Can I drink wine while taking Carbimazole? - Thyroid UK

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Can I drink wine while taking Carbimazole?

Jules2560 profile image
15 Replies

Taking 10mg of Carbimazole daily. With Christmas nearly upon us, and lots of events to go to, can I drink wine? It does say there is no interaction with alcohol, but would like your opinions.



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Jules2560 profile image
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15 Replies

I am on 40 mg and do. I couldn't find anything in their notes on the drug to suggest it isn't ok. X

duster profile image

Hi Jules

Yes you can drink I do but I tend to get drunk quicker and have terrible hangovers so know your limit.

Jules2560 profile image

Hi Susie and Duster

Thanks for the replies. I'm new to this thyroid malarkey and have only recently been diagnosed. I see the Endocrinologist in Jan but, until then, my GP has put me on the Carbimazole. My TSH was 0.003 and my T4 was 25.3, how high is that? I know my neutrophils were quite low and have heard the Carbimazole can lower it further - scary! I need a drink lol.


coetzeegisela profile image
coetzeegisela in reply to Jules2560

Agree all; am interested to read desponses. All best, G Coetzee

Jules2560 profile image
Jules2560 in reply to coetzeegisela


As you've probably gathered, I'm new to all this, hence the question. If you're asking about alcohol, it looks like it's ok. Obviously, don't put your health at risk, but if you feel ok then why not. This disease is crap enough without having to forego a few pleasures. Like I said, as long as it's not detrimental to your health, enjoy it. My husband and I (god, I sound like the queen) share bottle of wine with our meal every day and as long as I feel ok, and my doctors ok with it, then I shall continue. Life is too short, but also for living.

Are you hypo or hyper? How long have you had it?

Jules x

Okubadejo profile image

No don't take alcohol wen taking drug give 1 hr before and after .

Jules2560 profile image

Haha, I wasn't planning on washing the tablets down with wine, but thanks for the advice.

Jules x

God I wish I could wash them down with wine, but I became totally intolerant to alcohol when my Graves Disease developed. So just watch out for those hangovers!

in reply to

Oh and your T4 wasn't too bad, mine was over 50 before I started on the carbi. But that's reflected in your dose of 10mg so that's good. Just try and get bloods done monthly and watch out for symptoms that you might be going hypo. Always get copies of your results. Ask the Endo to test your vits and minerals when you see him - B12, folate, iron/ferritin, vit D, calcium for starters. H x

Goldengirl01 profile image
Goldengirl01 in reply to

My T4 was 95 but they only discovered this when I was sent to hospital as I broke down in the GPs surgery saying I can't carry on. Many times I said I think I have thyroid problems as before but they kept saying tsh was fine. You can't rely on just tsh so in hospital I begged them to do t3 and t4. The consultant at first refused then looked at my notes seeing I'd had thyrotoxicosis before and had the test done, my tsh had stopped working at some point and t4 was 95, I was told I was a walking time bomb and could have dropped dead at any time, I don't remember my t3. You have to push for more tests as clearly the tsh is not the same for everyone, we are all individuals and I wish they would treat us as such.

Jules2560 profile image

Hi Hampster1

Grab yourself a brew, this could take a while!

I was only diagnosed at the beginning of November and had only had symptoms for a couple of months (tiredness and very shaky - putting mascara on was an experience lol). I was referred to an Endocrinologist, but my appointment isn't until 6th January. The first doctor I saw gave me 80mg Propranolol and waved me off. Got to see my usual doctor last week and he, more or less, said 'sod it, I'm starting you on the Carbimazole'. He said that the usual dosage is 15mg but was going to err on the side of caution and start me on 10mg. I've been taking it for 3 days now and, fingers crossed, I feel okish. He also gave me 10mg Propranolol and said to play around with it and see how I am. For the last 2 days I've only been taking one in the morning and seem to be ok with that. My vitamin D level has been quite low for a while, so I've been taking a supplement. My calcium level is ok and I had a bone density scan earlier this year and everything was fine, other than that, I don't know what my other results were. I have to go back to see him this Friday as he wants to see how I'm doing on the Carbimazole and to take another blood test, so I'll ask him then.

7 years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a year of treatment (chemo/rads). I finally got my life back (and my hair!) and put it all behind me. My consultant (the most wonderful woman in the world) said to me 'cancer has had a year of your life, don't let it have any more', so I haven't. Now this! I must have been an evil cow in a previous life to deserve all this rubbish.

Like I said, I'm new to all this thyroid malarkey. I understand that my T4 isn't too high, but what does that mean re treatment etc. If I'm only on 10mg Carbimazole, will the side effects be less? When I had chemo, my white blood count dropped to nearly nothing and I had to have injections in my stomach after each session. I know Carbimazle can affect this, but just because my level is still low (2, I think) does this mean that it will drop further?

I know Echinacea is supposed to be an immune booster and Milk Thistle can help your liver, but am I ok to take these (pharmacist was no help with that one)?

Probably bored you now, so I'll be back later :-))

Jules x

in reply to Jules2560

Hi Jules! Well, you've been through a lot already haven't you? You might be interested to know that low vit D is associated with Graves Disease and Breast Cancer - there was an article in the Daily Mail about the latter only yesterday:

Do you know what your vit D level was, and what strength supplement are you taking? Also you say calcium was normal, but was it high in the range? It might be worth asking your doctor to check your PTH levels as well, just in case of a possible parathyroid issue.

I hope your doctor is monitoring you closely re the WBCs, if it's going to be a problem it will happen in the first few weeks of treatment so make sure he keeps an eye on it. Has he tested your thyroid antibodies? Low WBCs are also common in B12 deficiency so I'd really push for that to be tested, more info here:

And very important get copies of everything, being "in range" is often not good enough for us. H x

Jules2560 profile image
Jules2560 in reply to


Yes, he is monitoring me closely. I only started on the Carbimazole last Friday and I've to go and see him this Friday for a blood test. If I wasn't already married, I'd marry him tomorrow - he's fab. Probably being a bit numb, but what's parathyroid? I nearly had a heart attack when he asked me if I'd been given an information sheet on Thyrotoxicosis, I said 'OMG what's that?', he just laughed and said 'what you've got'. I thought I'd got something else as well as Hyperthyroidism - see, numb. Not sure strength of vit D supplement, but got the 'Super Strength' ones from Healthspan. Any news on Milk Thistle/Echinacea?

Jules x

in reply to Jules2560

You need a lot of vit D to correct a deficiency, best done and monitored by your GP if possible. You should get a copy of your levels and post them, lots of experience on the forum with vit D.

Here is some info about hyperparathyroidism - usually have low vit D, high calcium (but can be normal and fluctuating) and high PTH (parathyroid hormone):

And a good leaflet about vit D:

glo42 profile image

I take 10mg Carbimazole too but find my tolerance to alcohol is low now I have become hyperthyroid. You will find your own level and know your own limits but I can't think of why you shouldn't drink in moderation......... cheers!

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