Hi there,I have fibromyalgia and have just asked for thyroid to be checked.My mums mum had thyroid problems and I can't quite remember but I think she died because of it.Dont know whether she was hyper or hypo.Does anyone know if it is hereditary at all?x
? Link between thyroid problems running in the ... - Thyroid UK
? Link between thyroid problems running in the family

Thyroid gland problems can run in families. Although you have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. This is a link for your information. Unfortunately for us, Dr Lowe died last year so the site is now archived:-
Thank you xx
..glad shaws found you - she is the person I mentioned to you in an earlier post I beleive. We do inherit the pre-disposition for thyroid issues. My Mum died undiagnosed - which breaks my heart - as I was diagnosed after she died. She lost her hair at menopause and told by her doctor to buy a wig. Irregular heartbeat a few years later and she was fobbed off with angina tablets - just in case. A non specific stroke followed in her 70's and her eventual death was caused by Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma - probably too many anti-bodies... My daughter - now 44 - had thyroid cancer and is still battling with her health. My sister has a thyroid problem I have just learnt. A cousin diagnosed with ME in the 60's - lost her career - and when I was tested in 2005 - she followed in the UK - she too has a thyroid problem. We also seem to have gut issues to a varying degree.....
Thyroid disease is far more common than you dream of - but sadly the docs are just not up to speed with their diagnostic skills and put too much emphasis on the bloodtests and the TSH....
My mother under active my brother under active and mine over active I was definitely told it was hereditary
I'm not entirely sure if I have thyroid illness in my family. Only illness that does run in my family is Diabetes - mum, nan and uncle have it. I don't, luckily enough.
My great-nan was suspected of having a thyroid problem as she would eat a lot, never put any weight on and slept a lot during the day. I don't know if it can skip generations.
My maternal grandmother, my mother, one of my brothers have thyroid problems, as do I. It does seem to have a genetic link but that doesn't always mean you will get it. Mine was triggered by pregnancy as was my mum's. I think it's in the system but needs to be turned on my a trigger.