Help! Think I'm hypo but embarrassed to go back... - Thyroid UK

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Help! Think I'm hypo but embarrassed to go back to GP as I did a myrios test!

Jodysd6 profile image
4 Replies

I am a 29 year old type 1 diabetic. For the last couple of months I have been feeling rubbish, absolutely exhausted, falling asleep, struggling with memory and concentration at work, hair thinning and pins and needles, and my skin is a mess (though not dry just masses of spots all of a sudden!). I went to my GP who begrudgingly checked my thyroid and TSH came back 5.7 (range 0.4-4.9) and T4 was around 13 (range 12-20). This was about 6 weeks ago. GP said it was fine, maybe retest in a few months. Then I saw my endo for a diabetes appointment and mentioned tiredness, he said the TSH had gone up from last years test and he felt it could be start of hashimotos as I already have 1 autoimmune condition, I have another appointment with him at start of July and he wants repeat bloods for that including antibodies. But being nosy and still not feeling great thought I'd try the myrios home test last week. I took the test last thing at night (didn't know to do it first thing) and results came back with TSH of 11.7 (0.35-4.30) and t4 of 14 (12-22). I don't know if it's worth going back to GP now with these results as I still feel rubbish but am a bit embarrassed I did a home test! Or should I just wait it out and see what results are in July? Do you think GP would treat if my TSH is now 11.7?

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4 Replies
shaws profile image

These are some links from

Many GPs prescribe for patients who have clinical symptoms and reach 5, some wait till 10. I would go to GP and ask for another blood test. Get an appointment as early as possible as that's usually when TSH is at highest and with a bit of luck he will prescribe.

This is an excerpt from

In this country recent suggestions, sadly approved by the British Thyroid Foundation and certain senior endocrinologists, have placed the cut-off point now at 10mU/L, well above previous levels of 4 or 5mU/L, which were far too high anyway.

The thinking behind these proposed guidelines is beyond rational explanation; and the amount of illness and suffering which will result is heartbreaking.

wombatty profile image
wombatty in reply to shaws

In the US, the excuse for the cut-off point (for diagnosis) of 10 is that if it were lower, many more people would be diagnosed hypothyroid! Interestingly, when it comes to cardiovascular risk and prescribing statins, the guidelines go the opposite direction - the more people taking statins, the better. The docs are willing to poison us all, causing 2-3 extra cases of diabetes (and who knows how many cases of debilitating muscle damage) per 100 treated, to prevent 1-2 heart attacks, but heaven forbid we should be diagnosed, and thus need treatment, for an actual (not potential!) disorder that can leave us exhausted and unable to function.

Juliet profile image

I'd go back to the GP. The GP may pooh-pooh your home test but they will probably order another test to cover their back. The GP can order antibody tests themselves - so you could ask for those to be done so you get an answer sooner. If they offer you another test, try and get the tests done early in the morning if you can.

If the results come back elevated, they may treat you. Alternatively you could send the results through to your endo and ask them to initiate treatment.

According to this journal article, the prevalence of thyroid disease in female T1s is 30%, so it's quite common (as compared to the general population).

How's your Hba1c? They might try and blame your symptoms on your BS.

Duchy82 profile image

There is no need to be embarrased the question is feeling the way you do do you feel you could wait another three months before something gets done?

If the answer is no then go and see your gp you dont even have to tell him/ her that you did a home test just say the symptoms have gotten worse and could he/she please retest because it is affecting the quality of life you can off course mention that the endo also wanted to test for antibodies the gp might be willing to throw them in too.

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