My friends daughter was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism last September and is on carbimazole (I think my friend said she was on 5 tablets) has been very up and down for her and quite scary because of being hyper, eyes bulging lump in the neck which came up over night always on the go. She was told last April that she was borderline then this happens, I think its terrible the way they say "BORDERLINE" and didn't give her any medication and then the former happens. I wonder if they had give her medication then albeit a low dose whether this would have happened to her.
Shes 29 years old and has one child and she would like another but the Endo has told her to wait until they take away her thyroid gland which they have told her would be best, but she is having second thoughts doesn't know what to do, I have told her about this site and have fantastic it is and all the good advice that is given.
Im hoping she will join soon, but should she take the endos advice and wait for a baby or could she start now.