I am hypo and well treated / replaced on 125 thyroxine for 2 years. But recently I've started to get palpitations - some in the day but always worse in the evening and nighttime. Nothing hurts but I'm worried about what it could be. Can anyone give me an idea if this is common for hypoT sufferers please.
Heart flutters, palpitations and missed bests - Thyroid UK
Heart flutters, palpitations and missed bests

I had the same thing. My t3 was outside the top of the range and my tsh was suppressed for me but still within range. I lowered my levo for just over a week and the papls have almost gone. I did however start to feel very fatigued and have just started to increase my meds slowly.I was also low on vit D and have started supplementing.
Do you have your recent blood test results.
Your dose may need adjusting. Palps can signify over and under medication. Don't take your thyroid meds before your GP appt in case you have a blood draw for TFT.
Hi This is often related to FT3, too high or too low for you. Have it checked. Also do your pulse, H.R 3 times a day, to include those times, it usually swings at the time. Chart , take to GP and ask for a home monitor, 7 days if possible. This is the normal way to diagnose for A. F ( atrial fibrillation). Thyroid disease often causes an early on set. not too serious, needs diagnosing and anti coagulation vital.
Best wishes,
Have you changed your brand of levo recently?
Moggie x
Yes the brand has chips and changes all he time. Sometimes it's Acaivis and sometimes Mercury Pharma as far as I can remember. Not sure if there are other brands. I have asked about that and am told it's exactly the same.
My next prescription as Actavis 100mcg and MPharma 25mcg to make up my 125mcg. So will have to take them together. Could this cause my problems.
It is never good to mix brands but the MP brand has been causing quite a few people, myself included, heart palps problems. You might want to speak to your GP about getting a specific brand written on your script so that the pharmacist doesn't keep chopping and changing you.
Moggie x
Hi Moggie. One of the MP boxes says Eltroxin 25mcg tabs and the other Levothyroxine 100mcg. But next batch as I say are Actavis for the 100's. Why do the GP and pharmacist tell me that they are all the same?
They are all levothyroxine and you pharmacist, like many, may be having trouble getting all the different brands in all the different strengths so are giving you what they can get hold of - which is really not ideal but I think they, like many, are being backed into a corner due to supply issues.
Eltroxin are made by MP so maybe that is why they said they are the same. You really need to speak to your GP about this - my endo has insisted, because of my heart palps, that my brand is consistent.
Moggie x
My brand changed from Eltroxin to Murcury Pharma and I had loads of symtoms that I hadn't had for years. Two months ago I changed to Activis Levo and feel much better although still a bit anxious sometimes in the evening. I get blood tests next week so will hopefully have a better picture then. Best wishes, hope you get sorted.
You too. I thought Mercury Pharma and Eltroxin were one and the same. This us confusing. Both are on one of my boxes.
I was on Eltroxin for 27years and thought on the whole I was ok. When I started on it it was Thyroxin and made by Goldshield. From what I understand Goldshield and Murcury Pharma (and some other companies merged) and now Eltroxin is has MP on the box. Don't know if it is Generic but MP Levo is definitely Generic and I didn't like it at all. Activis is also Generic but seems to be made in a different way, different fillers etc; hope this helps. Also I remember all those years ago before I got medication( took 11 yrs to get diagnosed) my hair was very thin on one side, I was lucky my hair is curly so it didn't show too much, but it grew back quiet quickly once I was on medication. xx
The company AMCO (which was formed from Mercury Pharma and Amdipharm) produces BOTH Mercury Pharma Levothyroxine and Mercury Pharma Eltroxin.
The company has repeatedly claimed the products are the same - but always stop short of categorically saying they are 100% identical. They have the same ingredients. In the 25mcg dosage they even have the exact same product license number (not true for 50 and 100mcg dosages).
For some reason, Eltroxin has not been available in the UK since around January 2013 though small amounts took a while to disappear entirely from the supply chains. Oddly, Eltroxin appears to be available in Ireland.
I found that Mercury Pharma Levothyroxine felt as if they were slightly overdosing me. Whereas Actavis Levothyroxine seemed OK for a while and then seemed to leave me feeling under-dosed. I am now taking Aliud levothyroxine from Germany and feel a bit more stable.
Thanks Rod for explaining that properly. When I was taking MP I was on 100eltroxin 25MP I also felt over dosed, horrible feeling. I have now been on Activis for two months and my pharmacy say there is good supply, my concern now is that I have noticed my blood pressure has gone up and I have a history of low/ normal BP. is Ailiud a Generic and is it available on NHS please. Thanks Kathy
Aliud is not generally available on the NHS. The odd person might get them because they are lactose-free but I buy my own because I simply didn't seem able to get Actavis and MP quite right - even taking one of each!
In my book ALL levothyroxine tablets are generic. But Aliud is fully packaged and branded.
Hi Jackie. So do my hr 3 times a day. Ok. It was 76bpm before bed last night and 66bpm on waking. What do you mean "to include those times, it usually swings at the time". Sorry I'm not clear on that.
Do anti coagulants cause weight gain? My friend has AF and was on warferin. She upsettingly ballooned up. It was so awful for her. I'm petrified the same will happen to me.
I get that now any again. Usually when im anxious about something. Then it settles down. But if its happening too much always worth getting it checked out. X
I have palpitations and irregular beats all the time. Cardiologist says it is nothing to worry about. I got so fed up of recording them when I had a 24 hour monitor that I just stopped! Dr commented that I had far more irregular beats than I recorded
He was very good and explained exactly how the heart worked, with diagrams, and why you might feel as though beats were missing.
Get it checked out, but it is probably nothing serious
I have been getting that too really really bad at especially at night feels like my teeth are beating. Sorry for you honey. I am going to see my Endo on Friday I am gonna ask this question. X
Hi Alit,
I have been hypo for over 10 years now and take 75 thyroxine. Unfortunately a couple of years ago I had a fluttering sensation across my chest and thought the worst, a heart attack looming! Had a ECG for 24 hrs and all results showed my heart rhythm was fine. A doctor from my surgery however suggested I up my dose to 100. After 3 months I felt worse instead of better and so returned. This time I saw a locum who put my dose up again, totally 125. After 1 month I returned to MY doctor who apologised and said the dose should have been kept at 75 and that the fluttering was a little bit of anxiety and should settle down soon. No wonder I was anxious! I was probably peri-menopausal which I heard can also increase anxiousness.
Hope I've helped.
I would tell your doctor about this. Does your heart race? You might need levels checking, or it could be something else not connected with thyroxine.
I had heart racing it is called atrial fibrillation It is being checked up on.
Try not to worry this can make it worse.
What you have got to realise is that MP changed the make up of their levo not so long ago and it seems that it is this change that has caused lots of us to have reactions. If you want further details of exactly what the changes were, for your doctor or endo, let me now and I will post them.
I got so fed up with having such a limited choice in this country that I now buy an excellent brand from Europe, which is not very expensive and guess what - no heart palps.
Moggie x
Yes please Moggie. Please can you send me the details to back me up about the change of MP levo. I'd really appreciate your help. X
You'll have to wait until I get home from work as the info I need is at home, although it has been written about on here as well but trying to find it will by near on impossible.
I will have a look to see if I can find it on here but I definitely have it at home so will contact you later.
Moggie x
Many thanks. I'll look forward to receiving it and understanding so that I can put my case forward. I've now been alternating my dose to 100mcg one day d 125mcg the next and guess what - the palps have stopped - it took a few days but it all seems to have calmed down. I think the strength was just too much in the MP Eltroxin batch. Thank you all so much for the information.
Right - here is a link that explains it all, read through the replies, which will take some doing as there are lots, and you will see how many people had heart palps when they changed from Levothyroxine Sodium to Levothyroxine Sodium anhydrous which is all about the water content of the tablet and how it reacts.
People obviously find it is stronger since the change as there are to many people complaining of heart palps for it to be a coincidence but, if you can understand it, Rod is the technical guy on this site and his answers need careful reading. He also gives you links to the manufacturers websites if you need the technical stuff.
Also if you put the word anhydrous in the search bar other queries come up about the same subject.
Moggie x