Bulimia and Hypo - Any links?: Does anyone know... - Thyroid UK

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Bulimia and Hypo - Any links?

Tanya40 profile image
17 Replies

Does anyone know if the two are linked?

I've been Hypo for many years along with being bulimic, I'm getting worried as the bulimia is getting really out of control. I have been taking T3 for around 6 months now and I'm wondering if this might have excelled the problem?

Grateful for any ideas

Thanks, Tanya

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17 Replies
puncturedbicycle profile image

Your levels definitely effect your emotional state, so I can see how it would be possible, especially since anxiety drives the issue. I'm agoraphobic and my experience with the agoraphobia (which elements get worse and which get better) definitely changes when my levels change.

Are you seeing someone to support you with the bulimia?

Tanya40 profile image
Tanya40 in reply to puncturedbicycle

Thank you so much for the reply. I'm not seeing anyone and to be honest this is the first time I have ever spoke about it.

I really want to tell my doctor but feel like it would be yet another one if my many problems.

puncturedbicycle profile image
puncturedbicycle in reply to Tanya40

I don't know if the gp would be helpful themselves - it is a very specialised area - but you have every right to ask for a referral.

There are also SSRIs which help with compulsions, but you want a considered professional opinion from a specialist rather than gp-style random scripts of whatever they've most recently heard of. xx

Pooh10 profile image

Someone with more knowledge than me maybe able to clarify (bad brain fog!) or correct if necessary but you may or may not be aware that some people with hypothyroid do better avoiding certain foods esp. if you have an autoimmune issue.

I have not had an ED but I had a very strong reaction at the thought of eating certain foods which was a worry and I had big cravings? I believe the food I was eating was causing an immune reaction which was stressing my gut/system/thyroid. Therefore my body didn't want to consume them even if I did (and even craved them)! My own experience which has proved very helpful to me (it may not be relevant to you or anyone else but I thought I'd mention it) and I no longer have any issues.

For me once I started supporting my thyroid and adrenals, treated candida and completed a food elimination exercise and removed the foods which were making me feel worse my eating issues disappeared. I also make sure my body gets what it nutritionally needs.

I now try to eat only clean food, avoid caffeine and sweeteners and avoid soy, eggs, dairy and gluten and certain goitrogenic veg/food.

My cravings have gone and they where bad! I also enjoy food for the first time in years.

It was a bit overwhelming to make so many changes at first but I took one step at a time, didn't beat myself up if I slipped up and stayed motivated.

I'm not saying that this is the answer but if your body is happy it may help possibly in conjunction with other help.

Tanya40 profile image

Thank you Pooh 10. Can you recommend any books re diet etc?

Mojoerising profile image
Mojoerising in reply to Tanya40

Great taste no pain. Is a site that regularly emails me about there recipes to support thyriod n constipation or other gut problems also has a gluten free great taste no pain. Personally I found out foods ect that became allergic to or sensitive. Mind body therapy ran by Julie Langton smith has helped me try understand what do help with hair sample. She helped me two year ago when went hypo n found mercury n knew from my hair all sorts things that after taking trip to dentist that broken filling had been left in my jaw. This time my adrenals are low in cortisol felt totally underactive again all symtoms but the weight I'm loosing is fighting n no bowel movement. She this time advised that with out knowing that my cortisol was low she knew from my hair that my adrenals were suppressed n also advised that was showing the nerves round my kneck were all in knots. So I went to osteopath n sure enough my kneck n jaw was like a brick ! Just find so hard trust people dr n private stuff cause all looking make a buck. But she really helped me especially with my allergys which I knew but got things I became over sensitive to. I advised a more alkine diet in my case help. The doctors look at u as if I'm mad n laugh it off but she helped me help myself. I've lost three stone and I'm underactive. It doesn't make sense. I hope u might find the great taste no pain site help full. If doctors would just realise its a whole picture u gut u adrenals n thyriod ,if I knew where to turn for help in this country it be great ! Every dr that looks at whole picture n treats autoimmunie or helps with both medical n nutshion n the whole body all seem be in America. Get sick been sick n the doc treating like it doesn't matter n levothyroxin for everyone. I can't even get this endo to do a rt3 which I feel would be helpful. It's heart breaking watching my kids see a shadow of there mum. It's hard to know were to turn. I hope this might help. But food can cause havoc with our symtoms if allergys or our body not taking to it. I really hope u feel better soon ! Just such a slow process. X

Pooh10 profile image

Dr Peatfield's book "your thyroid and how to keep it healthy" provides information re thyroid, candida, elimination diet and treatment etc.

I'll get back to you shortly re diet info.

Pooh10 profile image

Even though I've not used their services, I've found some info on the following sites.

precisionnutrition.com - video series explains basics


thyroidcoaching.com - thyroid diet Mary shamon

I'm also trying to move towards the paleo diet

Another tip don't leave it too long between meals and have small snacks to balance blood sugar. Healthy fats can also help with cravings.

Tanya40 profile image
Tanya40 in reply to Pooh10

Thank you so much Pooh10. I really appreciate all the advise and links from you. If only there were more helpful people in the world like you!

Pooh10 profile image
Pooh10 in reply to Tanya40

I agree with puncturedbicycle it is important to consider seeking professional help as well as to aim to have the right nutritional diet which may help you with certain symtoms as well as aiding your recovery.

puncturedbicycle profile image

Tanya40, I'm not an expert on EDs but sometimes disordered eating can be exacerbated by special diets. I would strongly recommend that you think about finding some support.

I feel like there is some connection between certain kinds of unhealthy thinking and hypothyroidism, and many of us have reported a link anxiety and ht. All these together can create a fertile environment for phobias, obsessions and other kinds of destructive thinking and behaviour.

I think someone else here spoke about being bulimic. Maybe they'll see your post and reply. xx

Tanya40 profile image
Tanya40 in reply to puncturedbicycle

Thank you for your kind words and support. It's people like you that help people like me. Xx

puncturedbicycle profile image
puncturedbicycle in reply to Tanya40

We all help each other! :-) I've had more help on this forum than I could ever quantify. The kind words alone are invaluable.

I have huge sympathy. What you're going through is very hard which is why I think you deserve support from a professional who will know your problem inside and out. xx

gracegirl78 profile image

I was bulimic for many years from age 18-30, im completely better now although i will probably always worry about my weight and struggle with discipline with food...i was diagnosed hypothyroid last year after having symptoms for a long time including anxiety and obsessive thinking, i often wondered if there was a connectiin with eds..

I think having an ed probably masked having a thyroid problem for a long time.

I hope you get the support you need, please know that you can be completely free from this, its nearly 5 years for me! Your very brave to share this, i could never talk to anyone until i was desperate to get better and then i did. Take care xx

puncturedbicycle profile image

For me, hypo makes it worse through the combination of 1) feeling anxious/unsafe and 2) the strong impulse to self-isolate, not to mention the inevitable lack of energy and focus. I basically am already good for no more than sleeping, eating, drinking tea and reading, so the challenge of leaving the house is just completely beyond me.

I would imagine that the well-known hypo symptom of self-isolation would be a problem for anyone with compulsive behaviour, which is already secretive and full of shame. xx

eeng profile image

Sorry to hear you are struggling. Forums like this really help. I imagine there are forums for bulimia sufferers too, where you might be able to get more support on the Bulimia itself. Have you ever had your vitamin levels tested? Hypo people tend to be low on vitamin D, B12, Iron, Ferritin and Folate. Being low on vitamins may also cause you to crave certain foods, which might make your bulimia worse.

nicolajane profile image

Hi Tanya, I suffered from bulimia for a few years before I was diagnosed and although I no longer have bulimia I still struggle with what I call residual symptoms - I really struggle with sugar and carb cravings and the urge to overeat in the evenings (the worst things when you're hypo and struggling with weight gain). I'm not sure if they're connected but it wouldn't surprise me given that so many other psychological symptoms are related to hypothyroidism.

I never told my GP about it but I did go to a counsellor and found that really helpful. If you go to the National Centre for Eating Disorders website: eating-disorders.co uk

you can search for a counsellor in your area. Hope this helps

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