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Thyroid and HRT.

123happy profile image
23 Replies

Hello lovely people,

I'm scheduled for a full hysterectomy in the next few months, my monthly's have been awful since being hypo, they have tried to help me with alternatives but it's not panned out at all, I will have to go on HRT, does anyone have any experience / advice they could impart ? I've always received such wonderful help and advice from this excellent site. Good news is I'm now at the top end of my range, 125 mcg did it, no longer anemic at the mo, so feeling much better. The flooding is causing such problems for me now, hence the op. Phew ! I'm coming back as a dog. X lol. Thanks in advance.

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123happy profile image
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23 Replies
sandywandy1 profile image

You may have troed this, but in case you haven't. I had an endometrial ablation which is much less drastic than a hysterectomy - they burn the lining of the womb so it drastically reduces bleeding. Prior to that I had constant, heavy periods. I don't have periods anymore sinnce the op- no pain or othe problems so highly recommended. Have you tried T3 for thyroid? It helped me lots. The ablation was done at my local Spire quickly and relatively painlessly- I only had a couple of days off work. The GP referred m on the NHS using choose and book. Good luck. Sandra

HarryE profile image
HarryE in reply to sandywandy1

I had ablation too. I do still have periods but much better than they used to be.

123happy profile image
123happy in reply to HarryE

Thanks, I would have gone for this but they can't do it, my cervix is closed up and my uterus is twisted. Nothing is ever straight forwards is it ! :(

HarryE profile image
HarryE in reply to 123happy

Oh dear, poor you! Well good luck with the op xx

123happy profile image
123happy in reply to sandywandy1

My gynecologist wanted to do this, they first tried to fit a Mirena coil, 2 attempts, one under a general, we discovered my uterus has twisted, so they are unable to dilate my cervix wide enough to do anything with out causing damage, I've been sterilized for 9 years, so this is all they could offer, I'm taking it. Lol. I've had enough of feeling rubbish every month.

tilly83 profile image
tilly83 in reply to 123happy

sorry just read this...x

123happy profile image
123happy in reply to sandywandy1

Thanks for your advice. I'm glad it's worked for you, my thyroid meds are great, I feel well and have energy. Roll on op, then I can plan again. Lol.

humanbean profile image

I'd like to suggest a website you should read very thoroughly. Having a hysterectomy should be an absolute last resort and every other option should be investigated first. The after effects of a hysterectomy can be devastating and life-changing. The medical profession is not always forthcoming with information about alternatives and they don't tell you all the risks, or they downplay them. Being castrated is not something that should be entered into lightly.

Sorry if this post sounds alarmist, it isn't intended to be. However, I think that many people assume a hysterectomy is an easy option. It isn't.

123happy profile image
123happy in reply to humanbean

I take it your name is from the BFG ? Great book.

123happy profile image

I have had a read, the problem is that taking 600mg of iron for three months, caused by flooding is not ideal, my womb is twisted ! I think that may be due to the complications after the emergency c I had when my baby was born. My gyne tried all sorts before hand, but can't get her tools in ! It is a last resort but I can't cope with the blood loss each month. Thanks for the advice, two of my pals have had this and their quality of life has improved, I know however this is not the same for all women. :).

Marz profile image

Interesting what you have to say about the Emergency c. I recently met up with a friend I first met in the 60's. She had 5 C-Sections and was diagnosed Hypo a year or so ago. She mentioned that now she knows she is hypo it explains the need for C-sections. Being Hypo affects the dilation process.... Also the heavy monthly is another sign - I used to suffer horrendously but wouldn't go to the Doc as I did not want a hysterectomy. Did not know I was Hypo at that time. I read the book - Womens Bodies Womens Wisdom - by Christianne Northrupp many years ago and it was an excellent read. She has a website I believe....and her name pops up from time to time.

I support humanbean - but it sounds as if your mind has been made up....hope all goes well.

sandywandy1 profile image

Do get your Free T3 checked to make totally sure that the excessive bleeding is not caused by low active hormone -you may feel much better than before you were on thyroxine and iron, but still may not be optimally medicated. I was told that all was well thyroid wise by the docs, but it was not until after my op that I realised that my Ft3 was right at the bottom of normal. I feel even better in many ways since taking T3 with my FT3 now mid range, but cannot tell if it would have made any difference to periods as womb lining not there anymore! As you say the problems might relate to your c section etc. - just make absolutely sure. Good luck if you decide to go ahead. My mum has taken tibolone, livial for the last 20 years - she tried various HRT treatments, but it was the only med that didn't mess with her thyroid health.She is underactive taking thyroxine only. Sandra

pinpink profile image

Hi I had a hysterectomy nearly two years ago. Was diagnosed hypo 2 months later. Realise now that I had symptoms for many years. Don't regret the hysterectomy (ovaries were left) but went into early menopause within 6 months. Am on HRT - estrogel and testogel - I'm sure you can guess by the names that they are gels ! Which is great because I don't have to worry about interaction with other meds. I'm on 100mcg of Levothyroxine and 40mcg of Liothyronine. I'm by no means well, but still so much better than before the hysterectomy. The recovery period was longer than 'normal' but we all know there's no such thing as 'normal'. I realise now that my adrenals were unable to cope with the stress of the surgery and I wish I'd known to support them in advance. Lots of reading, tv watching and I learnt to knit too! I have metres and metres and metres of knitted bunting that is no use to anyone! Take care and make sure you have plans in place that means you can rest a lot x

123happy profile image
123happy in reply to pinpink

Hi pin pink.

I'm to see a surgeon who does the op by laparoscopy so I won't be cut, the recovery is quicker, my consultant has explored all avenues before suggesting this. I wanted ablation, but she couldn't dilate my cervix at all to get tools in and she stopped for the sake of safety. I've not rushed into this but can't cope with the flooding. I have my husband to look after me, I've had a lot of surgery in the last three years on my knees, so he knows he will have to tie me down. Lol. I can't knit though, I've tried. Crochet is beyond me. THANKYOU for the advice. X

celticlady profile image

Have you looked into an endometrial ablation? They freeze your womb-apparently it works brilliantly-stops all the bleeding and you're in and out in one day with just minimal anaesthesia-might be worth looking into. I have 2 friends who had it instead of a hysterectomy. I was also going to have one but luckily my periods just stopped at 50.

All the best.

123happy profile image
123happy in reply to celticlady

My consultant tried but couldn't dilate my cervix at all, tried a marina twice but it won't go in, I had a scan and my womb has twisted for some reason ! This makes it difficult. ! X

tilly83 profile image

I had a Merina coil after last child, completely stopped periods after three months. Brilliant...... worth a go surely? x

123happy profile image
123happy in reply to tilly83

Tried twice , won't go in, Dr can't get tools in to do anything else ! Typical for me that is ! Lol.

Rose2408 profile image

Hi there...a hysterectomy is not entered into lightly, it's entered into heavily...when your uterus is twisted as 123Happy says hers is, it can become life threatening not to have one. My 'womb', uterus, twisted also & distorted my bowel & surgery was performed as an emergency 4 hours later, (far worse than a scheduled op!) I had shocking periods for years, the bleeding & pain was inhumane to suffer every 3-4 weeks. I put my hysterectomy off & it almost killed me. I should have listened to my body & my surgeon when years of trying everything else had failed....'castration', or life saving surgery? And an 'easy' option? Please! I've never met anyone who just waltz in for the op in their coffee break. Anyway I believe the question asked was 'any advice on HRT?' not 'should I have a hysterectomy?'. ...I'm just giving another side to the post above, which i found offensive & not asked for.

Best of luck & love 123Happy whatever you decide. I could not have HRT due to cancer, Thyroid cancer, so cant help there but I did find a natural product called Promensil Menopause Double Strength that helped a lot to supplement hormones...& HRT. And my recovery was wonderful, I checked myself out 2 days later I felt so good!!

123happy profile image
123happy in reply to Rose2408

Aww thanks, no I have given this a lot of thought, but events have overtaken me, don't know why this has happened but my gyne lady said it could not be left, I'm on their cancellation list so may be in in a matter of days, I'm frightened but can't live with the pain and discomfort. No probs with my bowels the scan showed but they are not taking chances. It's not ideal, but I wondered this HRT works with Hypo thyroid, I don't know, my Dr has said I can have an implant, or patches so I'm not taking it orally, I think she's great and very kind. Thanks for your good wishes, I'm sorry you suffered so much. I'm hoping this will be liberating. Kind regards. X

Rose2408 profile image
Rose2408 in reply to 123happy

Hi 123happy!! The reply I responded to has disappeared so I'm not sure if you saw it, if not you prob think I've gone mad lol ..responding like that to nothing!! My surgeon left one ovary which I now need to have removed on Friday (as tumor has grown on it..since Oct 13!) So then I am panicking a bit what I am meant to take as i can't have the HRT so I will let you know what is said about thyroid & surgeon was also amazing so you be will be fine xx

oldgreybird profile image

I had a full hysterectomy many years ago and was put on HRT - but oestrogen only as I did not need progesterone as they removed all my bits not just the womb. My life was transformed by the hysterectomy - no more horrendous PMT (homicidal maniac level!) or the 2 to 3 weeks of flooding every month!

I did not become hypothyroid until many years after the op and am on levo. So I was taking the HRT before taking the levo rather than the other way round.

I have had no problems at all taking the two medications - I just make sure I keep them apart (I take the levo when I go to bed and the HRT when I get up in the morning). I know when I finally stop taking the oestrogen that I will need to do it very slowly and that no longer taking it may effect the balance I have achieved on my current levo dosage. But I am aware of this possibility so should I start to feel out of balance, then I may have to investigate altering the levo dosage to return to 'normality'.

Shubhra-Rastogi profile image

Some symptoms of thyroid disease are very similar to that of menopause symptoms. These symptoms should not be brushed away by attributing them as stress factors or menopause related. To confirm diagnosis of thyroid, blood test for thyroid function should be performed; Hypothyroidism is managed by GP while hyperthyroidism is managed by an endocrinologist.

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