awful time on the new meds. My doc said he can't help me caus he can't give t3 to patients and don't know anything about it. I saw endo through our local hospital he won't be seeing me for another 8 weeks rang his secretary and she's away till end of April. So I'm stuck feeling exhausted, anxious, trembling body and nowhere to turn can't believe people can be treated this way.

Mauds profile image

Hi Sandy it's horrible not having anyone to turn to. Have you heard of any good doctors or endos here. Or is there no one in Ireland we can turn to

paulam profile image

Hi im Irish, though I live in the middle east. I went to Margaret Griffin in the Bonsecure in Dublin. She was lovely and was prepared to deal with all meds including natural.

Mauds profile image
Mauds in reply to paulam

Thanks I may go somewhere don't even know the side effects of thybon 20 was just given it to take and told I'd be seen in 8 weeks. Some endo not to even tell me what to expect.

LouiseRoberts profile image
LouiseRoberts in reply to paulam


Please can you email me with details of your experience with Margaret... We don't have any Endos from Ireland on our list yet! Thanks...



Mauds profile image
Mauds in reply to paulam

Just phoned her secretary to see if I can get appointment to see her thanks

carorueil profile image
carorueil in reply to paulam

Hi Paulam, I discovered Dr Griffin a few years ago thanks to Thyroid UK... wish I'd known about her 10 years ago! I was already on ERFA from a doctor in Brussels...(I live in France), but Dr Griffin did say you can get NDT in pharmacies in Dublin... I was just wondering where and how expensive...(I'm guessing it will be more expensive than Brussels???) thanks for any advice

Boronia profile image

Hi I live in Ireland in County Galway-the Endos I have seen here are dismal....much like other countries! I rely on sites like this one for my information. If I relied on the docs and Endos I've seen I would be much sicker. Am still struggling but can see light at the end of the tunnel. To get full information I send bloods to Genova labs in UK so that I can get the full thyroid panel tested including antibodies and an FT3-which my Docs won't do. I have also sent to same lab for an adrenal saliva test which showed adrenal exhaustion so now I can work on that. These tests cost of course.

For me it is a case of keeping researching and keeping asking questions and reading these sites. I don't know how you can get T3 only prescribed here. I found a GP who would prescribe Natural Dessicated Thyroid by asking in the chemist did they stock it, do they have customers who order it and who wrote the prescription? My chemist said that it would be breaking confidentiality to tell me who the customers ate but not breaking confidentiality to tell me who the prescribing doctor is. You could also ask on is a thread called "thyroid misery". Best of luck, Di

Mauds profile image
Mauds in reply to Boronia

Thanks for the reply why won't they do FT3 here how much did it cost to have your bloods sent to uk and who took your bloods also I really think I've a problem with my adrenaline gland have been under a lot of stress since Jan what is the cost of the test for your gland. Sorry for all the questions.

nancy82 profile image
nancy82 in reply to Boronia

Hi Boronia I too am in Galway and my experience in UCHG was horrendous. Could you please mail me the GP that prescibes ndt in Galway

Thanks so much

Ludobites profile image
Ludobites in reply to nancy82

Hi bornia I am in Galway too and am wondering if you or anyone else have had any success with anyone in the west or further afield. I too have had abbismal time in ucgh. I posted in thyroid missy same username about my experience there. Just if you have any info that can help me on my journey it would be much appreciated.

Kind regards S.

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to Ludobites

Welcome to the forum, Ludobites.

This is an old thread so you may get better responses if you post a new question asking for endo recommendations in Ireland to be sent to you via private message.

Email to ask for a list of recommended endos in Ireland.

catrodgers3435 profile image
catrodgers3435 in reply to Boronia

Hi Boronia. I live in Galway too and am hypothyroid and severely symtomatic. I am on a high dose of eltroxin but have never had normalised blood results apart from pregnancy. Could you let me know what the treatment is for low cortisol and adrenals? Could I buy some supplements here or is it prescription treated? Also can you let me know whichGP Prescribes Armour in Galway? I got T3 prescribed from an endo i UCHG but unfortunately it had no impact whatsoever. Thanks so much.

Mankyle profile image
Mankyle in reply to Boronia

Hi there

I am in galway too and would love to share our experience. have had partial thyroidectomy.pretty bad insomnia still present 6 years on!

Interested in the bloods been sent to U.K.



Boronia profile image

Hi Mauds-I think the Docs here won't prescribe T3 or do FT3 (Free T3) blood tests because they have learned in their Doc training that Underactive Thyroid is easy to treat with Eltroxin and that most patients are fine with that. Therefore if you are not, it is somehow your fault and basically all in your head.

Genova Labs are easy to deal with. You can get discounts on the prices of some tests through UK patient advocacy site (link to discount, prices and ordering info ). Blue Horizon Labs that they mention also have a lab in Dublin...I don't know if they will give you the tpa discount or not. You can find them at . Remember you have to say when you order online that your practitioner is tpauk and if they ask can tpa explain your test results just say yes. Genova UK no.00442083367754 (please check this on their webpage). They will post you your kit. I get my GP to take blood or if it is to test your adrenals you collect saliva at home. You send your samples back with Fed-Ex who you pay separately. It sounds complicated but Genova (and if you phone with a question and leave a message they always get back to you) are extremely helpful and all the instructions are in the pack they send including the courier bag and courier phone numbers. Fed-Ex pick up from your home. To find out what your blood results mean (I don't bother showing any results to my Dr or Endo as they don't know what to do with them...especially Adrenal results) to this forum or the forum or the forum or one of the yahoo groups.... It is worth joining these other forums and pages as they have fantastic "Articles" or "Resources" sections with tons of info. Another fantastic site is

My last tests I ordered were the Thyroid Plus which cost about E140 and the Adrenal Stress Profile-24 hour Salivary which cost about E78. I did these together ans sent them off in one courier bag and I think the courier cost was about E30. Best of luck with it. Di

Mauds profile image
Mauds in reply to Boronia

Thanks for your reply

Boronia profile image

No Prob-forgot to say that results took about 2 weeks. You can ask them to email results first and they will post them also.

BexyLS profile image

Hi Mauds,

I'm in Ireland too. Been here 4 years. Was diagnosed two years ago. I'm on Armour Thyroid and I asked my GP to prescribe it for me. Gp also does TSH/FT4/FT3 tests. I have seen 2 "thyroid" docs while here I will PM you to tell you about my experiences. Actavis a Dublin based pharmaceutical company have bought forest pharms and so now they will be producing Armour so it will be interesting to see what happens there. is good and thats where I found Margaret Griffin in the thyroid misery thread who had good reviews, you need a referral from your GP tho. I'm definitely interested in her and will PM Paulam to get more info. I also have a pharmacist friend who dispenses T3 only meds to people. So all hope not lost. Could just be your GP. I know how you feel and a year ago I was in a terrible state but I have got better. I still have a ways to go but I can do it.

Tho it does cost money I would do some tests with Genova and go from there. Also on FB there is Thyroid Support Ireland but it doesnt seem to be very active. xx

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