Which Chemists in UK can supply an 'on going' s... - Thyroid UK

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Which Chemists in UK can supply an 'on going' supply of (difficult to source) NDT please. ?

Coastwalker profile image
44 Replies

Doc said I was the 4th patient to ask about preferring NDT rather than T4. (I did quote to Doc the 'Named Patient' bit as mentioned on Thyroid UK site.)

Doc said the reason they didn't like to supply it was because it was difficult to source and I would be needing an 'on going' supply.

I was quite surprised that Doc didn't just say 'no' to me having NDT, so If I push a little bit harder I might get lucky and pigs might fly. I'm sure there must be a joke there somewhere what with Pigs and NDT ;)

Told Doc that T4 wasn't helping my brittle hair to grow back and I was still feeling cold, including my freezing cold hands and feet.

People on NDT often say that they warm up once on NDT and hair regrows back normally.

A member on here said to ask other members to 'PM me' on how to get NDT (preferably from within the UK)

Thank Q :)

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Coastwalker profile image
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44 Replies
puncturedbicycle profile image

Springfield Pharmacy - ? I think they're recommended by TUK. allinlondon.co.uk/directory...

I know you can't post details on how to obtain meds without a script (pm only) but if your gp is prescribing I think it's okay to post. x

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to puncturedbicycle

Thank you, puncturedbicycle, a bit far away, couldn't find out if they delivered way down South ?

puncturedbicycle profile image
puncturedbicycle in reply to Coastwalker

I spoke to them a while ago and I'm under the impression that they will deliver to you but I have not used them so best to double-check. I thought of them because I believe they do a lot of trade in ndt so are likely to be a reliable source.

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to puncturedbicycle

Thank Q PB, will cost them all up, was hoping a local like Boots would have it, that would be so much easier. nothing in this world is easy and certainly not if you have thyroid problems ;)

Hennerton profile image
Hennerton in reply to Coastwalker

I have used Springfield Pharmacy for NDT. Very helpful man. If you fax your prescription he will post to you and you simply must send him the hard copy. He sets up an account for you, I paid by card and it was all very simple. Package arrived next day. Highly recommended. Just to warn you that you can order in Boots but prices are higher and you will have no idea what it will be until it arrives. This is normal apparently for special orders but when mine arrived it was so exorbitant, I refused it and have been avoiding that pharmacist ever since! I then went to Springfield.

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to Hennerton

Hopefully you are talking about private prescriptions Hennerton ?

I was hoping to get NDT on a named Patient Basis, I did think that it was free on the NHS if you could source it ? or have I made that one up :O

Hennerton profile image
Hennerton in reply to Coastwalker

Yes, I am talking about private scripts, as my GP refused to fund it. I hope yours is more flexible.

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to Hennerton

Interesting :( hadn't thought of that one. Thanks Hennerton.

puncturedbicycle profile image
puncturedbicycle in reply to Hennerton

Hennerton I have spoken to someone very helpful there. I rang them to find out if they could tell me what local doctors prescribe ndt and he asked if I had asked my gp (which I hadn't). He said to ask the gp and if they said no I should ring him again. He was very kind, which I really appreciated.

HarryE profile image

There is a comprehensive list on the main TUK website of which UK pharmacies supply it, if you can get a script

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to HarryE

Thanks Harry E, will take a peek at TUK.

HarryE profile image
HarryE in reply to Coastwalker

If you click on Thyroid Treatments, there's a heading called ' where to get dessicated............. :-)

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to HarryE

I should have known this already :)

HarryE profile image
HarryE in reply to Coastwalker

Blame it on the brain fog!

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to HarryE

Can't that's gone now. ;)

Hennerton profile image
Hennerton in reply to HarryE

I do not think there is a problem with any pharmacies getting hold of it. The problem is getting the prescription but I am considering asking my GP if she can give me one privately. Not expecting a positive result. I heard recently that the endo dept of my local hospital will sometimes gives it, so I shall use that knowledge when I ask. Worth a try!

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to Hennerton

Good Luck Hennerton, let us know how you get on, it will be interesting. :)

Pharmarama,they courier to your door

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to

Will take a peek at them also, Thanks too Bluedaffodil.

sandi profile image
sandi in reply to Coastwalker

They are the best I've found too !

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to sandi

Hi sandi I have replied to both you and Bluedaffodil, look down below :)

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to

To Bluedaffodil and sandi too,

Pharmarama sounds good, how did you go about asking your Doc for it, did you contact Pharmarama first or ask Doc to do a 'Named Patient' basis. Not quite sure what Named Patient actually means and how you are really meant to ask your Doctor about it, or are Docs meant to offer it to you ?

I did say it to Doc, but wasn't confident that I knew what it really meant and would have been stumped if Doc had queried me over it.

sandi profile image
sandi in reply to Coastwalker

I don't have named patient status on this. I pay for my own but the dr does a private prescription which I then send off to Pharmarama, pay them and get it shipped by special delivery the next day.

If you get named patient status then I guess the process is the same but it is an NHS prescription.

My understanding was that named patient requests had to go to PCT for approval - don't even think they exist now?? - but my gp was convinced I wouldn't get it and must admit I was a coward, fearing that if I stuck my neck out they might make the gp stop even the private prescriptions. For now I'm fine but dread my gp leaving or getting ill herself since it is really an arrangement between us and not sure if anyone else in practice would prescribe. It costs me this way but at the moment it is reasonable when you consider how much we pay for supplements in health shops etc.

Hope this helps. Good luck with getting named patient status. Let us know.


HarryE profile image
HarryE in reply to sandi

Hi Sandi, how much does a private script cost? Never used that process, so I would be interested. Pm if you'd rather. Thanks

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to sandi

Your GP was convinced you wouldn't get it, but never actually put you forward for it ?

I'm sure someone on here mentioned they were approved it 'cos T4 wasn't doing it's job, but again I'm not sure if that was also by private prescription or on a Named patient basis.

Can see the position you are in though, it is such a game all round.

Well I can only ask :) no harm in asking ;) :)


helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK

Almost any UK pharmacy could get hold of it - so long as you have a prescription.

The advantages of Pharmarama/Springfield/etc. are:

Familiarity with the product;

Possibly having some in stock;


Realistically - price is the clincher if you have a private prescription. If, however, you got an NHS prescription, you might as well choose a suitably nearby and friendly pharmacy. All but a few will have to order it from Idis (or possibly another specialist importer). Most pharmacies either will already have an account with Idis or could get one easily enough.

Even if you have a private prescription, you might find it significantly cheaper to obtain from abroad.


Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to helvella

Trying to persuade Doc to do it on a 'Named Patient' basis prescription, but what doc said was right about needing an on going source of supply, so was hoping to source it myself with help from members on here :)

One of my well known local chemists I get my free prescriptions from can't source enough Vit D3 when I call in and I often have to go back a day or so later to pick the rest up, so I can understand what doc means.

I am hoping to get my prescription of NDT if i can source it all free as it should be, apart from delivery charges.

Parbrook profile image

As you coldness may indicate that you have hypo symptoms, have you had your FT3 checked?

Maybe you would benefit from some T3 along with your T4.

Coastwalker profile image

No haven't had T3 checked yet yousurname, still on T4 Levo, just had it upped to 100, slightly better, but no difference noticed on the coldness, pins and needles or hair improving. 6 weeks later I'll be having another Blood done, but can't remember the long name, it might even be the T3 for all I know, but called by a longer name ? Lets hope it is :)

in reply to Coastwalker

Liothyronine is T3.

Out of curiosity how much does NDT cost on a private prescription?

Good luck with getting it on a named patient status. J :D

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to

Thanks spareribs, yes! will be needing a lot of luck by sounds of it ;)

Guessing only from what I remember NDT costs £20 - £30 a month, though others will have a better idea I'm sure :)


Glynisrose profile image

You can't buy NDT in the UK, you have to have a prescription. If your doctor will prescribe it for you Lloyds chemist are (I have found) the best and fastest at supplying it!!

Coastwalker profile image

Hi Glynisrose,

That too sounds good as we do have Lloyds near to us, are you on private prescription or on a named patient basis ?

Barbara profile image

Hi Coastwalker

I've been getting Erfa Thyroid from my GP on a named patient basis on the NHS since the Armour shortage a few years ago and prior to that I was getting Armour the same way for several years. I now use an independent pharmacy but any pharmacy will be able to order it in for you.

Be careful though - ask the pharmacy first how much it will cost. My pharmacy get Erfa Thyroid in tubs of 500 for £97 from Pharmarama as it is much cheaper that way. My script went to Boots by mistake once and they were going to charge £50 for 100! Luckily I manged to intercept it before the order had gone through or my GP might think again about prescribing it, I know of 3 other patients at my surgery who have been put back on to thyroxine recently. I think Boots tend to use Idis, although they will try other distributors if asked, and they have been consistently more expensive for both Armour and Erfa Thyroid.

Good luck!



Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to Barbara

Thanks Barbara, 500 for £97 is excellent as that is for over a years worth (I'm guessing if taking one a day,) good to know how much Boots cost too, what a price difference :O


Barbara profile image
Barbara in reply to Coastwalker

It is isn't it! I take 3 tablets a day and I get 300 tablets each time on my prescription so it soon mounts up. I think the £97 for 500 included delivery. Getting it in tubs of 100, as Boots did, is a more expensive way of buying it but they won't want to be stuck with an open tub of 500 if they don't think it will be used.

A previous Boots that I used to go to got the cheapest available after I had told them of the difference in prices. Also at that time there were several patients taking Armour and Erfa Thyroid but most have had them stopped now.



Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to Barbara

Thanks for your info Barbara. :)

Bigsi profile image

Barbara can you tell me did you got the prescription on a named person basis, then took the prescription to your own pharmacy, and they sourced the product ? Or did you advise the chemist where to order form ?

Also did you pay the full amount for the prescription ? Many thanks,


Barbara profile image
Barbara in reply to Bigsi

Hi Bigsi,

I got the prescription for Armour on a named patient basis from my GP after showing him a letter in the Thyroid UK newsletter from someone who had been getting it this way from her own GP. I also showed him some information that Lyn Mynott had put in the Newsletter about getting medication on a named patient basis and sourcing it from Idis. This was in 2002 so I can't remember exact details now.

I took the prescription to my local pharmacy and also gave them details of how to order it from Idis as they hadn't come across it before. This was an NHS prescription so I didn't have to pay for it myself then or since as I'm exempt from prescription charges because I'm hypothyroid. There was a mention in the last paragraph of a recent Pulse article at pulsetoday.co.uk/clinical/t... by Dr Mark Vanderpump that: "In addition, porcine thyroid extract is substantially more expensive than LT4 and ineligible for a prescription exemption certificate." That statement is NOT true, I have been getting it that way for nearly 12 years now!

I asked about costs more recently as I'm anticipating problems getting Erfa Thyroid when my GP retires (he's next to go...) and I'm keen to keep costs as low as possible to give me more chance of continuing with it. I also asked how much it would cost me if in the future I could only get a private prescription and the pharmacist said it would be the same price as charged to my surgery.

Hope this helps!



Bigsi profile image
Bigsi in reply to Barbara

Thank you Barbara, I am going to give that a go with my doc; really appreciate your help,


Clarebear profile image

I used to use Pharmarama when I had it on z private script. Now that i get ig on an nhs precription I just get it from my local chemist, who I think sources it from Idis.

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to Clarebear

How did you manage to go from private to NHS prescription Clarebear was it easy ? Excuse me being nosy, ignor if you wish ;)

Clarebear profile image
Clarebear in reply to Coastwalker

My GP is lovely but had never heard of NDT. However, he saw my huge improvement and decided to prescribe it for me. My endo also monitors me, but he wouldn't prescribe it for his nhs patients, only private ones.

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to Clarebear

You are one of the very lucky ones Clarebear, though I'm sure it wasn't an easy ride ?

It's crazy situation all round, you have to jump through so many hoops just to get your hands on the stuff, (NDT) :)

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