Embarrassing question. Does anyone have severe ... - Thyroid UK

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Embarrassing question. Does anyone have severe hair loss under their arms.

Alley27 profile image
24 Replies

I have hashimotos and possibly adrenal issues and I was wondering if anyone has hair loss under arms and down below?

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Alley27 profile image
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24 Replies

Yes - a bit of a silver lining to that cloud! :)

the hair on my head is a bit thin 'tho :(

Hi conniefused, yes to both, no doctor has taken it seriously. It started 10 years ago in my 40's, it was put down to aging. I think it's more likely because of adrenal issues. It's not a thinning of hair, I have a central bald spot with completely smoth skin on my public hair. My armpits lost the last of the hair this last year. All I have now is a fine down like you get on your face.

Caze profile image
Caze in reply to

Hi my pubic hair has the same hair loss pattern as yourself. I have hashimotos and I suspect I am currently under medicated. I just wondered why u thought this was an adrenal issue rather than a thyroid one.

yorkshiregirl44 profile image

Yes, have no under arm hair, or hair on my legs and arms...been like this for a number of years.

puncturedbicycle profile image

I was told that loss of hair on the lower third of legs was due to changes in sex hormones (perimenopause I guess, or low testosterone?). Sorry, my armpit hair is as tenacious as ever. :-)

I've not had to wax or shave under my arms or my legs for about 10 years now. This seems to be the only 'benefit' to being hypo! I always had quite thick hair (on my head) - but a lot of it seems to have migrated to the plug hole! Much thinner nowadays.

Alley27 profile image

It seems I am not alone lol..my arm hair disappeared 18 months ago and there are benefits to not having to shave, but it is embarrassing to find in the last 3 months my pubic hair is 50% less. I am not menopausal, that is I am passed it had hysterectomy 19 years ago. My hair also is getting thinner.


WaryofMDs profile image
WaryofMDs in reply to Alley27

I have the same issues and have had for many years now, if you are embarrassed by the baldness down below, in my experience men find it quite a turn on, but of course it does take a bit of the mystery away!

silverfox7 profile image

No underarm hair and sparse elsewhere but I took Nutri Thyroid for a few month to help me through a hectic but enjoyable holiday and some underarm appeared but stopped when the Nutri stopped.

Ansteynomad profile image

Yes, and me. Shave legs and underarms about every three months now and I would say 50% of pubic hair is gone. Only a fine down on forearms now as well. Head hair coming back as levo dose increases.

Hi to all, i've read it's an adrenal issue, people with Addison's for example have this problem. The top of my head hair is also getting thin, thyroid?, anaemia? I don't know why people think it's almost funny, my GP dismissed it recently as being a bonus, how can that be? It's a symptom of something serious going on. When I had an injection I said you may as well look at my underarm hair loss, and I just got an oh yes.

I've had the adrenal stress profile and the results were 15.3 (21-42) and this was dismissed too. I've had years of trauma and steroid injections. My doctor's attitude was to leave well alone because of possible weight gain with steroid use...... argh!

This question was asked some time ago on this site, and it seems the mid section balding in the pubic hair is very common.

I have been on really high doses of thyroid meds, Levo, Armour T3 nothing has had an effect on my hair. Taking zinc because someone suggested it, nothing so far, and taking Ginseng and Vit B5 for my adrenals, no miracles yet.

I just wish doctors would think about the impact on people's lives more.

Loobs39 profile image

Oh yes - very familiar - I have Hashimotos too so maybe a Hashi thing? However, at the moment the hair on my head seems almost normal. As for the ones that grow on my chin - have they gone?? (I am a woman btw) - no of course they haven't. I still spend an age plucking them every morning. So to recap - I am growing hair but in the wrong places, I am having hot flushes, my arthritic knee (apparently) is now so misshapen that I wouldn't want to wear shorts even if it was hot enough, I am hobbling with Plantar Fasciitis and, despite giving up Gluten I am still getting bad stomach pains so think I may need to give up milk too. Yep - having a bad day but I do realise it could be so much worse x

Alley27 profile image
Alley27 in reply to Loobs39

Hi loobs, plantar fasciitis.....me too, so bad in fact my feet, heels, ankles, Achilles tendon and lower legs are stiff on a morning. I never would have placed this as a symptom of hypo....will look on thyroid uk again lol. Am sorry you having a bad day hun.I have a good head of hair, but hoovered my bedroom yesterday I found tons of it wrapped around the hoover brush. My hair is very dry and frizzy though.


Loobs39 profile image
Loobs39 in reply to Alley27

Oh you poor thing - I have had this for months but at least it is only in my right heel. The problem is, I know people who have had this yet don't have Thyroid issues so no knowing what causes it. Anyway, today not too bad and tomorrow will be better!! xx

finder profile image

Try taking Evening Primrose oil... It reversed my pubic hair loss..and is good for balancing oestrogen and progesterone issues. People with adrenal problems often have low progesterone, because with low cortisol, the body will "steal" progesterone to make cortisol.. I shave under the arms, so never know how much hair is there anyway...

jacrjacr profile image
jacrjacr in reply to finder

how much EPO do you take a day and when twice or once for hair help...

Angel54 profile image

Hi, I have no underarm hair and very little hair below either. Head hair dropped out like crazy for the last 10 years or more from my 40s. Dr P thought adrenal problems very likely. I did give up gluten helped with weight loss but didnt change hair. T3 made it fall out even more. x

zeberdee2468 profile image

I too have very little hair under my arms and down below although I do have quite a bit on my arms zilch on my legs but my head hair is great. I do however have thick hair that has thinned over the last 30 years probably because of my thyroid.

I am under active since RAI treatment while I was in my early 30s.

Got used to it now and it is a bonus in the summer months so I don't stress about it.

ThyroidHell profile image

I have never had the need to shave my legs. When I was pregnant my underarm hair stopped growing completely. I just shave underarm for the sake of it every few months as there really isn't anything to shave. I got the classid blonde 'hardly anything at all' eyebrows too.

Coastwalker profile image

Might not be the answer Conniefused, but Google 'B12 deficiency' as it links with Hair loss. :)

hairyfairy profile image

Iv`e been shaving undermy arms since I was 13, so I wouldn`t know about there, but I did notice that I was getting threadbare down below in my mid forties. I`m not concerned as long as the hair on my head stays thick.

Why embarrassing I wonder???? I have practically no body hair at all.

jacrjacr profile image

this is very interesting I used to have hair arms etc andalmost no body hair either but now all of sudden my head hair is thinning and scary.....I am post menopausal and it showed low testosterone, low estrogen , low dhea, and I was low on thyroid so changed to ndt but I haven't seen any change.....I know low estrogen causes the hair to fall out more quickly and I have read low testosterone does the same thing but my dr dismissed me like no big deal.....so I am looking for a new dr. I am on progesterone and estrogen only now and have tried every med for hair and still suffering ..and I have what I call hot flash of the head hair once in awhile that is crazy.....and itchy scalp or redness occasionally but no dandruff or other signs.....but massive thinning especially on top........it is amazing how far behind medical drs are in helping women

Astridnova profile image

Same here, in my 40s. Not diagnosed until my 60s, with hypothyroidism of unknown origin. Age 65, hair began thinning drastically. When I suddenly realised all my body hair was gone (I had not noticed it going) I wondered what was going on, but I was so busy, and did not have a decent doctor who would have tried to find out what was going on.

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