I am borderline Hypo, was on Levo but been taken off 10 days ago by GP and waiting to see an Endo. I have many hypo symptoms and have had a hoarse throat for the last 6 days which has now gone. But, I now have the most awful ACHING in the thyroid area? anyone else get this? its really painful!?
Hi, Does anybody get ache in throat?: I am... - Thyroid UK
Hi, Does anybody get ache in throat?

Yes me too. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism a few months ago. Throat has been in agony since dec. I too am awaiting ENT appointment. My throat feels really sore to swallow saliva and I too have really bad pain to the front of my neck. I had partial TT, left side removed in 2012. This is where im now feeling most of the pain (left side) all really confusing and worrying! Going back to the doctors on wed for stronger painkillers as paracetamol doesn't even touch the pain! Xx
Have you had a TPO antibody test on your blood?
had the blood test done today for anitbodies so will have to see.. Why? x
Diagnosed hypo in 2007, on levo since then upto 125mcg. Started to go down hill over last 2 years and last Nov felt very unwell, nauseous, tired etc. Noticed discomfort in throat area and didn't like any pressure on my neck such as scarf, polo neck. Asked doc for TPO test, came back +ve. GP asked Endo what to do, just increased my levo slightly. I started to read about antibodies and connection with gluten in diet. I had been wheat free but not GF. Now reading about paleo diet and GF and lactose free and will follow it when I am ready. I also paid for an ultra sound scan of my thyroid which showed it was severely atrophied and does not look like a normal thyroid, the antibodies have destroyed it. I still have discomfort in my throat, hoarse voice and occasional twinges. Hope you get sorted.
Hi crimple. What kind of thyroid scan did you have? Was it with or without contrast? I am having another attempt to convince my Endo to refer me, so far she was very reluctant . Well NHS and their money over patient matters. E xx
I paid to have my scan £120. I think it was without contrast. Received the pics yesterday and compared them to an online piic of a normal thyroid. Bit scary!! I could definitely see mine is not good! I did not need a doc's referral, just phoned and was booked in within 48 hours. very good lady who did the ultrasound. Explained everything, even showed me what her normal thyroid looks like. The company set up in Leeds (where I went) and have facilities in Liverpool, Manchester, Hull and London. They also send a report to your GP. I shall be interested to see if they (GP) take any notice!
Yes, I get that and I am auto-immune hypothyroid if that helps. I have other problems with joint and bones so I am prescribed
Tramadol which helps.
Personally I will never believe there is any such thing as borderline, you either are or you aren't, is it like being a tiny bit pregnant or a little diabetic?
It does sound a bit odd, what they mean is that the readings are not quite right but sometimes it can be a "blip" caused by a recent infection for example which rights itself.
I don't know about the situation in humans but in animal, diabetes and other similar diseases can go into remission and sugar levels return to normal with the animal not needing insulin, we have a cat at the moment who looks to have reached that position (fingers crossed) so I understand that it isn't always that straightforward
Yes, I have underactive thyroid and sometimes have an ache similar to a stitch sort of pain. It occurs now and again along with many other symptoms. I was told I didn't have a thyroid condition by my GP. I went for a scan and it showed a huge lump(most of it inside my neck) My GP never noticed the swelling, yellow skin , symptoms etc told me I had flu!! Then I had a blood test and was called back urgently to increase thyroxine from 25 to 100.