I have been told these are connected to my hypothyroidism. Having been a 30 year gap, are there any more possible health links I should be aware about. This has been a bit of a shock after all these years and very unexpected. I would like to be prepared
I had removal of my thyroid gland in my 30's an... - Thyroid UK
I had removal of my thyroid gland in my 30's and have recently been diagnosed with Pernicious Anaemia and Arterial Fibrillation.

Welcome to our forum.
I have read that if you have one autoimmune condition that you can get others.
Have you been on levothyroxine all this time, or are you on other alternatives?Have you always had a very low TSH or has it been 'within the reference range?.
I was diagnosed with P.A about 15 years before hypothyroidism. I then had 3 bouts of Alopecia Areata - so that's three so far.
youtube.com/watch?v=BvEizyp... please watch the whole of this and the book on b12
amazon.co.uk/Could-be-B12-E... b12 and folate are important the levels depend on each individual the more energetic /sporty the higher your level should be no less than 450
I wouldn't say you heart troubles are due to your illness but more to do with your medication. I have been battling my GP and endocrinologist (thyroid specialist) regarding my fast/erratic/skipping heart rate/beat as the both want to put me on beta blockers but both admit that this is a sticking plaster approach as it is my thyroid medication that is causing this. Have you change your brand of levothyroxine lately and if you have you need to speak to your GP about an alternative brand of levo or a different medication altogether.
Welcome to the site (sorry should have put this at the top).
Moggie x
Thank you all for your replies. Plenty to think about.
Have you ever had your magnesium levels checked? I believe there is a link between magnesium and atrial fibrillation in some cases. Might be worth researching.
Here is a link for your PA: b12deficiency.info/
In the "Very Useful Links" section you will find other places to visit (PAS, B12d.org etc)