Stopped fluoxetine over 12 weeks ago with a graduated reduction. Last 4 weeks have been dire. Got some St johns wort in the hope it will help my anxiety and tearfulness.
When is the best time to take St johns Wort if ... - Thyroid UK
When is the best time to take St johns Wort if I take my thyroxinne 1st thing each morn, ?

I think your find St Johns Wort is a definate NO NO with thyroid problems!! Perhaps someone else will comment further as to Why.
Could you please give us a bit more information about your situation. How much thyroxine are you taking? Which tests have you had done? What were the results and the reference ranges? Have you had any of the tests done as suggested in this page of the main Thyroid UK website?
If you let us have this information we'll be able to help you better. Thanks.
Jane x

hello I have previous mails on here, I had TT in 1999 and basically been on 150mcg and fluoxtine. When thyroxin dropped to 125mcg got very low and all the wanted was to increase fluoxetine, I may be low anxious but i am not depressed. Just had referral to new endo and wanted to be fluox free.
I agree entirely with Angelharley. Dont take St John's Wort. that stuff is definately no good when you have thyroid problems and should be avoided at all costs!
Personally I think it should be banned altogether.
My anxietly goes up and mood drops when I'm low on T3, I'd ask the GP to put you back up and hope the endo does something for you
Hi pottyrai
If you email and ask for a copy of Dr Toft's article in Pulse Online and in question 6 you will see that you can have enough levo to have a very low TSH and he says that some T3 can also be added.
Especially as you have had a TT, I think I think patients should be given the proper thyroid meds to make them well. They shouldn't be adjusting medication on the result of a T3. This is what Dr Lowe said:-
It’s tragic that millions of patients such as yourself suffer needlessly for years because their doctors prescribe extremely small doses of T4 products. I advise all patients such as you to persuade their doctors to prescribe a product that contains both T4 and T3, such as Armour or Thyrolar. I also advise them to see to it—one way or another—that they take a high enough dose for it to be effective. Otherwise, the patients are almost certain to continue suffering.
Patients’ doctors often make matters worse for their under-treated hypothyroid patients. They do so by prescribing drugs to control the patients’ continuing symptoms of hypothyroidism. Almost invariably, the drugs have adverse effects, and these complicate and worsen the patients’ hypothyroid symptoms. So under their doctors’ influence, these patients begin their fall down the conventional medical spiral that has ruined the lives of scores of millions of hypothyroid patients.
Oh no, I've been taking Levothyroxine & SJW together for years, I didn't know this was a bad thing! I can't say that it has affected me in a negative way though.
thanks 4 your response, I am going to try it as so low and didnt want to return to prozac whilst waiting for endo appointment.xx
I stopped taking prozac when I read the side effects....found that my muscle pain and aches reduced ...did't stop all together but were much reduced....