Not happy:(: Just wanted to say I am not happy at... - Thyroid UK

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Not happy:(

31 Replies

Just wanted to say I am not happy at the moment and don't know when I'll post on here again.

Jo xxx

31 Replies

I haven't been on the site much over the last few weeks, i'm just wondering what you're fed up about Karisma853?

in reply to

Hi Helcaster, thanks for your reply.

I've come back now. :)

I've been very cross with my GP lately and my symptoms are all over the place. I am posting something else that I hope some of you guys can help me with and make sure I'm not making it up.

Jo xxx

in reply to

You can't make blood test results up Jo! To be honest I think the majority of us feel like you. I'm over two years now after getting diagnosed and I still feel horrible most of the time. What i've been doing is cleaning out chocolate and the other sugary stuff, there wasn't much, but I did enjoy chocolate once a week :-) i'm getting my B12 up with injections, take methyl folate and iron a I was too low in these. I had more energy while I kept this up, then I got complacent, and i'm back to where I was. It takes a lot of self discipline to keep with the regime you're improving on. I'm doing much better treating myself to be honest Jo. Xx

in reply to

Hi Helcaster, thanks for your reply.

Well, the guys at thyroid support group have helped me put a plan together about what to take and when. I am only going back to the GP now when I am due for thyroid function tests / iron / vitamin D check-ups or other general things.

Jo xxx

in reply to

Well Jo, I think that's fantastic news! It's great to now have a plan. It's so hard to think straight anyway and all too easy to get into a huge muddle, and then of course get into a huge flap (that's what I do ;-( )

There's so much experience and wisdom to pass on on this site to people who need help.

I'm so pleased for you!xxx

in reply to

Aww, thanks!! :) Your comments mean a lot to me, really. xxx

Clutter profile image

Wassup Jo?

We're here for you when you're ready.

Hope you feel better soon.

in reply to Clutter

Hi Clutter, thanks for your reply.

I've come back now. :) Just wanted to take time out as I've been dreading my Thyroid UK meeting today due to having to tell the others about the problems I've been having. Turned out I had nothing to worry about and they were really helpful.

Jo xxx

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to

Glad to see you back, Jo and I'm glad your support group meeting went well.

If/when you find things getting on top of you it is right to step back and give yourself a little space to reflect, chill and rest. Step 1 of dealing with a fluctuating illness and you passed with flying colours. x

in reply to Clutter

Yes, my support meeting went very well thanks Clutter. :)

Thanks for saying I passed Step 1. :) I feel like I've made some progress already.

Jo xxx

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to

Yes, you have and you'll make a lot more, too :)

yorkshiregirl44 profile image

Hi Joe,

Its your decision if you choose not to stay but i for one have gained from you being on here. You are a very real,warm person who says it as it is. With openness to share your expereinces with people you dont know. That takes courage and not everyone can do that.

I know your in the middle of this maze that seems never ending and its during this journey that you need people, if only to beable to release some of your anxieties with.

Take what you need from it....xx

in reply to yorkshiregirl44

Hi Christine, thanks for your reply.

I've decided to come back. I just wanted to take time out as I've been tired and depressed about things. I'm not too bad now as one of my major worries has been answered. :)

Jo xxx

Clutter profile image


I agree with Yorkshiregirl. Your questions probably voice anxieties that a lot of people are too shy to express. You research well and express any doubts and confusion with results well.

Not saying this to pressure you but hope you'll be back when you're ready x

in reply to Clutter

Hi Clutter, I've come back now. Just wanted to take a bit of time out. :)

sarahstevenson profile image

Maybe give it a break for a few days Jo then try again , I think you'll find most folk do - it takes lots of energy both physical and emotional to keep researching aaaagh ! Shouts and screams allowed!!!

Hope to see you later today.


in reply to sarahstevenson

Hi Sarah!! Thanks for your comment. :)

I've come back now. Just feel so drained, tired and depressed. I've also felt that I'm going crazy as I've had so many problems swallowing and I was surprised to be told in the meeting today that I still have a goitre. Major shock!!

Jo xxx

Parksie7 profile image

Hi Jo

I haven't been around for a few days, but I hope that you aren't feeling any worse than you were. You must be exhausted. Take care and come back when you are ready.


in reply to Parksie7

Hi L!! Thanks for your reply. I've come back now. :)

I did actually feel VERY bad Thursday night. My head was spinning even though I was sitting still. I just wanted to take some time out as I've been getting very tired and depressed.

Jo xxx

glo42 profile image

Hello Jo

Hoping that today you are feeling a little better. We all know thyroid is a roller coaster ride to cope with. If you choose to have a little break away I hope it won't be long before you come back. Take care, we are here to help one another... gentle hugs to you today. xx

in reply to glo42

Hi Glo42, thanks for your reply. I have come back.

I felt very bad Thursday night. My head was spinning even though I was sitting still and quiet.

Just wanted to take time out - especially since my thyroid meeting was today and I had to make sure that I wasn't going crazy. I will be posting something else up about this. :)

Hope you are ok.

Jo xxx

Mrs_Somerset profile image

Hi Jo,

Is there anything we can do to help?

We could tell you silly jokes to take your mind off things, or just listen to you, or thre may be someone who has the same problems and could offer support?

Sending you BIG virtual Hugs,


in reply to Mrs_Somerset

Hi Mrs_Somerset, thanks for your reply.

A combination of the 4 isn't too bad!! :)

I need some help with a photo I have taken of my neck - you see, my GPs remain convinced I have no goitre, but one of the lovely girls at thyroid support group today said I still have one. Would it be ok if I post a photo of this up for other people's opinions?

Jo xxx

Mrs_Somerset profile image
Mrs_Somerset in reply to

Hi Jo,

lovely to hear from you.

yes - do post a picture - we might not be able to help identify it but there may be someone here who can help you further with it.

do remember that GP's are just people too - they only have 5 minutes to see you and if you are like me, you will see a different one each time and therefore diagnosis and treatment can become tricky.

post the photo and we can see what help is available here to help you further.

Hope you are having a better day :-)


in reply to Mrs_Somerset

Hi M!! Thanks for your reply. I'm not too bad today, still tired.

I've had a bit of trouble with the photo in question as I posted it somewhere else and apparently it is not very clear. Could be the light or the device. Ipod pictures can sometimes be grainy so I will see if I can use my camera which has a better resolution.

Jo xxx

glo42 profile image

Hello Jo

I hope today is a better day for you.

I have days like you when I feel my head spins and just doesn't want to work....... I call it my "brain-fog days" and I have a feeling this could be one of them!

Today, I have a whole list of jobs to do but hey ho, I will be kind and take it slowly. I have learned with this horrible thyroid condition to listen to what my body is telling me, otherwise IMHO, it just makes matters worse.

In the past I have run around like a headless chicken (NOT a Spring-one, I hasten to add) and ended up feeling exhausted for several days afterwards. It's good to come onto this site and it's alright to share feelings and experiences Jo, this reminds us all that we are not alone in feeling so awful. Take care and I hope today is a good one for you. XX

in reply to glo42

Hi Glo42, thanks for your reply.

I hope today is a better day too. I hope your day is good too.

With the head spinning I felt akin to one of those 90s dancing sunflowers. Only way I can describe it!

Yes, I think taking things slowly is the way to go. What I find difficult with Hashimoto's is that there is no guarantee what I will feel like from one day to the next. I haven't felt normal for as long as I can remember.

Jo xxx

glo42 profile image

Best to take it one day at a time Jo. I usually find bad days may be followed by a good one. I am retired (71), and had this diagnosed 2011, I often feel weary and achy.

I have lots of sympathy for other sufferers who juggle this condition with family and work commitments, because I doubt I would have the strength to keep spinning the plates!

Good Luck and gentle hugs to you. XX

in reply to glo42

Hi Glo42, thanks for your reply.

Yes, I feel weary and achy too some days.

I did juggle this illness with work but I had to leave. Most of my work colleagues couldn't understand why I decided to leave and I didn't feel right in saying it was because I wasn't feeling very well as my boss would have then said "go to the doctor".

That was hard for me to do as the GP vehemently denied I had a thyroid problem. So I then changed GPs after I left my job. Had I have known I could have had workplace adjustments in place I would never have left but then again hindsight is such a wonderful thing.

When I am feeling much better and things are more stabilised I may look to apply for work at the same company I left - as long as the people I work with and work for are understanding enough.

Hugs back to you too!! :)

Jo xxx

glo42 profile image

Yes Jo, I agree that hindsight is wonderful when you step back and think things through rationally, but we know that our rational days can be few and far between!

I have to take things slowly and if I do too much at home (gardening, decorating) then it has to be done in "bite sized chunks". Perhaps ten minutes or maybe a half an hour each day is more than enough. Jobs seem to take forever and I try not to think I could have achieved the same effort in just a day a couple of years ago ha ha.

I have learned to be more realistic now. Those spurts of energy are long gone and won't come back. Yesterday I had very little energy and so I did a job and had a lay on the bed and rested. I actually fell asleep for two hours, which proved that my body and brain was having a weary day. I have learned to listen to my own body and rest when necessary. It's not always that easy as I am the sole carer for my disabled husband but needs must some days (like yesterday).

Today is a new day. I feel better than yesterday and my brain-fog isn't as bad, so I am thankful and I hope today will be a much better one for you too Jo. Take care and remember to listen to your body and be kind to yourself. XX

in reply to glo42

Hi Glo42, yes, like yourself I have spent so much time asleep on the sofa lately. I'm not even aware that I crash out - I jump awake and I'm like "oh, I fell asleep again. But how?" I feel so lazy and I shouldn't be sleeping so much at 28.

I get spurts of energy when I'm out and about in town. I'm a fast walker despite being hypo and I'm always overtaking other people because I'm so quick. That's the only time I'm really that energetic - well, then and when I'm working out but that's it.

I am so sorry to hear you care for your husband. I too look after my boyfriend but he is not disabled - he gets a lot of aches and pains that I help to get rid of through massage. It can really put him out of action some days but I cannot imagine how hard it can be to look after a loved one who is disabled and you yourself are poorly. :(

I was a bit tired today - spent 2 hours on the sofa asleep and had 30 minutes more of sleep after dinner. I don't know how I do it. My boyfriend also sent me out to get our dinner but my moods were so unstable that they were scaring me! I hope I feel better tomorrow.

I am glad you had a good day too and that you have another good day tomorrow. Take care. :)

Jo xxx

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