So I've started to have REALLY bad night sweats (I'm only 33), I'm drenching the bed so much my hubby is sleeping on the sofa! So is this a thyroid thing or is it because in coming off the anti depressants??
Night sweats!: So I've started to have REALLY bad... - Thyroid UK
Night sweats!
If you have recently started the medication, it can happen till you get stabilised. It happened to me and I wasn't on anti-d's but it eventually settled. I did get lots of palpitations as well. Maybe try lighter weight bedding too.
It could be both, my husband used to get terrible night sweats from his antidepressants so much so that the bedsheets used to be drenched. I used to get nightsweats when I first started the levo so you can imagine what our bed was like at some points :s the nightsweats are now restricted to a certain time of the month which i can live with really.
I started testing my blood sugar levels - night sweats (cold seats) were when my blood sugar dipped. But unfortunately you have to measure quickly, cos when you wake up the blood sugars can rise rapidly. Heck they're probably rising before you wake up.
I used to get blood sugars of 3.2 frequently, and occasionally down to 2.4.
Diabetics would panic about those levels, and not drive.
My doc ignored my readings, and only took notice of the hospital readings - which of course were not at a time that my blood sugars dropped. Although my HBA1c (or whatever it is) has ALWAYS come back "low".
Altering my diet to "Issy Atkins Plus" (ie normal 2 portions of protein a day, not high GI carbs, and as much green leafy vegetables as I could get down my gullet) stabilised my blood sugars and stopped must of the night sweats (now Hashi gives a different sort of night sweat).
Hi Night sweats can be so many things but often hormonal, be sure to have a test for TSH, T4 and Free T3 for your thyroid, FT3 very important, even if it means on line, also Diabetes, test Hb1Ac uis the best., both common causes. if nothing obvious you do need to discuss it with your GP, or better ,if good, Endo. Just very rarely this may be a sign of something serious, so if you cannot find the cause, it needs looking at. Do not be fobbed of by GP etc that you are too young for it to matter.
Best wishes,
Well last night wasn't as bad, might be because I can on my monthlys yesterday (sorry for too much info) think I'll keep a diary and see what happens